Opening ceremony time gays

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It's a brand new day or some bullshit like that. You were woken by playboy nudging you aggressively, "the fuck is it?" You mumbled lowly as Hop just smiled, "I'm going to the opening ceremony for the gym challenge, Y/N! I know you have no reason to want to, but I'd like it if you tagged along!" He said with a small hint of fear in his voice. 

You sat up in your bed and yawned, you stretched and said, "Okay. Let's go." You said, getting out of bed and waking up your pokemon, "Wh- Were you sleeping in your clothes!?" Hop exclaimed, you smiled, "perhaps." You replied, and you were sure his opinion of you was going down, but hell, it's not your fault. You don't have that many more clothes, so whoops but not important. 

You stood up from the bed, and your feet hit the floor of the hotel rug; usually, you hit wood a lot, so it feels nice now that your feet can relax on a carpet, well for like, five minutes. 

You walked over and nudged everyone else awake, "c'mon gays, we're going to be a nuisance to society." You said as Hop sighed. "I'll meet you outside, okay, mate?" He asked, and you nodded, though it was somewhat hard to see from your messy hair, you always wanted to brush it, but it got messed up so often that Umbreon gave up trying to brush it out after, like, a month. 

Hop waved as he left the hotel room, "So what are you going to do?" You heard Umbreon ask. "About what?" 

"Hop." She replied shortly. 

"Be a little more specific." You said in a dead tone. 

"What are you going to tell him about you understanding us?" You heard Sylveon chirp in. 

"I don't know, I kinda trust him, kinda don't, I don't really know what to think of him honestly," you started, "I think I'd be okay if he found out, but I don't see why it's necessary to tell him. Why are you asking Umbreon?" 

Umbreon looked up to you, "Because, you need to tell him." She replied, you stuttered back a bit, "wh-why?!" You shouted, Umbreon shook her head, "it'll make both of your lives easier; trust me." She said to which your face turned slightly sour, "Since when were you a psychic Umbreon?" You shot. 

"Hey, don't get an attitude, y/n!" You heard Umbreon bark, you just rolled your eyes and walked off with Mimi, who went on your shoulder a while ago and Sylveons ribbons on your arm, "I always had an attitude hun." You said, walking out the door. 

You heard Umbreon scoff, but she dropped it there thankfully. You walked out, seeing hop at the front door, "ready to go y/n?" He asked, and you nodded, "race you there!" He challenged speeding off to which you just said, "no." And walked to the stadium. 

Walking in the stadium was eh, it was a stadium check-in counter, what else is there to say. It seemed you came at the right time because Hop and all the other participants were surrounding the door to get in the actual stadium. 

Suddenly an idea popped in your head, you squeezed in the crowd and went into the stadium field and because of all the people nobody noticed you yet. 

It dawned on you that this was recorded most likely, you smirked, that'll be fun. "Sylveon, can you cause a ruckus?" You asked to which they unwrapped their ribbons from your arm and ran off to the crowd, he started going feral, biting people and tripping them if he was being tame and like the wild idiot you are you did the exact same thing but maybe a little more sexually, you don't mean anything but watching kids faces heat up is hilarious. 

People were starting to notice you and deciding you needed to make an announcement you yelled that you had an announcement to make though you figured few if anyone, probably heard you and you started doing Fortnite dances on the field, this made a good chunk of people laugh, and Hop finally found you, his face paled, it was beautiful. You would have teased him, but you saw some staff coming to get you, so you just stuck your tongue out at him and saluted before you and your pokemon booked it off the field. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now