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That's what was going through Hop's head at the moment, he had just beat Nessa and hadn't found out any more information, but when he was going through galar mine two, he found Bede who challenged him to a battle.

Hop knew he wouldn't stop unless he battled him, so that's how he's here, his last pokemon just fainted, a humiliating defeat really, he only knocked one of his pokemon, but he wasn't too worried about it, at least now Bede would leave him alone.

That's what he thought at first, at least until Bede spoke, "I can't believe the Champion endorsed you. I can hardly believe you're his brother. As you are now, you are just dragging the Champion's name in the mud being as rubbish as you are." He said as he walked off.

Hop was left there, stunned in silence, he felt tears well up in his eyes, Lee was everything to Hop, the only one who paid him the time of day.

Ever since Lee became Champion, nobody paid much attention to Hop anymore in favor of his big brother, he only ever felt noticed around Lee, and he hardly ever came, so being told he was dragging his brother's name in the mud, it... It hurt.

Hop ran away, he didn't know where he didn't know how long he'd be gone, he just ran.

It was 10pm; Hop never stayed out this late unless you were out with him, and even then, he was hesitant, so what the hell was wrong?

"Im worried..." You found yourself saying to yourself in your and Hop's hotel room, Sylveon and Umbreon looked up to you with a shared look of worry.

"I'm going to go look for him." You said after a minute of silence, your pokemon didn't say anything as you left the room in a hurry.

You looked outside to see it raining because of course it was, you found yourself too worried to make a comment, you rained out in the rain and ran to galar mine 2 because you knew that was the path to get to Nessa's gym, you hoped he had just been caught up in the rain because he was such a good kid he'd probably stay until the weather cleared, that's what you were trying to convince yourself, anyways.

You ran to the mine and bumped into Bede, hearing him scoff at being bumped into you just groaned and rolled your eyes, "Hey boomer, have you seen Hop? I'm looking for him." You asked, Bede just smirked, "He's probably going to drop out of the challenge, after such a humiliating defeat there's no way he could look the champion in the eye."

You glared holes into Bede, "What the hell did you say to him?" You asked because you might not know people too well, but it didn't take a genius to realize Bede said something that might have sent Hop over the edge.

"Only the obvious, that he's dragging the Champion's name into the ground being as rubbish as he is," Bede said, and at that, you saw red and jumped at Bede. All he could stutter out was a 'huh!?' Before being pulled up by his jacket.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" You screamed, holding him by his coat, "I don't know if you realized, but Hop's brother is everything to him! Do you even think before you speak because not even I am that bad! Or do you just have your head so far up your ass you can't see the damage you've done!?" You shouted, there was a crowd forming around you from how loud you were being.

"Put me down!" Bede demanded, struggling in your grip, "No! Not until you realize what you've fucking done! Cause Hop is hell knows where doing god knows what most likely because of what you fucking said to him!" You screamed again.

"What makes you think you can say shit like that and get away with it!?" Bede just looked down, "You don't fucking know what I've been through..." He said lowly, you growled, but before you said anything else, you heard Mimi say, "You need to find Hop. Let him go."

You just grumbled, letting him fall to the ground, "maybe I fucking don't, but I do know that no matter what happened to you doesn't mean you get to be an asshole." You told him angrily.

Bede didn't say anything as you walked off in a huff, leaving him in silence, "I'm going to go find out, I don't care what you do, just don't come near Hop or me ever again." You spat right before you were out of earshot.

You walked off for a while, probably hours looking for Hop to no avail, you hoped he was back at the hotel room because of how late it was, you were worried about him dammit.

You knew he could hold up on his own but still. The rain was pouring down on you, your clothes had been long since damp and cold, you were probably going to get sick, you didn't care.

At some point you'd started crying, you knew why but it was something you hated to do, you were under a tree at the moment and had stayed there for who knows how long as Mimi tried comforting you, it made you feel a little better.

"Now, look at what you idiots did!" You heard a voice call out, you looked for the person that'd said that, and you found them. A male, around your age, you saw a Dynamax band around there wrist, which didn't mean they were in the gym challenge but heavily implied it.

They were talking to a vulpix that was seeming there's. They kept talking about how this was all their fault that they got stuck out here, and you got up, wiped the tears out of your eyes, and walked over to them.

"Oh, hey! You stuck in this storm too?" The dude said as if they weren't just mentally abusing a vulpix, "Uh yeah... Why are you yelling at vulpix?" You asked slowly, it might've been faster if you weren't so tired from crying.

"They got us in this damn storm, so I'm teaching them a lesson." They said as you heard vulpix whimper, yeah, this guy was an ass. "I don't really see how this is their fault, and even if it was, you're hurting them mentally, so stop it." You said, the guy looked a mix of sceptical and upset. "You're talking about them like they're a person."

"They might not be human, but they still have emotions and feelings."

"But they're just a dumb pokemon."

"That doesn't mean there aren't still a living breathing creature."

"It doesn't even matter, they live to serve trainers anyways, what's so wrong with teaching them-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as you punched him in the face, he stumbled back, anger on his face, "Wrong move." He spat as he threw out another pokemon. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now