Your Tragic backstoryTM

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You woke up in a familiar room, your and Hop’s hotel room to be specific. You groaned slightly as you sat up in your bed; you had bandages on both of your arms wrapped tightly around your skin. 

Hop immediately was on you the second you sat up, “Y/n! You're awake!” He shouted, practically jumping on you. Your memory was kind of foggy, and you were in the rain or something? “Uh… Yeah.” Was all you could say in response, “What the hell happened?” He asked, and you brought your hand up to your head, it hurt to even think at the moment. 

“I… I don’t know, I can’t remember, something with a guy? I might’ve fought them?” You guessed you weren’t sure all you knew was the pain you still felt. “How long was I out?” You found yourself asking, Hop backed up a bit, “Just a few hours. Leon helped me get you here.” He answered, you felt another groan escape your mouth, great Leon was here. 

"Can you try and remember what happened?" Hop asked, and you just shrugged, Mimi said a quick "You were looking for Hop and got in a fight…" Which jogged your memory, "Oh! I remember now!" You exclaimed, Hop shot up, "Please tell me." He said, and as you remembered all the details, your face fell.

"I was searching for you in the rain, and there was this bastard who I started to fight because he was an abusive asshole." You explained to which Hop just looked at you with the most done look you've seen him produce. 

"Y/n…" He groaned to which you looked up at him thoroughly; He didn't look happy… "Are you fucking stupid!? You fought someone out in the pouring rain with no backup or anything!?" He shouted you were surprised. Hop never got mad… 

But you got mad right back, "Me!? Hop, I was out looking for you! You can't just leave without saying anything I was worried dammit!" 

"Im not six y/n! And I sure as hell don't need you babying me and making sure im okay I can take care of myself!" 

"Well, guess what I care about you and don't want you hurt, so don't run off without telling me anything, okay!?"

"You run off all the time, how is this fucking different!?" 

"Because you had bede say something shitty to you, I thought something might have happened to you, Hop!" 

"God, how do you even know about that?! I can take care of myself stop thinking I-" Hop didn't finish the sentence as you screamed "I CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER PERSON I CARE ABOUT HOP! OKAY!?" 

Hop didn't say anything and stood back in shock as you crumbled in on yourself, "I don't think I can handle someone else leaving…" you said in the lowest and meekest voice you ever heard yourself say. 

You had your face hidden in your knees as you cried to yourself, rocking yourself back and forth. Mimi, Sylveon, and Umbreon all came around to comfort you as Hop still stood there, not sure what to say. 

Eventually, he came up to you and hugged you, saying how he was sorry and that he's okay. It had been a few minutes of this until you finally calmed down. 

"Y/n?" Hop asked as you sat up finally, wiping your tears away. "What did you mean by losing another person again?" And you turned your head away at the question as Hop spat out a quick "You don't have to tell me it's just-" You cut him off though, "No… I should probably tell you…" you said, turning back to him. 

"It was like this…"

When I was young, my mom and I would help pokemon together back in Alola as I do here in galar. My dad would hold down the fort back at home, and I would always come home with mom to a loving hug and a meal on the table, but… Mom… She died because of a pokemon, and after that, my dad sort of… Shut down. 

He drank beer every day he got home, and if he didn't forget I was there in the first place, he always told me how dumb or stupid I was for believing that pokemon were innocent creatures. 

One day I got tired of his shit, and I ran away, Mimi on my shoulder as we ran out through the window. 

We ran off to a different island, ula'ula and we stayed in the forest pretty much exclusively, at least, we did until a team skull grunt, pretty much team yell but for alola, found me one day bruised and helped me out. Sooner or later and I eventually became a team skull member. 

It was nice while it lasted, I even found and helped Umbreon and Sylveon, but when alola got a champion team skull changed there act, and I didn't. 

They didn't do the same things they used to, which was just generally being a menace to society, and they never kicked me out, but I could tell they wanted me to stop. 

So I ran away again, it wasn't too long after my aunt found me and not too long after that I was kicked off alola all together for being bad, I guess… and that's how we got here, in galar. 

"So that's the story…" You muttered in a small tone. Hop didn't say anything, and you didn't look at him the entire time, finding the floor more intriguing than however, Hop looked, you felt tears once again well up in your eyes, but they didn't spill until Hop hugged you tightly and told you, "I'm sorry, y/n. I-I didn't know that happened to you, and I'm sorry I got angry before, but don't worry, y/n… I'm not going anywhere."

The tears from your eyes fell once again as you hugged him back tightly and cried into his arm as Hop just tried to call you down. 

Oblivious to both of you, Leon was on the other side of the door and heard everything.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now