Ah shit, here we go again

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It'd been months of digging into this topic for both you and hop, but all you two know was that back when pokeballs were first made, there was a protest of sorts, thinking that pokeballs hurt pokemon. Still, with some more digging, you found they stopped because the company disproved this fact with a demonstration. What was the demonstration? Who knows! It didn't fucking say.

At the moment, you were just laying on the ground, waiting for the earth to swallow you whole because maybe then you could see where this damn information is.

You might have to do experiments with pokemon and pokeballs, but you really didn't want to hurt pokemon if you could help it. You were starting to believe you'd found everything you could here, which really isn't a lot, so going somewhere else would probably be beneficial, but uggghhhh that requires moving and getting up. You just wanted to sleep forever, but noooo, let's make y/n move. It was very rude in your opinion.

Speaking of things making you move, "y/n!" Playboy shouted from above the hill, you just groaned again. "C'mon! Lee is coming to visit!" That got you up, teasing Leon was even easier than Playboy and so much fun. You wanted to see how many death glares he could give you in one day.

You got up with a bunch of dirt on you and your pokemon following you, "what were you doing laying facedown in the dirt?" Playboy asked as you walked to the station, "I wanted to see if Arceus would pity me and just let the earth swallow me whole. They didn't." Hop just rolled his eyes and making it to the station there was a crowd of people surrounding Leon, but it was just fans so you'd let him get mauled by them.

He was talking about pokemon battles or something, and you honestly weren't paying attention, but then you saw a Charizard, and oh god, you just squealed in delight.

Everyone looked to you from how loud you were, but you just ran up to, probably, Leon's Charizard and started petting him. Everyone figured he'd just push you off but were surprised when they found him leaning into your pets. You knew what parts a pokemon likes to get pets on, and Charizard was obviously loving it.

You started baby talking them like you would a dog, but they didn't seem to mind, "y/n what the f- frick." You always found it funny when Hop almost curses in front of his brother, Leon, however, pushed you off Charizard saying, "I think Charizard is good for now y/n." Which you replied with, "Aww is the champion mad that Charizard loves me~" Which earned you a groan. Not even a standard glare, rude.

He finally found Hop and started talking to him again, but you honestly zoned out pretty quick, it wasn't hard with these two. However, Mimi nudged your neck to snap you out of it and caught the tail end of there conversation, "-ks like you came to pick me up, huh Hop." He ended with a smile, "We all know you're terrible with directions, Lee, you'd get lost." You looked up ahead to Hop's house, and yep, it was just as you thought, it was still a straight line.

"Hop that makes no damn sense, it's a fucking straight line, how the hell would he get lost?" You asked, and Leon told you to watch your mouth, "Honestly, mate, you'd be surprised." Which you had clear confusion on your face, "Okay, yeah, I get it, Leon's not straight but c'mon!" You shouted to which Hop choked, and Leon just smacked your head as you stuck your tongue out and chuckled.

But despite that, you all walk back to Hop's house, which took all of twenty seconds, but instead of going inside like a regular loser, you all stayed outside, "C'mon Lee! I know you brought me presents!" To which Leon chuckled, and you had a feeling as to what those presents are because he didn't bring anything with him, you can't even argue he had a Mary Poppins bag because he's not even carrying a bag!

You figured you knew what the present was, "Alright, you two, take a good look!" He said as he threw out three pokeballs all with different pokemon in it. "Oh, for fuck's sake!" You shouted groaning, "You could've picked anything, any present, and you choose pokemon, again, might I add!" You knew that pokemon were probably used as presents often, but it still made you upset.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now