Late-night worries

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You were in your bed, you just couldn't seem to sleep, your realization had hit you like a truck, and you didn't know how to deal with it, so you asked Umbreon for help, "Umbreon!" You whisper-shouted while shaking the small pokemon, she groggily woke up, "Hmm...?" She asked sleepily.

"I need your help with something." You whispered to her as Umbreon yawned and stretched before looking at the clock, then giving you an unamused look, "And what's so important that you had to wake me up at 2am?" She asked as your face just shifted to a slight panic, you really needed her help right now.

"Umbreon, please." You pleaded, your voice small and weak, you hated how you sounded, that, however, got Umbreon up quickly as she looked around. "C'mon, Y/n. Let's go out." She said, getting up and heading to the door, and you nodded and followed the pokemon.

After finding an isolated area in one of the hallways leading to the multiple rooms, you and Umbreon sat on a chair. For once, Mimi wasn't with you because she slept beside you and not on you, so you decided to leave her be. "What's wrong, Y/n?" She asked, voice soft and comforting as you bit your lip.

"I..." You started off, but the words died on your tongue, "You...?" Umbreon said, before you quickly blurted out, "I-I have a crush on pretty boy!" Quickly and Umbreon just blinked a couple of times blankly before asking, "You do?"

You just nodded, "I figured it out yesterday when we were spraypainting, I was thinking about him and absentmindedly painted him, and I realized then." You admitted as Umbreon just stood up and looked at you, "I think you should tell him, that way, you won't have to hide anything from him." Umbreon advised to which you shook your head vigorously.

"Absolutely no way in hell am I doing that!" You yelled as Umbreon shushed you, saying people were trying to sleep. Umbreon then rolled her eyes at your words, "Well, you're gonna have to tell him at some point." Umbreon pointed out to which you felt a small blush grow on your face at the thought of telling him.

You looked down, mumbling, "I don't want him to hate me..." As Umbreon sighed at your words, "Look y/n." Umbreon started, staring at you as you lifted your head up and stared back. "You're going to have to tell him at some point, that's undeniable." She said to which you bit your lip before she continued. "But if you want some time to woo him, I see no problem in that," Umbreon told you, sitting back down on your lap.

That made you blush a little more, "W-woo him?" You stuttered as Umbreon nodded, "Yes, get some time for him to figure out his feelings for you too." She started, "Give him gifts, be nicer to him, you get the point." She finished as you hid your face behind your hands.

"Do I have too...?" You asked slowly, and Umbreon nodded before lightly punching you, "Yes, y/n, you do. These feelings won't just go away." She said, and you said nothing, not wanting to face your problems.

Umbreon sighed again, "Look." She started as you uncovered your face and stared down at the small pokemon, "Do you think me and my mate came together just because of someone else?" She asked, and you bit your lip again before saying, "No..." You didn't want to say anything mean or rude because you knew even after all these years, Umbreon's mate was a sore subject for her.

"Then you have to tell him your feelings," Umbreon said in a soft voice before it changed to normal, "Besides," She started, "I think you two would make a good couple." She teased as you just playfully hit her, "Umbreon!" You whisper shouted as the pokemon in question giggled.

"Was that all?" Umbreon asked after she stopped giggling, and you sighed, "I'm worried Sonia and Leon will mess up..." you said in a small voice, sure you didn't like Sonia as much as Hop, and Leon even less so, but you still cared for Sonia. Leon is Hop's brother, and they cared for each other a lot, and you didn't want to see anything bad happen to them.

"They're fine, if they weren't we would've heard something by now, y/n." Umbreon tried to reassure you as you just hummed in acknowledgment, but that didn't stop the fact that your heart was swelling with worry. "Okay..." Was what you slowly said, as Umbreon nuzzled up closer to you, "You okay now?" She asked, her voice soft and sweet.

"Yeah... Yeah, I think I feel a little better now, thanks, Umbreon." You said with a smile on your face, "I think I'm going to walk around the hotel for a little while to calm down." You stated, getting up, Umbreon got off your lap and back onto the floor, standing beside you.

"Not outside?" Umbreon asked, and you shook your head, "No... It's kind of dangerous to go outside at night..." You said, trailing off as you started to walk down the empty halls of the not-so dimly lit hallways.

"That's never stopped you before." Umbreon pointed out, truth be told she didn't like you going out after dark, either, but she couldn't really stop you unless she wanted to hurt you in the process, which she didn't.

You were quiet for a long while before saying, "Hop would throw a hissy fit if he found out." You said fondly as you chuckled at the thought of him getting onto you for being in a somewhat dangerous situation, he'd honestly turned into Umbreon in his protective streak.

You'd get mad at him for thinking you couldn't take care of yourself, but it felt nice to be wanted enough that someone would protect you, the thought made you smile, you wanted desperately to tell pretty boy your feelings, but you didn't want to ruin the friendship you two had.

Maybe that was selfish, but sue them, you'd never really had a friend or a crush before, and you'll be damned if you let either end this quickly. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now