Bede fucking dies

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"I'd say they're good now." You said, standing up, "Yeah, I think woobat is good now, too." Hop agreed, standing up with you as woobat was still sitting on the floor. "Be careful woobat, try not to get caught if you can!" You called out as you and Hop started walking away, but you saw Hop stop, "Huh?" You heard him ask as you both turned around to see woobat biting Hop's clothes, trying to keep him from leaving.

"I wanna go with you!" The woobat said in a whiny tone, You were somewhat shocked, but it turned into a proud feeling real fast, the first pokemon Hop helped by himself wants to go with him.

"Uh, mate? What are they saying?" Hop asked you turned to him, "They wanna go with you." You explained, "I think they grew attached to you, Hop." You said, Hop looked surprised, "Do you really wanna go with me little woobat?" He asked, kneeling down to woobat.

Woobat looked upset, "Of course I wanna go with you! A-And don't call me little!" Woobat shouted, damn, you got a tsundere woobat, a scarce species. "Well, woobat, you okay with being caught?" You asked, and Hop looked shocked, "I thought you didn't want me to catch any pokemon!?"

"I still don't, but Woobat already formed a bond with you, so I think they'll be fine, right, Woobat?" You asked, "Of course I'll be fine! And besides, it'll be easier to heal me if you can just take me to a pokemon center!" Woobat said, "Well?" Hop asked.

"Well, Woobat is fine with it, says it'll make it easier to heal them too, which is also true." Hop looked down at Woobat before slowly taking out a Pokeball and inching closer to Woobat, "Last chance, mate, if you don't wanna come, you can back out now." Hop said unsure, Woobat just rolled their eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure now let me in!" Woobat said as they touched the Pokeball, shrinking down to fit inside it. Hop was startled and made a small 'ah!' noise at the sudden movement, waiting a few seconds for Woobat to officially be caught Hop just turned to you and smiled, "Well, guess I have three pokemon now." He said, giving you a small smile, you would never admit it, much less to Hop, but you thought for the second time today that Hop was cute.

I better not be catching feelings for playboy... You thought to yourself walking with Hop through the mine. "So what happened with that league staff, y/n?" Hop asked, and you giggled. Hop's face immediately fell, "You're laughing, that's never a good sign." He said.

"Aww, he knows you so well, y/n." You heard Umbreon say, you just rolled your eyes playfully. "Let's just say that their pokemon are wilder than usual, and maybe there's something on their backs. Maybe." You answered Hop snorted. "How'd you pull that one off?" Hop asked you, smiled, "I'm just that awesome." You joked, throwing your hand in the air for dramatic effect.

"Oh yeah, sure, all awesome over here definitely didn't get it done only because we helped them out. Not at all." Umbreon sarcastically replied, You rolled your eyes again as Sylveon laughed, and you could even hear a small chuckle from Mimi; nobody else heard it; you hardly even heard it yourself. You kinda keep forgetting Mimi even exists despite her almost always being on your shoulder, they're just so quiet, and you got used to the extra weight.

You and Hop talked the rest of the way through the mines until you saw some bitch with white hair and a pink coat on, He was standing in the middle of the mines just staring at you two, "Uh can I help you?" You asked, and the kid just scoffed, "No, you can't, I don't even want to waste my time with people like you." He said, "I am here because I want to beat the kid endorsed by the champion himself." The kid continued.

"I'm Bede, and I was endorsed by the chairmen himself, and as you know, the chairmen are more important than the champion!" Bede exclaimed, "Okay, boomer." Was the first thing that came out of your mouth, Bede turned to you, a scowl on his face, "If you don't believe me then battle me yourself and find out." He challenged, and hoo boy, you were sure as hell up for a challenge.

"Alright then, we'll settle this like men." You said, Bede just smiled as he went to grab one of his pokemon you walked over and twisted his arm, painfully. "Ow! What the hell is wrong with you!?" He shouted, you gave him an innocent look, "Oh, I'm sorry, did you mean pokemon battle? I thought you meant a brawl." You said in an overly innocent voice.

You let Bede go, and he once again scoffed, "Whatever, if you're too stupid to even figure that out, then I shouldn't waste my time with you, besides I already collected all the wishing stars in this mine." He said and walked out.

"God Y/n couldn't you go a little easier on him," Hop said, slightly worried. "Nope." You said, popping the p. "He was an asshole, so I was going to be an asshole right back." You said, walking back out the mine, "Now c'mon Hop, you got a gym to challenge." You said motioning for him to follow you, He smirked, obviously accepting the challenge, "I'll race ya to the gym." You said, and started running off as Hop shouted out, "Oh, now you wanna race!" As you snickered in response. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now