Working things out

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An: Holy shit it's been like 500 years since I updated this fic. Sorry about that guys, I just fell out of love with this fic and it was hard for me to continue this fic but I am back and better than ever! Hope you enjoy the chapter my lovelies~

When you looked over to see Hop, he had a sort of determined look on his face. But it was also mixed in with a serious, stern look, and you sighed. You knew you'd have to confront him, but you didn't want to just yet. You wiped away any other tears left on your face and walked over to him.

"Hey." That was all you said, and Hop sighed, "We need to talk." He replied with, and now it was your turn to sigh, "Yeah, we do." you said, and Hop was pleasantly surprised? He expected you to yell at him or run away again once you saw him, but here you were, not doing either of those things.

"C'mon, I know a place where we can talk in private. Follow me." You said, walking away as Hop silently followed. Pangro knew the two of you needed to talk whatever the hell happened out, and the only reason he didn't follow in case the situation escalated is because it was none of his business knowing what happened to two children and two you had multiple (he hoped) level headed pokemon with you.

As you and Hop headed to a secluded area of the wild area, you sat down, and Hop did as well on the grass. "So... Who's going to start first?" You asked as you held Mimi in your arms, hanging onto her like a lifeline.

"I'll start." Hop said, to which you replied with a meek, "Okay..." Hop took a deep breath and looked you in the eyes, and as much as you wanted to look away from him right now, you knew that you needed to be brave. So hesitantly, you looked him right back in the eyes.

"This... Isn't healthy." Hop started, and you nodded in response, which surprised Hop yet again; how long did you know? "I know, Hop. When... When I was with Pangro and Panchum, I figured it out." You said.

"I- I really can't even begin to explain how sorry I am, and you have every right to be mad at me." You say, making Hop's eyes widen in surprise; you giggle a little when you saw it, which made Hop blush in embarrassment. "Sorry, mate. I just... Didn't expect you to be so calm about this." He said, and then giggled, "I half expected you to run away or get into a yelling match with you."

You smiled at this, "Yeah... And if I hadn't realized it before you came and found me, I probably would've." You admitted. Hop smiled back at you and hugged you. "Huh?" Was all that came out of your mouth, and Hop quickly let go of you and rubbed the back of his neck. "You just... looked like you needed a hug." He said, making you smile and punch his arm weakly. "Then you got good vision, pretty boy because I did." You say.

Hop then had another serious look on his face, "So... are you going to accept Lee's help?" He asks, and you sigh, "I... I really don't know, Hop." You started, "To be honest, I have issues with accepting help, but I... I'm going to try and fix that."

You then fall on your back and groan before saying, "I... I might, but I can't talk to him today. I need an emotional break." As Hop only giggled at your statement, "I know exactly what you mean, mate." He says, making you smile back at him.

"So, do you wanna stay in the wild area a bit longer?" Hop asks, and you nod, "Definitely." You reply, "Okay. Do you wanna go back to that Pangro?" Hop asks again, and you nod. Hop then stands up and offers his hand to you, "Let's go then, Mate." He says as you grin and take his hand.

As you two make it back to Pangro, Sylveon and Umbreon are just as confused, if not more so, than Hop was at your shocking matureness in the situation. Umbreon honestly expected you and Hop to get into another fight or just stop being friends all together but was pleasantly surprised at how you handled the situation.

Umbreon knew you never took your pride in being hurt all that well, always acting tough and having slight violent tendencies. Honestly, at this point, Umbreon actually viewed you as another one of her children, She would never abandon you no matter what you did, but she would definitely make a statement.

Sylveon was oblivious to it all; having grown up with you, she thought your toxic nature was normal, but, to be fair, you weren't nearly as harmful to them as you were with Hop. Sylveon knew she had to get out of her own poisonous mindset, but just like you, that could wait for another day. Right now, Sylveon just wanted to be a kid again, have some fun, and stuff like that. And Sylveon was sure you felt the same way.

As you two made it back to Pangro and Panchum, you both babbled about nothing in particular, which made Pangro smile; it looks like the two of you made up. "Hey," Pangro said, getting the both of you out of your trance-like state the two of you were in because you were so deep in conversation.

"Oh! Hello, Pangro." Hop said, "Thanks for helping, y/n!" He exclaimed, and Pangro laughed, "Don't mention it, kid." He replied. "You two worked it out?" He asked, and you and Hop looked over to each other and smiled, "Yeah... We did." Hop said as you looked back at Pangro and nodded.

Pangro only smiled; he was glad these kids figured everything out. "Have you eaten yet, boy?" Pangro asked, and Hop shook his head. "C'mere then, I got some food for you," Pangro says, motioning for Hop to come closer.

You just smiled and looked back at Hop, "I just ate this food; it's super good! You should try it!" You exclaimed, making Hop smile again, "If you say so, Mate." He replied, and you stuck your tongue out. "I do say so, mate." You replied, poking fun at him.

The two of you kept up the playful banter, even when Hop was eating. Yeah, you were happy you two made up. You knew you could finally trust Hop fully, and you were glad to. You were glad to have met this dork. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now