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After drinking your coffee, pretty boy very excitedly took your hand and ran to the nearest store with spray paint. You couldn't help but chuckle at him; he was so excited about this. You two made it into the store, and you're not gonna lie. It felt weird walking into a store and not stealing something.

You, Mimi, Sylveon, and Umbreon all made their way around the store slowly while Hop ran around the paint aisle, looking for the spray paint. You already had an idea on what you wanted to draw, you were just happy that you still had your spray paint respirator, god knows how you hid that and the extra one you kept on you in case you lost your first one.

You finally felt yourself relax, you hadn't in a long time, you were always on edge, and you never even noticed until you relaxed your muscles. You had a small smile on your face with a small blush there, too. "Someone's got a crush~" Umbreon teased, and your face lit up to beet red.

"Wh- Umbreon, no!" You shouted quickly, not even processing what you'd just said until it left your mouth. It wasn't exactly what you said, no, it was how loud you said it. Your blush somehow grew as you felt some attention on you, you just ignored the feeling and pretended the blush wasn't there.

Walking over to pretty boy quickly, you saw him looking at you questioningly, "What'd Umbreon say?" He asked, and you just ignored the blush on your face that had only just faded by the time you got there. "It's not important, anyway, what paint are you looking at, Pretty boy?" You asked, and Hop seemed to take the bait because he started showing you spray paint types.

You didn't want to spend too much of Pretty boy's money, so you were just going to buy a few spray paint bottles, but you were surprised when you saw him picking up an entire box of it, "Uh, pretty boy?" You said in confusion, he looked back at you with a dumbfounded expression himself.

"What?" He asked, "What are you doing with a whole box of spray paints?" You questioned, and Hop just told you he was going to pay for them to which you exclaimed a "What!?" And once again, a blush made its way to your face, you really need to stop drawing attention to yourself... "What?" Hop asked, "Uh... You're going to buy a whole box of spray paint?" You answered, but it was more a question.

"And?" He said, "Uh, and you probably don't wanna spend that much money on me?" You responded, and Hop just smiled brightly, "Of course I do! You've done a lot for me, so let me do this for you!" He said happily, and you just gave him a dumbfounded look, what the hell did you do for pretty boy?

"I haven't done anything for you pretty boy, what do you mean?" You asked, and Hop gave you a deadpan look, "Y/n you've done more for me than my family has emotionally in my entire time of living, stop being stubborn and let me do this for you." Hop stated, walking past you, leaving you shocked, nobody has ever done this for you, and pretty boy was just going to pay for an entire box of spray paint for you. Spray paint was expensive! Did pretty boy even have that kind of money to just spend leisurely?!

You were too shocked to do anything other than mutter out an, "oh... Okay..." And follow him blindly, which Umbreon found hilarious. Hop paid, and you both found yourself in an alleyway where you could spray paint.

You handed Hop the extra spray paint respirator you had in your bag and put on your own, "Alright, pretty boy, so just open it and go wild." You said, and Pretty boy just gave you a slightly concerned look, "Uh, is this legal...?" He asked, and you opened up a random spray paint bottle and threw it at him, which he caught just barely.

"Anything's legal as long as you don't get caught." You answered, and Pretty boy gave you a 'are you fucking serious' face, which made you chuckle as you took out the spray paints you needed. Not to toot your own horn, but you would like to think that you were pretty good at art and spray painting in general because of how often you did it in Alola.

You wouldn't be surprised if every other alleyway or rouge wall had your spray paint art on it. The thought made you chuckle, you still had an impact in your old home even if you were kicked off the islands.

You were just absentmindedly spray painting and helping Hop out every now and then, you believe Hop was just playing around with the colors which were starting to look really pretty, just like him, you thought to yourself but quickly shook your head where the hell were all these thoughts coming from!?

You kept thinking about yourself today, a lot of it revolved around Hop and you, you blushed more times today than you have in your entire life, what the hell was your problem!? You don't know it's just... When you're around him, you feel so... Happy... you can't explain it, and that scares you so much because everyone who had made you happy either turned on you or left you.

You glanced at pretty boy, he was smiling, I mean, sure, you couldn't see the smile behind the mask, but you could tell from his eyes. You loved that smile; you loved it when it was directed at you, and you felt butterflies in your stomach when he was around. He was so amazing, and honestly, you don't believe you deserved him. The kid's a ray of sunshine.

And what are you? Some edgy sixteen-year-old who has a depressing past and blocks everyone out? Yeah, he deserved better than you, but maybe it was because you were selfish that you ignored those thoughts. After all, he looked happy now, didn't he?

It was then you finally ook yourself out of your thoughts and looked up to what you'd been painting, it was of pretty boy himself, and you hadn't even realized it. You just did it without thinking.

It was then you knew that Umbreon was right, you had a crush on pretty boy.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now