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It was a few weeks later, you and fuck bunny hung out now and then. Well, it was more like he didn't leave you alone, like this instance, for example:

"what are you doing in the grass?" You heard a familiar voice cry out, shit. You turned to the wild pokemon, "Hey, can you guys hide for a bit..?" You asked, and they did indeed leave.

You didn't even know where they went. Damn, how often they have to hide? You thought to yourself. At this point, the boy had caught up to you, "Are you painting random things again?" He asked.

Please playboy; I'd do it with spray paint at this point. Was the first thing you thought, "I am minding my own damn business. How about you?" You asked, annoyed. His demeanor kept up though, "I was walking and saw you here, and so I came to talk!" He said, smiling brightly.

"Well, I'm not sure how to tell you this bunny, but the talk's over." You said with small hints of annoyance, Hop was whatever in your opinion, but you were helping a yamper who had just got a nasty cut, you didn't want it to get infected and right now you just wanted hop to hippity-hop off your dick.

The boy looked somewhat upset, "Don't be like that y/n! I just got here!" He whined, "Then leave playboy, nobody is keeping you here." You said deadpan.

The boy looked annoyed now, "C'mon, we don't talk that often!" He exclaimed. He shook his head, "C'mon humor me y/n! I wanna get to know you!" He shouted, you didn't have time to make him leave because you wanted to disinfected yampers cut as soon as possible, so you screamed out an, "Oh, for fuck's sake, Hop!"

You closed your eyes, putting a hand to your head and shaking it. "Fucking hell, fine. You win Hop, but don't touch anything or I'll tear your skull out." You threatened.

Hop wasn't phased at all by this, smiling in delight and saying, "Okay!" Like a toddler going on a field trip. You groaned and told everybody to go ahead and come out, as you kneeled back to the ground and went to pick up the injured yamper.

"What happened to him?" Hop asked. He was worried. "They just fell, I just need to disinfect the cut." You said, "why don't you just take him to the pokemon center?" He asks. You huff in annoyance, "Hop you slut this isn't my yamper. He doesn't belong to anyone. He's wild. And the pokemon center can only heal owned pokemon." You say, Hop still looks confused.

"Then why not catch it?" He askes as you pick up the warm washcloth you were using before you were interpreted and using it to clear debris on the yamper. "Because play boy wild pokemon generally don't want to be caught, and I don't want to make the pokemon feel scared while being healed. Not to mention, I have no pokeballs any way, so it doesn't matter even if I wanted to catch them." You said, putting the cloth on the ground and pulling out an antiseptic solution, you got way back in alola — you were surprised it still worked.

Hop seemed dumbstruck, "Well, why not use potions, then?" He asked lightly. You shook your head as you put the antiseptic on a bandage, "Because Hop, potions can only be used on, again, caught pokemon. Plus think back to pokemon fights, do the pokemon ever bleed? Do any captured pokemon bleed, Hop?" You asked, putting the bandage on the small yamper.

You didn't let Hop say anything before you continued, "No, no, you haven't because even though the pokemon still feels pain, it doesn't go beyond a bruise or scrape that doesn't even bleed." You said, "I think it's the Pokeball itself, you know? If we just fought pokemon without catching them in pokeballs, they'd still bleed and break, but even with the most devastating attacks that could kill humans, caught pokemon get away with some scrapes and just being knocked out." You ranted.

You just realized you were talking for a while, playboy bunny hop over there probably didn't follow along. You looked back at Hop, about to apologize when you saw that he looked somewhat... shocked? "Uh, bunny, boy? Did you get that?" You asked, which seemed to snap him back; he blushed red with embarrassment.

"Ahh, sorry y/n, I got lost in thought, but I was following, and I never noticed that!" He exclaimed as you just shrugged. You looked back at yamper; he seemed better, "Anyways yamper, you can go now; just be more careful in the future, okay, hun?" You asked, and he barked in delight and ran off. A small chuckle escaped you.

"Hey y/n?" Hop asked you turned back to him, "Yes, Hop?" He looked curiously towards you, "Is there a reason you like pokemon instead of people?" He questioned. You looked away quick, "That's a bit personal, playboy." You said you heard an "ah... Right, sorry." He said dejectedly.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes; nobody said anything. You were putting everything away, it was getting dark, and you wanted to sleep, you were thinking the little fenced-in area with the wooloo, but your aunt lived to close for that so it's more likely you'd sleep next to the small river since it was a calming soothing sound.

"Are you heading home?" Hop asked, you just shook your head, "But it's getting dark outside?" Hop questioned, and you just rolled your eyes. "If it's getting to scawwy for the wittle bwaby bwunny, then run home to your mom." You said coldly.

"Hey, no need to be rude!" He shouted. "There is always a reason to be rude, playboy." You said, and Hop looked somewhat annoyed, "Alright, Alright, I'm leaving, sheesh." He said, but you couldn't help it, so you said, "C'mon bunny boy, I already heard you curse, you already repaid your debt. Just fucking curse." You said.

He looked embarrassed again, "Shut up, y/n." He said before leaving, and damn, now it felt a lot more lonely, eh nothing you weren't already used to. You took out a blanket and put your backpack down. You fell next to the river,

It was morning, oh shit you did spend the night out here. You woke to see playboy sleeping right the fuck next to you. So you did what any sensible person would in this situation.

You moved around him, and Hop, not being a complete dumbass, started waking up because you were shifting around. "Y/n?" He asked groggily, "Shouldn't sleep near me bunny~" You teased before he could say what you dunked his ass in the river.

He screamed so loud he woke up everyone in the town, and you couldn't stop laughing about it. "Y/N WHY!?" He cried, getting out of the river like a wet cat. You where wheezing and couldn't breathe. "This isn't funny!" He shouted, but you couldn't catch your breath. You were pretty sure you were dying.

Your pokemon woke up from the girlish screams from Hop and were trying to help him out; they may or may not have been the only reason he got out of the river so fast. Hop was furious, and you couldn't fucking breathe, "Let's see how you like it then!" He said, and fucking bridal style carried you.

You weren't worried about though, you were still dying, and it's hard to plead for your life if you are losing it. "HoP, plEasE-" You somehow got out as he was already near the river, All he said before letting you go was "Payback, Bitch." Which made you laugh harder, and now you where underwater laughing.

You got to the top and were choking from the water in your lungs; you still couldn't handle this, it was too funny for you. Even your pokemon was giggling now, you grabbed onto the ground, but we're still in the water. You were even still laughing, despite almost drowning.

"Arecous sake, mate." Hop said as he crossed the bridge next to you, "I'm going to get some dry clothes." He said, annoyed, and you just snorted out a "See you bunny boy." Interrupting yourself with giggles each time. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now