A wild Leon appears!

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You woke up to a knocking on your and Pretty boy's door. You groggily got up along with your pokemon and opened the door. Pretty boy was still asleep, so if this was someone here to murder you, pretty boy wouldn't know you were dead, well not yet at least.

You didn't however, see a murderer; instead, you saw a serious Leon at the door? "Uh... Hi?" You said, still tired. "Can you come with me, y/n? I... Wanna talk to you about some things." He asked, and you looked back over to pretty boy and back to Leon. "Ugh, fine. But make it quick." You said as you left the room.

Leon just nodded and walked over to where the hotel was serving breakfast, yeah you were in those fancy hotels that served breakfast. You were the only two there because of how early it was, you both got food, but something told you Leon wouldn't eat it. "So? What's oh so important that you had to wake me up at the ass crack of dawn to tell me?" You asked, and Leon just slammed down the book that you gave Sonia. Wow. Violent, aren't you? You thought to yourself, a little bitter, he was treating something so important so poorly.

"You... You found out about the pokeballs from this book, right?" He questioned, and for fuck's sake, you weren't ready to be interrogated at this time of day. "Yes? Why?" You asked back, Leon looked uncharacteristically serious, if you were honest, it made you a little uncomfortable. "I need you to stop looking into it." He stated and that you shot up to, oh god, please don't tell me Leon is on the Pokeball company's side. You thought to yourself silent, and worryingly, you didn't wanna tell pretty boy that his brother was on the dark side TM.

His face shifted into somewhat shock then worry, "Okay now that I said that out loud, it sounds awful." He said, and you just nodded because yes Leon, that sounds horrible, you dumb fuck. "I meant stop looking into it because this is a dangerous and sensitive topic, and I don't feel comfortable letting a sixteen-year-old and Hop help out with this." He stated, and you rolled your eyes and groaned.

"Why wouldn't we? We're the ones who figured this out in the first place! I want to help, and I'm not going to let you stop me. We already found out more information that'll help look into it more. We just need to find out where this other book is..." You said trailing off. Leon had a confused look on his face, "Other... Book?" He questioned, and you just glared at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm just a dumb sixteen year old who can't figure anything out. Your the oh so important adult who knows more than me." You spat, and Leon just gave you an 'are you serious' face. It was Leon's turn to groan. "I'm not saying your dumb, y/n." He started, and your face shifted into suspicion, but you didn't say anything.

"You're actually smart to find this out, probably too smart for your age, but this isn't something a child should get tangled up in." He finished, and you almost rolled your eyes again, "Well, I don't exactly trust you to finish this job, And I'm not going to leave this where we are. I've been suspicious of those fuckers for too long, now that I actually have evidence there's no way in hell I'm just going to quit because someone told me to." You spat, you were getting angry at this point, and Leon could tell because he put ran his hands through his hair, "Okay, what do you propose we do so that we're both happy?" He asked, and that got you thinking for a minute.

You sighed after a minute when you came to a conclusion. "Look, we won't get involved," You started, and Leon had a happy and surprised look on his face, noticing this you continued, "But we will give you some ideas on how to continue this because I know your and Sonia aren't completely stupid Sound good?" You asked, and Leon nodded, and you two shook on it.

It was then a certain pretty boy came down slowly as well, rubbing his eyes, cute. You thought before mentally slapping yourself, wait, I'm not supposed to think he's cute! Do friends think other friends are cute? Is... Is that a thing?? You sure hope it was because pretty boy sure looked cute right now.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now