Oop a Pangro

357 22 17

You'd finally made it to the wild area with Mimi, and you quickly looked around to see if anyone else was around, you saw a few stray trainers around, but besides that, it was just you. You quickly found a tree and ran under it.

You sat down, letting yourself sob more; the more you thought of it, the worse you felt. Hop doesn't like you, God, why are you so stupid? Of course, he wouldn't like you! You're some dumb reckless and shitty teen with mommy and daddy issues. What could he possibly like about you? You felt Mimi land on your lap, they must have found something else to cover themselves with because they were no longer in your shirt. You had put on a new one a while ago but didn't see Mimi grab what you assume is a cloth and put it on themselves.

You hugged Mimi, "Why am I so pathetic...?" You asked yourself as Mimi just whined, "That's them!" You heard a voice call out, you looked up to see a pancham hiding behind a giant pangro. You only looked at them with a sad expression on your face; you didn't know if they were going to hurt you or not, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care.

Pangro walked over to you with pancham following behind them and hiding behind their legs. You looked up to the Pangro in the eye, "Are you going to hurt me?" Was what you asked in a broken voice, Pangro, however, just laughed. "Why would I hurt someone who helped my son?" He asked in a booming voice, you just looked a little confused.

"What?" you asked and then remembered a while ago a pancham that had two bleeding arms which you helped, well more like sylveon helped, but at least you got the supplies. "Oh! Now I remember." you exclaimed, tears momentarily were forgotten, you stuck your hand out to pancham, and he flinched back, you just chuckled nervously, "Sorry, I should've guessed you still wouldn't trust me..." You said trailing off.

Pangro only laughed, "Don't look so upset, kid. They appreciate it, even if they are still scared." Which earned a, "Hey!" From pancham. The sight made you chuckle, and you saw Pangro sit down next to you. "Now, what's got a good kid like you so upset?" Pangro asks.

You just looked away and crossed your arms, "I'm... not a good kid." You said slowly, feeling tears starting to form again. "Now why would you say that? If you help out anyone in need, I'd say that's pretty good." Pangro said, you just bit your lip.

"If I was so good, why does it seem like I can't do anything right?" You started, "If I'm so good, then why does everyone hate me?" You asked, but before you could let him answer, you answered your own question, saying, "Oh, that's right! It's because I'm the biggest asshole to everyone I fucking meet!" You shouted, throwing your hands in the air.

You laid back on the tree and closed your eyes and sighed before looking back over to Pangro and Panchum, "I'm sorry, I'm ranting to you. I didn't mean to drag you into my problems." You apologized with a sad chuckle.

"It's okay, we all need to rant every now and then." Pangro started, "And if you want, you can rant to me, consider it payback for helping my boy." Pangro offered, and you turned to him and started considering it, you really wanted to let out all these pent up emotions, but you didn't want to thrust your problems onto a poor pokemon.

"C'mon, you don't have to tell me everything, just what's bothering you today, kid." Pangro said in response to your silence, "Okay..." Was all you replied with as Pangro smiled, "That's the spirit!"

You smiled at the pokemon's enthusiasm. "Well it started last night, I... I was going to go steal an important book, and someone who's close to me has a big brother, right?" You started as Pangro only hummed to tell you he was still listening.

"Anyways there big brother and their big brother's boyfriend had caught me, and I had a PTSD flashback..." You said, trailing off, Pangro gave a low whistle, "Yeah, And it only gets worse." You said. Pangro didn't say anything, so you spoke again.

"My friend found me and calmed me down after he found me. We both went back to our hotel room and went to bed. The older brother and his boyfriend came in, and we got into a yelling match."

Pangro only hummed, so you continued, "He overheard a private conversation, and I got mad... After a bit of yelling, my friend started to cry so we both stopped, but when the two left my friend... he- he..." You didn't finish the thought as you got cut off from a sob.

You put your hands on your face so you could hide yourself at least a little. You felt Pangro rub soothing circles into your back as Panchum and Mimi both went on your lap, and you hugged them both. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" You yelled out, and Pangro only told you that you had nothing to be sorry for.

After a while you finally calmed down, Pangro asked what he said, You looked over to him and then back at the ground. "He- He said he didn't like me and, I know that sounds so stupid to get upset over, but he's my only human friend, I- I thought he liked me, I thought he would be by my side forever... But nothing lasts..." You said, whispering the last part.

You started to cry again, and Pangro gave you a hug; it wasn't tight or restricting, which was surprising considering Pangro could probably break your arms with how strong he is. "Hey, kid, It'll be okay." In a soothing voice, he said you didn't believe him, but you didn't speak out about it.

"I think you need to talk to your friend, you might not know the full story." Pangro suggested to which you sighed and just buried your head in his chest, "I think I do know the full story..." You said in a broken voice again, Pangro only lifted your head up, saying, "Hey, you don't have to talk to him now. Just some time, Okay?" He said, and you just nodded your head.

"And hey, for now, we can go and get some food, I know where some delicious berries are around here." Pangro says as you smile softly and stand up and wipe some tears away from your eyes, "Yeah... That sounds nice." You said as Pangro started to walk away, and you, Mimi, and Panchum followed.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now