Another wooloo bc we cant have enough of em

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You noticed that building with the pokeball on the center and honestly figured pretty quickly it was a research lab, what you didn’t expect however where those two people you met in the haunted house to be there. 

“Oh fuck, Man I mean, we gotta stop meeting like this.” You said as you heard another scream. You went through another window, you didn’t jump through it this time you just climbed through it like a normal person, but people still got scared. 

“Why do you keep jumping through windows!?” The orange haired woman screamed, “Hey! I’ll have you know I climbed through this window, not jumped! You can tell by the lack of glass and blood on the floor.” 

The woman just sighed, “What are you even doing here?” She asked and you came closer to her as your pokemon followed, it kinda made you feel like a mama duck and these were your ducklings, or would it just be baby ducks? Duck children? 

“Well i’m guessing this is a lab, right?” 

“Uh, yes?”

“So you have information on pokemon, riiiigggghhhht?”


“Okay that’s cool and all but do you have anything on pokeballs?”

The woman looked thoughtful, “I’m really not sure, I’d have to look. Why?” You looked up to where all the books are, there was a good bit. “Reasons.” You replied, The woman looked somewhat confused, “Yeah I mean it’s fine if you use my books as long as you don’t steal or break them, but if you want to find out about pokeballs why not search the internet?”

You started walking to the stairs that go up to all the books on the upper level, you wouldn’t say upstairs because it’s not really a floor but whatever. “Already tried that Sherlock, they aren’t really telling me what I need to know, though. Just what they are made out of, which helps but it doesn’t answer the question I have.” You told her. 

“What do you want to find out?” She asked, “Nothing you probably know ya ginger.” which earned a ‘hey!’ in response from the girl which somewhat surprised you, ginger wasn’t even mean really? But you guess rude people are more rare than shiny pokemon in this region. 

This is going to be hard, I have to figure out how a pokeball captures a pokemon, what pokemon are even made of to be captured in a pokeball and how it affects their mental state. 

There were theories, since the companies that made pokeballs were so oddly secretive of it, All they said was that a normal pokeball was made of which was metal for the outside, but most of it is nanotechnology, or something along those lines. Nobody said what they used because of course they didn’t, but they said two key things. One is that they turn pokemon into a ball of light when you capture a pokemon, and another is that they say that inside a pokeball is like a five star luxury hotel. 

How the fuck does that work? You had no damn clue, nothing about how this affects there body or brain from being turned into fucking LIGHT! Nothing about how pokeballs get bigger when you capture a pokemon, nothing about why the fuck pokemon listen to whatever you say once you catch them, nope, nada, nothing. 

But there was something different with Hop’s wooloo, well you suppose it wasn’t anyone's wooloo anymore but still. Wooloo did what they pleased, also the pokemon hid from Hop when he was trying to catch them, you knew this didn’t happen anywhere else. But it happened when you interacted and helped them, Arceus this is hard to figure out. 

“No rest for the wicked I guess…” You muttered to yourself, trying to find a book still. You figured pokeballs brainwashed pokemon into fighting for their trainers, but not completely brainwashed because they aren’t mindless zombies, they still have personality types and they can still gain affection, or hate, there trainers which can go both ways in battle. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now