Alight, y/n's gonna head out

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It had been a few days later, and you were mostly fine, okay maybe you weren't the best, but you could move without too much pain, and that means it's time to head out.

Hop was checking in on you more like a worried mother hen, but you just chuckled at his antics, it was a win-win, you could check on him, and he could check on you.

You didn't understand Leon being nicer to you; you chalked it up to the fact that he probably felt terrible seeing you injured, but it didn't make it less weird and out of the blue.

And now Leon knew about your conspiracy theory as well thanks to Sonia, and as much as you want to buy into Leon's facade that he's just a goofy idiot with no sense of direction, you knew it had to be at least somewhat a lie.

He couldn't have gotten to champion, much less keep it, if he was that dumb. You saw him serious multiple times because he wanted you to stop being a piece of shit in front of his brother, so you had more evidence to add to the pile.

You shook your head, you didn't need to think about Leon right now, what you needed to think about was Chairmen Rose.

Leon had told you that Chairmen Rose was the one in charge of manufacturing pokeballs in Galar and said that he'd talk to him about it before you shut him down really quickly.

You told him that it was a terrible idea to tell your main and pretty much only suspect other than a corporation, that they're a suspect. It's just asking for trouble.

Leon asked what you think he should do about it then, and once you said you'd figure it out on your own, he made it clear that he didn't want you nor hop caught up in this mess.

This confused the hell out of you, uh, you found out about this in the first place, he's not letting you do it because...?

Well, because we weren't even eighteen yet, that's why and honestly can't blame him, but even if you said you'd stay out of it, both you and Leon knew that was a lie.

For now, you weren't going to do anything illegal. For now.

You were just going to go on one of those educational tours they have in some of the buildings where pokeballs are made, which, like, nobody other than people on a school field trip would go but whatever.

You stood up from your bed, you yawned and stretched, trying to fully wake up, you had something to go to believe it or not.

Last night you'd looked to see if any tours were going on inside and saw one that wasn't too far and decided ah hell you need to get more information or some bullshit. Paid for it and went on with your night.

Hop started stirring awake because of you rummaging around. You would have instead had already left before he got up, so when he inevitably called you asking where you went, he couldn't stop you but too late.

"Ah, hell." You said in disarray as Hop sat up in his bed as he yawned as well and looked at you with a tired look on his face, "y/n?" He asked.

"No, I'm Elmo from Sesame Street," You replied to only get a groan from Hop, and a small smile found its way onto your face.

"What are you doing up?" He questioned, "I'm... Going to help our little investigation." You answered, choosing your words carefully.

Hop looked suspicious, "And how exactly are you going to do that?" He asked to which you bit your lip, "I'm just going to look into some things." You said, Hop still wasn't having it.

"What things exactly? Because you're still not completely healed and if you steal or break in anywhere is going to have Lee watch guard our room."

You groaned, "Ugh, calm down, what are you, my mom? Besides, I'm just going on some dumb tour, if you don't believe me then just come along with me." You said you hoped by that saying that he'd drop it, but he didn't.

"Guess I'm following you then." He replied, getting out of bed to which you groaned loudly. "Bunny boy, don't you have a gym challenge to do?" You asked slightly annoyed, you didn't really want anyone to come with you besides your pokemon, but they were only giggling at your and Hop's antics.

"There's no time limit. After half a year, if there are still participants, then they get kicked out, but besides that, there's nothing." He answered, grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom to change from his nightclothes.

You cursed under your breath. "You should've expected that y/n. He's been anxious about you since you fought that guy and got hurt." You heard Umbreon say, you just fell on the bed, your words were muffled but still understandable; "I know..." was all you muttered as Sylveon just giggled, "He really cares about you y/n!"

You shot up from the bed, "I know! And I have no clue why!" You yelled, loud enough to make a point but not loud enough for playboy to hear.

You sat up hugging your legs and put your head on your knees, "And im always such an asshole, especially at the beginning. I guess he was just that lonely..." You said and now that you thought about it, did playboy have any other friends? You never saw him really talking to anyone else other than his family... Maybe he never meets anyone else his age?

You figured most people would like playboy, I mean, he was sweet, kind, caring, always cheered you up with his presence and a small smile was enough to make your day. You tease him, and the blush on his face would get you out of your depressing thought process, and he just is a good person in general.

You hadn't even realized the small blush on your cheeks until Umbreon started teasing you, "oh ho ~ does somebody have a crush?" To which your blush got ten times worse, "What the hell Umbreon! Of course not!" You exclaimed quickly, mama Umbreon didn't have it.

"Nuh-uh hun, I know that look! You're in love!" She stated. "No, no no no no no nO NO way in hell do I like him!" You whisper shouted to Umbreon, you'd watched tv one too many times to know that if you said that too loud playboy might hear and take it out of context.

Umbreon kept teasing you, and Sylveon joined in a few times as you kept denying the accusations thrown your way. It stayed this way until the man of the hour came out of the bathroom, and you two went on your way to see a dumb ass tour. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now