Leon hears Hop curse

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It was days later; you were sitting on the fence near your and Hop's house when all of a sudden, you see Hop rushing out of his house looking out at the station like he's expecting someone. "Hey, playboy, what are you doing? Waiting for someone?" You asked, he got startled, probably not noticing your presence, and just went "Y/n my brothers coming to town today and I'm only now being told!?" He was excited and angry. He was angry excited. "Who the fuck is your brother playboy?" You asked, jumping off the fence as sylveon and Umbreon followed, but today decided not to jump on the ground but your head. And another shoulder. You almost tipped over from the added weight.

"Lee's the champion!" He said excitedly, and you could practically see the stars in his eyes. His mom came out, "Hop comes back! It was supposed to be a surprise!" She shouted, Hop just grabbed your hand and ran to the station. "Oh fuck-" You said as everyone almost fell, Umbreon and mimikyu clung to your neck to not fall off and sylveons ribbons wrapped around your head to stay on.

You and Hop arrived at the station, and you nearly fucking died falling. "Arceus Hop! Slow the fuck down!" You yelled as he just gave you an apologetic smile. You rolled your eyes playfully. The train wasn't here yet, but Hop seemed more than content on staying as he sat down on a bench.

Eh, what the hell. You thought and sat next to him. "So bunny boy, you never told me what your brother is champion of, for all I know he's the champion of good ass sex, be a little more specific playboy." You said and saw his face turn the red score. You thought to grin like the little shit you were.

"Shut up y/n, and now he's not the champion of-" He cut himself off, hiding into his jacket a little, " that ." He muttered. You just chuckled to yourself as Sylveon and Umbreon got off your shoulder and head, already done with you, and it's only nine am, new high score.

"For your information, y/n. He's the champion of the region." He said in a huff of anger. That was surprising, and you hoped not true. "No way, your fucking with me playboy." You said, and Hop shook his head, "Look, I'll even show you news on him, I'm not lying." He said, opening up his phone.

And damn, he wasn't lying, "Shit Hop, your right, never thought you'd be related to someone important." You teased. "Wha- Hey!" He said back playfully, punching your arm. You both laughed at each other.

It was just a normal lighthearted conversation until you heard, "The train has arrived." On the intercom. You elbowed, hop, "Hey, your brothers on this one, right?" You asked, and he nodded, standing up quickly, but unfortunately for him, he couldn't even see his brother in the crowd of people.

You could faintly see purple hair trying to get out, but there were, so. Many. Reporters. Like hot damn, were they on the train the entire time? They were building a wall around Leon and the exit. It was like Leon had to answer three riddles correctly to pass the fucking door on the other side.

You looked over to Hop, who looked disappointed, "Oh, right. Lee's important; it'd take a while for him to get to us, huh." He said, looking down. You looked at Hop, feeling sad for him, you saw him get up and walk towards the exit, but you stopped him.

"Playboy, where are you going?" You asked, "I'm leaving, I mean we aren't going to be able to see Lee anytime soon with all these reporters..." Hop trailed off. You had a mischievous glint in your eyes, "Not with that attitude, and we can't." You said Hop looked suspicious. "Y/n what are you going to-"

But before he could finish that sentence, you stood, up ran and jumped on one of the reporter's backs. "What the-" The woman started, but before they could finish, you just straight up screamed. Very loudly and for about twenty seconds. You got everyone's attention, nobody said anything and were looking to you.

You climbed the woman's shoulders and some fucking how balanced on them, "Hello reporters! I'm y/n! Local asshole!" You started, and everyone looked at you in such a state of confusion and shock. "Y/n-" Hop began to, but you cut him off. "This fine gentleman is Leon's brother; The same fine gentleman wants to talk to his brother like a normal fucking person. So why don't you all fuck off because some people aren't news reporters and have a life." You spat, "So do us all a favor and leave the family alone for today, kay?" You asked sweetly as you jumped off of the reporter's shoulders and back on the ground.

The reporters seemed uncomfortable and went back onto the train silently, almost ashamed, embarrassed? Maybe mad. Who cares, they're gone now that's the critical part. I just saw a giant purple-haired man approach me, very angry. "Did you curse? And scream? And climb on someone's shoulder???" He asked you had a grin on your face, "What ya need new eyes sherlock? Also, your missing your-" You got cut off by Hop, "I SWEAR TO ARCEUS I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" he screamed as he tackled you to the ground.

You couldn't see bunny boys' brother, but he was shocked, you could tell from his voice, "Hop! Did you curse?!" He screamed, and even though you where tackled to the ground, Mimikyu, Sylveon, and Umbreon not even here to save you, the fact that the champion of the fucking region was here, you still wheezed, you started crying from laughter.

You could hear Hop's hesitance and realization of 'oh shit.' You threw playboy off of you though, still giggling. You stood up and helped Hop back on his feet, "Uh oh~" You teased, "Bunny boy said a naughty word~" You sang. Hop pushed you away as you laughed.

Leon, however, looked on the verge of tears, "HOP WHY ARE YOU CURSING WHAT HAPPENED IS ANYTHING WRONG?" He ran over to hug him quickly despite his tears, something that made you upset. Hop has something you never could. You thought to yourself, But you shook your head, ugh, don't get depressed now y/n.

"A wittle hwappy famiwy." You uttered in a mocking tone. Hop rolled his eyes but Leon...

"Are you the person who just moved here?" He asked you grinned. "In the flesh." You replied. His face turned sour, he already didn't like you, and well, you couldn't blame him. Let's see how bad we can make this. You thought to yourself.

"So bunny boy, how often you see the champion?" You asked Hop as Leon stopped hugging him, "Not often enough!" He exclaimed, excited again. You smiled, little sunshine wooloo boy was happy still.

"Well then, this bitch better get his ass home then!" You said chuckling, Leon seemed petrified, Hop looked a mix between scared and upset, "Could you not curse in front of my brother y/n?" He spat out, just because of this, you now wanted to curse more.

"Hell to the no~" You sang out, leaving the station. You figured you'd leave the two brother bois alone; you'd done enough damage for the day, so back to painting rocks like a fucking loser again, it was.

You didn't know where your pokemon fucked off to until they jumped on your back, "sHIT!" You exclaimed in shock while you tried to regain your balance, "You guys know I can't hold all three of you, right?" You said, nearly tipping over.

They all just nuzzled up to you as you shook your head. You didn't bring your backpack since Hop just grabbed you and ran to the station, you couldn't explain it, but it made you feel warm inside, maybe it was just the fact that he wanted you there? You didn't know.

I better not be catching feelings for playboy. You thought to yourself.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now