The one where reader is gay

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After having a flashback, it was safe to assume you wouldn't be getting into trouble for a little while trying to calm down from the memories. Hop was with you the entire night, he talked about random things like how you would talk about random stuff to pokemon when trying to gain there trust.

He made you laugh several times that night, you both watching the city from the rooftops, At one point you asked Hop if his brother knew where you both were and Hop informed you that his brother didn't know how to get here, or even that this place existed. You released the breath you didn't think you were holding when Hop told you.

For most of the night was Hop showing you videos on his phone, making jokes, and calming down from what had happened earlier that night. You saw Hop yawn at one point, and it reminded you of how tired you were, nothing like having a flashback and crying later to make some emotionally exhausted and fatigued!

"Hey, y/n." Hop started as he yawned again, "Hmm?" You asked, Hop just looked you in the eye, "I think you need help, like, professional help." He stated, and you quickly turned your head away from him, you knew he just wanted to help, but you stopped trusting the people around you long ago.

"Hop..." You started, and Hop, noticing the pain in your voice, came closer to you and rubbed soothing circles on your back, "you don't have to now, it's just... there's only so much I can do, y' know?" Hop said, and that's when you realized you were piling all of your problems onto Hop, you suddenly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry..." You said in a low voice, still not looking at the boy next to your, "For what, mate?" Hop asked, and you bite your lip, "For piling all of my problems onto you." You answered, and that's when Hop moved your head so that you were facing him, "Y/n." He started, "You don't need to apologize for having feelings, much less for finally letting them out."

"It isn't healthy to bottle up your emotions, and I just want you to feel happy." Hop finished, smiling. You couldn't help it, you hugged him again, only thanking him over and over again. Hop only hugged back, saying that it was okay.

You figured it was getting late, especially for pretty boy over there, so you stopped hugging him and smiled brightly, "C'mon pretty boy, I believe it's past your bedtime." You teased, as you heard say, "Hey!" As he ran after you, going down the latter right after you.

It was a while of walking and sharp turns and right before you remembered that you had to get Mimi a new cloth or something of the like. You got to the hotel and, obviously, when you got there, you took off your shirt. "What are you doing, y/n!?" Hop exclaimed, stopping you from taking your shirt off completely.

You only gave him a curious look, at least you did until you noticed him blushing, When you realized he was blushing because of you a blush started gracing your face, you only looked away from him.

"Well, Mimi needs cloth or something to cover herself with, and I thought I might as well give her my shirt for now." You explained, and yeah, now that you said it out loud, it sounded really dumb, but whatever.

"We can just give her a cloth tomorrow, don't take off your shirt!" Hop said, and you just pushed him off of you, "Chill out pretty boy, it'll only be for tonight." You replied, and Hop only groaned, "Y/n..." He started. "What? It's only my shirt, and it's not like I'm naked or anything." (Please note that if you're a girl, you do have a bra on lmao) Hop just yelled out, "That's not the point!" Which you only responded with an eye roll.

You took off your shirt completely now, walking over to the Bed you assumed Mimi was under and closed your eyes just in case. You had firsthand experience about what Mimi's appearance could do to people, which is one of the reasons you wanted Mimi to cover up so badly, You didn't want Hop hurt.

"Happy now, Mate?" Hop asked, his blush mostly gone now, You smiled, "Yup!" You said as you made your way to your Bed and Hop went to his own Bed, he was still in his nightclothes, so he just went to Bed immediately.

However, a question plagued your mind, Biting your lip after a few minutes of silence, you finally asked, "Hey, Hop?" The male only sat up a bit, looking over to you despite the dark. "Yeah, Y/n?" He replied, "Um... How much did you see when you woke up...?" You asked slowly, and Hop was silent for a few seconds before answering, "well, I woke up to your scream and saw that Leon was outside and the window open, So I went out there and found you crying on the ground."

You only looked to the floor, "Um, sorry you had to see that, I kind of wished I was smarter than to leave without even looking out the window first, y' know? I guess I kind of walked right into that one." You apologized, chuckling sadly to yourself.

"No!" Was what Hop said quickly, making you turn to him in surprise, "What?" Was all you asked, Hop, who was now walking over you despite the darkness, grabbed your hands and held them up, You for once didn't flinch at the touch.

"Don't blame yourself for having a flashback, that was all Raihan and Leon's fault! And even though I disapprove of why you left, don't ever blame yourself for something you can't help!" Hop said, and your eyes widened, nobody had ever told you something wasn't your fault, but you soon realized that happens a lot with pretty boy.

You hugged pretty boy for what seemed to be the hundredth time today, "Thank you..." You said in a small voice, Hop hugged back, "No problem, Mate." He replied with, you both stayed in that hug for a good five minutes, but eventually Hop let go so he could return to his own Bed.

You suddenly felt the warmth leave you and before you knew it, you grabbed pretty boy's wrist before he could get any further, He turned around, asking, "Y/n? What is it?" And you blushed, you didn't mean to grab his wrist, it's like your body moved on its own!

You were desperately trying to think of an excuse, but it was a half a minute before Hop came closer, repeating your name. "Um... Can you sleep with me tonight...?" You asked before immediately mentally slapping yourself, Why are your brain and body working against you tonight!?

Hop only smiled softly, however, "Sure!" Was all he said before going on the other side of the Bed and laying down, You calmed down a little, he didn't make fun of you? You found yourself confused at the prospect but didn't do anything but lay down and close your eyes. You found sleep easy that night. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now