Fluff for the soul

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Leon had adopted a stern look on his face, after all, was said and done, "What are we going to do about this?" He asked Sonia shook her head. "I don't know, as it is, we can't do much until we have more evidence, and this is a big thing to change." She started, "Pokeballs have centered around the world for centuries, hell, even I don't know what I'd do without them, but we have to do something." She finished.

"Yeah, but what?" Leon asked Sonia, sighed, "I honestly don't know. Until we figure out a plan and gather more evidence, I say we wait it out." Sonia said Leon stood up straight quickly, "Like Hell, I'm doing that! If these things have been hurting Pokémon, I'm not going to sit around and wait for it to solve itself!" Leon shouted.

"I'm afraid for now we have to." Magnolia said calmly, looking at Leon, "Your still champion, and when this whole thing gets out to the public, they'll need you to be there for such a big change. Just wait, dearie, we are going to do something about this, just not yet." Magnolia reasoned, Leon just sighed himself and looked over to Charizard.

"I didn't know it hurt you, bud." He said Charizard just cooed in reassurance; if he was honest, he really liked Leon, he always did. He would stand by him even if he wasn't his Pokémon, he just hoped Leon felt the same.

"How the hell did y/n even find this?" Leon found himself asking, Sonia turned back to the book, "I... I honestly don't know, they had been looking into pokeballs and the like for months now, they never told me why but I guess they had their suspicions about them and I guess they were right."

Leon just sighed, this is a mess, He thought, I guess y/n is smarter than I thought, they're just an asshole.

It was dark, it was dark, and you hated it. Everyone else was asleep, but you were patching yourself up in the darkness because you'd once again hid your injuries to avoid worrying anybody.

You honestly blamed yourself, you shouldn't have tried to move in on that Pokémon when they were that badly hurt that quickly, it was just asking for trouble. You always hated it being this dark, sure you liked a little night, but this was too much for you.

You couldn't figure out why you hated it so much more now, the window in your and Hop's hotel room was slightly open, letting in the chilly cold air of the night in.

It reminded you of that night, that horrid night.

You put on your backpack filled with supplies, I'm finally getting out of here... you thought to yourself, no more dad drinking another beer bottle again, no more hurtful words, just me and Mimi against the world.

You adored the thought of leaving since your mother died half a year ago and since your father started drinking and started being an asshole. "Are you ready, Mimi?" You asked your Pokémon, they nodded, and you climbed up top your bed to get to the window in your room.

The cold air made you want to stay in your warm room, and the darkness made you scared for your life, you were scared about what was in there, still being afraid of monsters because you were nine.

You were halfway out the window when you heard your dad come home, he wasn't supposed to be here yet! "Y/n! Be a good girl and grab me a beer." He requested, he was always nicer before he drank, you weighed your options.

You could leave now, but he might catch you, or you could stay and ruin your chances of leaving until he gets off work supposedly late again.

You felt tears well in your eyes, dammit he wasn't supposed to be home yet!

"Y/n? Y/n! Y/n, can you hear me?"

You shook your head, getting yourself out of your memories, "H-huh?" Was all that came out of your mouth, "Y/n, are you okay?" Hop asked you looked up to see him on the floor with you, his hands on your arms, he probably literally shook you out of your thoughts, you noticed the lights were on now, and all of your and Hop's Pokémon were around you.

"W-why wouldn't I be?" You found yourself asking and dammit you were stuttering. "Y/n your shaking."

"I'm just cold."

"You crying."

"Somethings in my eye."

"And your hyperventilating."

"Not enough air."

"Y/n, your bleeding."

"I have been bleeding for a while now."

"You what!?" Hop shouted, and ah shit now you fucked up, "I-I mean," Before you could finish Hop interrupted you, "No, No, you don't mean anything, Y/n why didn't you tell me you were hurting before?" He asked, and you found yourself looking away from his gaze, god, you hated how weak you must look right now.

"I... I didn't want you to worry." You admitted, and Hop just sighed, "Y/n, you'd worry me more if you didn't tell me at all." He said, and you just looked farther away.

"Y/n... You know it's okay to not be okay, right?" And you just shrunk in on yourself even more, "Y/n, look at me please." He asked, and you did as he asked, "I don't know about your past, but it's different in Galar than it is Alola, and even if not just know I'm here now so, please promise you'll tell me if somethings wrong." And at that sentence, your eyes started to water as you hugged him tightly, afraid of letting go.

Nobody had said anything like that besides your mother, and it had been so long since you heard any reassuring words coming from someone again. You heard Hop saying how he'd be here for you and the like as you just hugged him tighter, yeah... Hop was a keeper.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now