sonia spills the tea

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"Why'd you want to meet me, Sonia? It must be something important because you hardly ever do it this suddenly…" Leon trailed off; they were in Magnolia's house, Sonia figured she'd kill two birds with one stone because her grandmother needed to know, too. 

"I would say it's quite an impromptu, dear," Magnolia said, Sonia looked over to her and sighed. 

She walked over to the rickety old table, and it'd probably been there for centuries. It was around the dark brown old thing, a matching dark brown chair to match it. The floor black and white tiled floor in contrast to it. 

Sonia placed the book down on the table and motioned for the two to come over to her, it was slightly cramped for three fully grown humans and a Charizard, but they managed. 

"Y/n… Found something in this book, something that changes everything." Sonia started with, She could already see Leon's face turn sour, she knew her friend disliked the kid from Alola, but the kid was smart, too smart if Sonia was to say, but this isn't about y/n right now. 

"Leon, I know you don't like y/n, and they're a little shit I'll admit, but this is important." She said seriously to him, Leon seemed to realize that then. 

Sonia sighed again and opened the book, letting the two skim through it, "Doesn't look like anything special, right?" She asked both didn't respond, curious as to where this was going. 

Sonia then began to reveal the invisible ink, "I'm going to show you this slowly, page by page." She started, "Because it only gets worse from page one." 

Magnolia, Leon, and Charizard looked at each other with the same shared worried look. 

It'd been a few hours of talking about pokeballs and how they affected pokemon, or at least from what you've both seen. 

Your pokemon and hop's pokemon got along well, even with a tsundere woobat thrown in the ring now. 

Hop's team had a pretty fun dynamic, woobat, and scorebunny got on with woobat like a house on fire, woobat being unable to back down from anything from spite and with scorebunny being too prideful to stand down. 

With Wooloo's somber personality, they didn't care much but, at times, would tell them to calm down. 

Though after woobat swatted at both of them saying how they needed a break, they decided to get some food and talk about nothing in particular.  

"Look, bunny boy, all im saying is that there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there." You replied, Hop, however, wasn't having that, "That you buy into!" He shot back; you rolled your eyes. 

"Look! You have not been on the moon before, who's to say it exists!" You said, Hop stood up and pointed to the sky, "THE FUCKING SKY SAYS SO Y/N!" He shouted, you just giggled, "I don't know man, im just saying it sounds fake." You teased, Hop just sighed, "of course it does…" He responded. 

You two kept talking when you started absentmindedly thinking about Sonia, Hop, noticing your halt. In the conversation asked you what was wrong. 

"I… Well, I told Sonia about you know what." You admitted, "But she hasn't said anything yet, and im afraid she told others…" You finished; Hop just patted your back, "Hey, even if she did tell someone she would only tell people she trusts." Hop said, "If you trust her with the information, then you have to trust her with what she'll do with the information."

You just bit your lip, "I don't know why I even told her, god, this was probably a mistake." You said, putting your hands on your face, "Hey, y/n, look at me." Hop said gently taking your hands from your face so you'd look at him, you tried not to appear too worried, but it didn't work. 

"The decision is already made, and we'll just have to wait and see what happens, besides I have known Sonia longer than you and trust me when I say she's smart, she won't do anything that'll fuck this up." He finished, on the outside, you just had a small smile, but on the inside, you were awestruck someone? Help calm you down? That's crazy.

"Thanks, playboy, now enough of all that mushy shit lets go back to your hotel room." You said, walking away, which was followed by a 'wait up!' From Hop, you chuckled. 

A small part of you trusted Hop now, though you'd never admit it, not even to yourself. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now