Reader wants to commit arson again smh

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You two had arrived at the Pokeball factory and chuckled to yourself as Hop had to pay an entrance fee, which cost more. Ha, loser.

You walked in, and as much as you wanted to commit arson on this place, you held it in and kept a neutral look on your face.

You walked up to the lady who did the tour, and she started rambling on about pokeballs and being as vague as she probably could be.

You had been looking around for something of interest, and you think you lucked out because there were a lot of people here, you could slip away more easily then.

You and Hop had been walking and following the lady for a while now, you found it hard to pay attention when she was repeating things you already knew when you heard a conversation. "Do you know where the book about pokeballs is? I need it to confirm something." You heard a worker say, which got you to stop in your tracks and hit Hop's shoulder to get his attention as you motioned to look over to the two people conversating.

"Should be in the back room. Why?"

"Olena said something along the lines that pokeballs aren't actually good? Don't think she meant for me to hear it, but now I'm curious."

"I doubt it, but I guess it's good to learn about them."

"Yeah, but I have to get to work before I can check."

"Yeah, me too."

"See you later."


And the conversation ended there, you looked around to find a back room when hop tapped your shoulder and whispered, "It's over there," and pointed left to you, "But people are there right now. We need to go later."

You cursed under your breath at your luck, of course, there are people there, and your tour guide is about to move on so you had to leave, but made a mental note of where this place is. You hoped that book would have some information in it.

While you were walking with the tour guide, you hatched a half baked plan, maybe at night, you could break-in? You looked around, and there were surprisingly no cameras, either that, or they're hidden. You would hide your face just in case, though.

You should probably bring momma Umbreon because she can produce light, which means you won't have to hold a flashlight, which means more room to steal.

You had no clue how big this book would be, but you hoped not heavy or big because that might be a problem.

You remembered an electrical fence outside because, of course, there's an electrical fence. Unlucky for them, you knew you could prop up the fence with some sticks and crawl under it. The walk back to the apartment was filled with thoughts of how you could break in and find that damned book. But also you were curious, who was Olena? Did she work there? Why did she say something? Is she on your side? You didn't know, but you put Olena in the back of your head, for now, you have to focus on that book for now.

"Hey y/n." Playboy called out, grabbed your attention, and snapped back into reality, "What is it, playboy?" You asked, "I know that look, your planning something." he said, and oh fuck, he was onto you.

"Chill out playboy, I'm not gonna, like, break and enter somewhere." You said, lying. Hop didn't buy it, "Oh, I'm sure, you've been quiet this whole time, which you never are might I add, because you're going to go out past your bedtime." Hop said dryly, "C'mon Y/n, I'm not that dumb."

You just pouted as your pokemon giggled at your interactions, "Fine, you caught me, but you're not gonna be able to stop me." You said, and you meant it, you were going to get that book sooner or later.

Hop just sighed, "I know." He started, which caught you by surprise, "I'm not gonna ask you to stop no matter how much I want you to, I just want to go with you, to make sure you're okay." And that's what really caught you by surprise.

Hop? Wanted to go with you to do something illegal? You almost choked in response, "Really?" It was all you managed to ask before he confirmed, and you thought that well, this would make things more manageable, so you agreed if only because you didn't want him to try to stop you, you hated it, but the kid has connections with his brother being champion and all.

Actually, most of the time when he threatens to call someone it's usually Raihan, he's less busy than Leon and talks to Hop a lot, I wouldn't say they're close, but I also wouldn't say they are distant, not to mention he's Leon's 'best friend.' Notice the air quotes because with how the two acted, he figured they were dating, but hell, what did you know.

You smiled though, a big toothy grin that scared Hop, "Then here's the plan playboy."

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now