Sonia and y/n have a fucking meeting

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You both woke up to the sun rising with you and Hop getting ready, "So where to next playboy?" You asked Hop told you he had to go to Nessa's gym next. "Nessa? Like the super hot model girl?" You asked, you may not have been in galar for long or cared too deeply for its customs, but you did know a few things. "Yeah, apparently she's the water type gym leader, it must be a busy life for her," Hop said, you just nodded, you were never really famous for obvious reasons so you couldn't exactly relate to that. But you could relate to the busy schedule, though admittedly, your schedule was a lot more laid back in Galar than in Alola. "You going to watch my match again?" Hop asked, and you shook your head, "Nah, I have something I need to talk to Sonia about; I wanna see if she really did tell anyone, and if she did, I have a pretty good idea on who." You replied you knew the chances that Sonia didn't tell them were slim to none, but you needed to hear it from her first before jumping to conclusions. "Are you going to ask her if she told anyone?" Hop guessed, and you nodded in response, "If you don't mind me asking, why did you tell her anyway?" Hop questioned, and you just sighed, "It... It was a spur of the moment thing, I just felt like she should know, I guess?" You just sighed again, "I don't know, but it's too late to go back now." You finished, and Hop only hummed in response. The conversation was more light-hearted from there, you two ate breakfast together, and your pokemon joined in the conversation; you had to translate for Hop, so that was fun. You walked out of the hotel, finally and stretched. Today was going to be a bitch and a half, and you knew it. You took out your phone that you hardly used and texted Sonia to meet you in the wild area in an hour, more than enough time for her to get her bullshit together. Sonia didn't respond, but you know she saw your message, so you texted a quick, 'if you don't come to me, I'll come to you,' and she replied with a thumbs-up emoji. "You really think she told people y/n?" You heard Umbreon ask, and you just nodded, "I... I can't say I trust Sonia, but I can't say I don't trust her either, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens." you replied as Umbreon just hummed in response. You made your way over to the wild area to go and help some pokemon, you didn't help too many in your one hour time period, but you did help a few, and that's a win in your book. You saw Sonia in the wild area soon enough looking for you, you looked around to see if there was anybody close by, there wasn't. "Hey, Sonia." You said, startling the orange-haired woman, "Ah! Y/n! You scared me..." She remarked, and you just hummed, "So I'm taking it you read the book?" "Yes, and I have a few questions." Sonia told you, you held up a finger first, "Ah, ah, ah, I'm going to ask the questions first, alright?" You said, Sonia adopted a confused look on her face, "What? But why?" You rolled your eyes, "Because I gave you the information, and I wanna make sure you didn't fuck everything up." Sonia just sighed lightly and said, "Okay, okay, what do you wanna know?" You started with the obvious question first, "Did you tell anybody?" Sonia stayed quiet for a long time, weighing her options, "Well?" You asked, "I... I did, I told Leon and my grandmother." She admitted, your face shifted to calmness to anger quickly, "What fucking part of don't tell anybody do you not understand!" You shouted."I had to tell someone!" Sonia shot back, "This isn't a one-person job, y/n!" You got more upset, "I didn't want to tell anybody unless I had more evidence, dumbass." You snarled, you just sighed afterward though, "Ugh, at least tell me you've sworn those two to secrecy." You said, and Sonia nodded, "I did, they aren't going to tell anyone until I ask otherwise." You breathed a sigh of relief, "Good. Now next question, do you still have the book?" You asked, and Sonia nodded, "It's back in the lab in a hidden place, if you want it back, I can go get it." She offered, you just shook your head, "It's fine for now, now the last question." "Are you going to help me take down those capitalist fuckers?" You asked with a grin, Sonia mirrored the look, "Of course I am, who do you take me for?" "Now, it's my turn to ask questions." Sonia said, and you nodded, "How did you find that book?" She asked, "It was in a small library in motostroke in the back room, I noticed the guy who made the book was one of the most important people in the Pokeball protest, so I took it to see what the hell was up.""I went back into Hop's hotel room with him, and he suggested there may be an invisible ink, so here we are now." You finished, "So that's how you found it..." Sonia remarked to herself, "Okay, so why are you searching into pokeballs anyways?""That's a bit of a long story I don't feel like explaining right now." You admitted, Sonia just nodded, "It's okay, you can tell me later." You smiled at that, Sonia always was very nice to you, despite her sometimes being a bitch.The conversation carried on, and you found yourself wondering what playboy was up to right now.

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