Nighttime trama

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It was dark, you wouldn't say dead of night dark but pretty damn grim. You had just put on some different darker clothes and looked over to see pretty boy fast asleep, he was honestly too much of a mama's boy in your opinion, going to bed at like, ten absolute latest.

But you gave Hop no reason to stay up late watching you this time because you may or may not have lied about going to sleep tonight, so dusting yourself off and making sure Umbreon and Sylveon where asleep as heading to the window as you opened it slowly and quietly you shoot one last glance to pretty boy.

He was still there, asleep silently as ever on his bed in his stupid bunny pajama's that made you laugh with irony. You could also spot Scorebunny, Wooloo, And woobat all sleeping next to pretty boy, it was adorable.

But you shook your head, you needed those gay thoughts out of your head if you were to pull this off without a hitch. You finally dove out the already open window with Mimi on your shoulder as Sylveon and Umbreon tailed behind you.

You were glad you were only on the first floor because if you weren't, you were going to have to open the loud ass door and possibly wake sleeping beauty up. You didn't need that, the second you landed on the ground, you saw a towering figure over you, and you couldn't see them because of how dark it was, and you weren't about to die now.

You got into a fighting stance, but before you could throw a punch, a lamppost nearby illuminated the figure. You feel your muscles relax, and your face shifts into slight shock, "Leon?" Was all you asked as Leon just had an unamused look on his face.

"Y/n!" He exclaims once a bit angrily. Fuck he caught me in the act. Was all you thought, and Mimi seemed to realize the same and went back to a fighting stance, you felt your muscles tense again and felt a little sweat drip off your face.

You knew Leon wouldn't snitch on you to chairmen Rose, but he definitely didn't want you involved like this, and you knew for a fucking fact that he can and will stop you, "What are you doing, y/n?" He asked like a mother would their child.

"Haha, well, you see, oh my god, watch out!" You said running away, Leon didn't even look behind him, and honestly, you didn't blame him, even for Leon that one was obvious. "That's not going to- Hey!" Leon replied with as he saw you runoff, "Catch me if you can, you purple-haired fuck!" You exclaimed and stopped upon seeing a tall man you didn't recognize, tried to grab you, "Ah!" Was all you said as you just barely dodged the hands trying to catch you.

You started to run faster now that two fully grown, and very tall, adults were after you. "Raihan! Did you not get them!?" Leon asked, and Raihan only grunted before saying, "Sorry I'm not an expert in catching children, babe!" the voice, apparently Raihan, shot back.

"Ha! I was right!" You exclaimed, and Raihan took your momentary distraction and scooped you up, "I got them!" Raihan said as you struggled in his grip, no way in hell were you going to let it end here. You growled before biting on Raihans arm, He didn't even flinch, "I work with dragon-type pokemon sweetheart, that won't do anything." Raihan smirked, and you only huffed in annoyance.

"What are you doing out, y/n?" Leon asked as you rolled your eyes, "We both know the answer to that." You replied, Leon only sighed as you tried to get out of Raihan's grip, you distantly wondered where Mimi went, but you trusted her.

"What I guess I'm asking is why?" Leon questioned; you just groaned, "Because you himbo, I obviously can't trust you with anything if you can't do something as simple as getting a book." You spat, Leon only sighed, "From what I heard, it was a little more difficult than just that, you brat." Raihan said.

"Shut up, at least I have a better chance than Sonia and this walking fashion disaster." You replied, and Raihan only sighed, "Well, there not wrong, Leon. You are a walking fashion disaster." Raihan admitted, which earned a, "Hey!" From Leon. You only chuckled, hoping Mimi would hurry the hell up.

Suddenly you felt something... Off... You suddenly knew what was happening, and it was because of a certain someone named Raihan. You suddenly started struggling more, you could do the heist later, you just needed to get away from these fucks, and quickly.

"Y/n? What is it?" Leon asked upon seeing you struggle more, "Just let me go!" You yelled, upon hearing your father's voice as he held you closer, Raihan tightening his grip on you wasn't helping.

"Not until you promise me, really, honestly promise me that you won't go to roses house and or steal anything." Leon said seriously, "Yes! I promise! Just let me go!" You pleaded, your pride stung a little as tears threatened to spill from your eyes, Leon just looked a mix of shocked and concerned, "Wait, seriously?" He asked, and you nodded, looking at the floor.

Before you could hear what Leon said next, it was too late, you were back at your parents- sorry, your father's house. He cried alongside you, "Oh god, I'm so sorry, Y/n." He said still in a drunken state, you'd narrowly dodged a beer bottle he had thrown at you, a half an inch closer, and you would have got a bottle straight to the face.

You were fully crying now, you didn't want to see this, you didn't want to be here, you suddenly felt your father's arms around you, and he was repeatedly apologizing. Repeating it as if he said it more, you'd stop crying, you screamed.

You suddenly felt arms let you go, and just like that, you had snapped back to reality, the past memories that were playing out in front of you slowly fading. You slowly saw what was real and in front of you, you looked up to see a shocked Raihan as you looked at your own hands, you were trembling visibly.

You felt hot tears rush down on your face as you looked behind you to see Hop and Leon, "Y/n?" Leon asked, but you got up quickly and ran as quickly as you could, "Y/n!" You heard the two brothers call out, you couldn't find it in yourself to care.

You needed a hiding spot, someplace away from the world entirely. Suddenly you remembered the place Hop brought you to, you quickly ran in the direction it was in. You wove through alleyways and sharp turns, you often got lost but found your way back on track fast enough.

You finally made your way on top of the roof Hop had shown you, at this point, all you were left doing was taking in shaky breaths because you had stopped crying, you still felt like you needed to cry, but you held back the tears.

You finally felt your breathing even out a bit once you saw the beautiful sight that was the city illuminated in the night sky, you smiled softly as you hugged your knees. You still felt the aftermath of all those tears you cried, and you believe now you were dehydrated.

It was half an hour later, you felt like you wanted to fall asleep here, the sounds of the tiny city bustling about even this late, the lit-up city that faintly reminded you of the nightlights Umbreon would use for you when you had night terrors, it was all soothing to you, especially after what had happened to you.

You heard someone climbing up behind you, and looked in the direction you listened to the sound, it was pretty boy just as you thought with Sylveon and Umbreon with him. Only one question left your mouth, however, "Where's Mimi?" To be honest, you were scared for your friend; she was the closest to you, and you know she wouldn't abandon you unless she had to.

"Her cloth got blown off in the wind, she's hiding under the bed." Umbreon answered, you only looked back to the illuminated city and chuckled sadly, "Guess I'll have to make another costume for her." You said.

"Hey." Was what Hop said, sitting next to you, "Hey." You said back, "So..." was all Hop said; you only repeated the male before adding, "I guess you wondering what the hell happened." You guessed looking down at your feet. "I am, yeah, but you don't have to tell me." Hop said as you looked over to him slowly, "Are you sure?" You asked, voice breaking.

Hop nodded, "I don't know your situation, y/n, but I can tell it's hard for you to talk about these things, so I won't make you." Hop told you, and you immediately moved to pretty boy and hugged him tightly, as you cried again.

"Thank you." You said, your voice breaking all over again, you felt Hop flinch at first because of the unexpected hug, but he soon relaxed again and hugged you back, "Anytime." He said as you cried on him. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now