hop is secretly a little shit deep down

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 as you went back to your usual spot in the tall grass, it was beautiful, you played with everyone for a while

 But you noticed a big house at the end of the road; it honestly low-key looked haunted. 

"Oh?" You said to yourself, what's in there? You thought to yourself. You looked over to your pokemon, "We're going on an adventure gays." Was what you said as you started walking further down the path to the house. 

You walked by some pokemon on the way there, they looked at you and then looked back to what they were doing before. The sight made you smile warmly, they are warming up to me, or at least not attacking me. You thought to yourself. 

The house, which wasn't that far down, had a short stone fence around it with a large opening for the wood gate. The house was two-story, lots of windows, and most of it was dark purple or white, vines were growing throughout the entire damn thing. 

"Oh, this place is definitely haunted." Is what came out of your mouth first. Your pokemon looked more suspicious than scared, you probably won't die from demons. You decided that like most abandoned places that had the door intact, it was locked. So there is only one way to get in. 

"Who the hell are you!?" Someone shouted as you jumped through the window, shattering glass. "Oh, shit, people live here?" Was your first response. There where three people here, An older lady in a lab coat, a younger lady is not a lab coat, and Leon. Fun. 

"Sorry, I think! Didn't know anyone lived here, I just wanted to meet some demons!" You exclaimed as everyone stood there in shock. "Hey, your the person who moved in a few weeks ago, right?" Is what some girl with orange hair she put in a side ponytail asked. She had silver hearts in her hair, and honestly, you were not sure what to think of her, she honestly looked like the popular girl in every high school movie ever. 

"In the flesh, stranger!" You said the other person, the one in the lab coat, asked, "Was it necessary to break my window?" You shrugged, "Well, in my opinion? Yes." You stopped for a few seconds before continuing, "Buuut, I will admit, I should have waited until after you knew me to break your window, so sorry about that lady!" You said. 

You turned to Leon next, "Also, hey dude! What are you doing here? You know these two?" You didn't give him the chance to answer. "Well, you probably do because why else would you be here? Anyways I suggest you get back to playboy; he seemed really excited for you coming Leon. Try not to fuck this up." You said, leaving. Yes, you went through the window again. 

You looked for your pokemon, but you put Mimi, Umbreon, and Sylveon outside and off of you while you ran into a glass window and they all immediately ran to you looking worried, you wondered why at first but then looked down and saw glass shards and blood. Oh, right, I jumped through a window. You thought to yourself.

I don't have anything to get the glass out of my skin, shhhhiiiitttt. Your first instinct was to just pick them out by yourself, but that wouldn't work, for the most part, you need tweezers and rubbing alcohol. And you know, bandages. You knew your aunt probably had some or at least would go get some, but you didn't wanna hear her yell at you for not being normal pretty much. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now