*Mission impossible theme plays*

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Authors note: Sorry this took so long to get out! One of the main reasons I updated at least once a week suddenly disappeared, and I couldn't get myself to write this; I'll be updating more often now, sorry for taking so long to update again! Anyways, onto the story!!

Panic. That was the first thing that came to you once you realized you were indeed in love with pretty boy. You were pretty sure you stopped moving entirely, your mind trying to process what had just happened. You were glad you were wearing that mask because you could feel the ever-growing blush on your face and how it was heating you up from inside.

You'd never had a crush before! What do people even do when they have a crush?! Confess!? Ha! You wish you had the guts to do that. Your too scared pretty boy would hate you after you confessed or something. Fuck! You screamed internally, criticizing every wrong thing you'd done to pretty boy since you first met him.

Pretty boy noticed you stop and called your name, "Huh?" You asked, your body finally moving after a minute of screaming internally. "I asked if you were alright?" Hop said though it sounded more like a question at the moment.

"Yeah, I just realized something, p-pretty boy." You said, and you cursed at yourself for stuttering on pretty boy's name, now that you knew you had a crush on the fucker it only made you think he's even cuter!

Hop then pranced over to you and the drawing you made of him asking, "Woah! Is that me!?" You couldn't say anything back really other than a half-hearted, "Y-yeah..." because of the fact that oh my god, you had a crush on Hop.

"That's so cool, y/n!" Hop exclaimed while your blush only grew, "Th-thanks..." You trailed off, god, how are you supposed to deal with this!?

Leon was smarter than he acted, he knew to face this thing head-on would result in disaster. So he took y/n's advice, he'd steal the book.

Sue him, y/n was right about something for once, and they needed information on this because this could literally change the world. He didn't want that on children's shoulders, much less his brother.

As Leon entered the chairmen roses house, he noted that he needed to be inconspicuous, Leon called the meeting himself, and while his plan wasn't foolproof, it was solid.

Sonia was also with him; he was hoping he or she would be able to distract the chairmen so they could steal the book.

Small problem with that, though. They didn't have a big enough bag to get the book, Leon had a lot of unknown variables to work with honestly. He didn't know if Rose knew of the horrible things his ancestors had done.

He didn't know if they'd even find the book here, and as smart as y/n was, they were still only sixteen. Leon sighed, his thoughts always seemed to drift back to y/n, even when he was supposed to be focusing on the task at hand.

Leon couldn't help it, y/n just had so much potential, and they didn't use it! Not that Leon exactly blamed them, he heard their story, and it was horrible, but he still couldn't stop from feeling angry at them for how they acted.

Y/n is a troubled but talented child for sure. Leon then shook his head from those thoughts, Focus Leon!

He knocked on Rose's door, he was actually going to Rose's house as he said before instead of the tower-like they usually would, Leon and Rose were somewhat friends, somewhat. But still mostly business partners, Leon knew he had to play it safe, so he called him, saying that they had to talk about something serious.

Rose asked what, and Leon told him it'd be better if they talked in person, so that's how he and Sonia ended up in Roses house without sneaking in like a certain someone wanted to. Sonia just stood there, a bigger bag strapped on her back and an excuse ready for when Rose definitely asked her why she had a new bag.

Rose opened the door, "Leon, and Sonia, too?" Rose asked, and Sonia just nodded, "It has something to do with what i'm researching." Sonia explained as Rose only hummed in acknowledgment. "Here, come in, we can talk more inside." Rose invited them in as he left the doorway to go sit down on a chair.

"So? What's wrong?" As Sonia got up, he asked, saying a quick, "I'll let you talk about this part, I'll say my piece later. Call me when you're done." Sonia said, And truth be told y/n was the one who suggested she say that. Sonia didn't know what she could do to get away from Rose and Leon without suspicion and y/n, bless their vulgar soul, helped out Sonia. It was then that Sonia walking off to another room, but not before giving Leon a small nod with a determined look on her face, Leon just gave her the same look.

As soon as Sonia was out of sight, she immediately started speeding up, looking for the book, she found a few small bookshelves with, wouldn't you know it, books in it, but not the one Sonia needed.

Briskly walking around the huge house, she searched up and down for the book but let it be known that Sonia was not the best seeker. She sighed, and looked around the bookshelves again, hoping to find something she didn't see before.

Sonia was running out of time, Leon was smart and could hold off Chairmen Rose for a reasonable amount of time without him getting suspicious, but she'd already used up most of her time, she cursed under her breath, and that's when she saw something shining.

It was bright and blinding, it seemed to be hiding in one of the slightly open books, Sonia thanked any god or gods out there for her luck. She took the key and the book, stuffing them in her bag, and without testing her luck anymore, she walked back into the room with Rose and Leon.

"Have you finished yet, Leon?" Sonia asked, their plan was to make Rose argue with Leon about how Galar's ancestors withheld less than desirable information from everyone. Rose was very adamant about believing that Galar's history was pure and that nobody in ancient history did anything wrong. However, the chances of that being true were small.

Rose just sighed, "What's the evidence, Sonia?" He asked as Sonia sighed, she hadn't put everything together, but with y/n's help, things weren't looking like a happy story, "So here's what I found..." 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now