Sonia's here gays sound the alarms

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Making it out of the cave and into the small town outside, it was cute. A fenced-in area at the top that you'd say was growing crops, but it was just grass that pokemon lived in; there was a big ass stadium in the middle of the little village, and a hill with something you were supposed to look at, probably a tourist attraction of sorts. Along with some buildings and shops, there wasn't much else to take note of, although it was quite a cute little town.

Walking up, you saw a yamper, this guy looks familiar... you started thinking, the dog pokemon was barking and, well, jumping at you, trying to get you to pet it, and you did, to which they yelped in happiness.

You smiled at yampers antics, "Having Fun with Sonia's yamper, Y/n?" Hop asked from behind you, then you remembered, "Oh, that's the bitch!" You cried out, loudly, to which some people got startled, and others looked at you weirdly but said nothing.

"Uh, what?" Hop asked standing beside you, "A while back I was taking books from Sonia when something happened to her yamper, the pokemon center wasn't open because it was busy and she was worried, so I helped the little guy, I forgot you for a while hun, sorry about that." You said, turning to yamper at the end to apologize, he barked in acceptance.

Smiling again, you looked up to see Sonia walking to yamper, "That's where you went, you sneaky thing." She said, then looked up at you, "Oh, Y/n! No wonder he ran off." You just chuckled, "Yeah, I'm just that lovable~" You joked, Sonia laughed, but Hop was just confused.

"Since when were you two this close?" He asked, and you turned to him, "Back when I helped Yamper, we started talking a bit more, and she started researching the darkest day and Dynamax I knew quite a bit because of all the books, so a beautiful fwendship bwosomed." You explained.

"Yup!" Sonia confirmed, "Y/n is surprisingly smart, though I suppose you have to be to heal pokemon, hmm?" She asked to which you nodded in confirmation. "Speaking of which, can you follow me, y/n? I want your opinion on something." She said, motioning to follow her, you looked to Hop, he was about to start his match, and you didn't wanna see him fight, no, no, you did not, not in the slightest.

So you did what you're best at and denied your own feelings, you heard Umbreon sigh, she always knows when you do these kinds of things, you turned to Sonia "Yeah sure, I don't really have anywhere to be." You said, turning once again back to Hop, "Beat there, ass bunny boy." You said and walked over to Sonia.

Hop just rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah, I will have fun." He said, "I'll do what I want, playboy." You said to which Hop responded with a groan. You heard Sonia giggle at the interaction. "You two are cute." She stated to which you did a double-take, cute? In my me? Is it more likely than I think? I need a free pc check.

"Sonia, I have been called so many things in my life, but cute has never been one of them." You started, following her up the hill, "Well, consider it a first then." She replied and looked out beyond the hill. There was some picture that looked like a giant toddler drew it, must be old.

"What is that? Like, Dynamax or something?" You asked, Sonia looked at you with a serious expression, "It seems like it, but Dynamax wasn't a thing when this was made, It's more likely to be something related to the darkest day." Sonia offered, you took on a more serious expression as well.

"Okay, so it's more likely darkest day, is it depicting a story?" You asked Sonia turned to you, "What do you mean?" You pointed to the small beings at the bottom of the picture, "Usually when something is showing a problem it goes on, it doesn't stop at the problem, whether the problem gets solved or not depends on the story but the story doesn't seem... finished. It doesn't seem like this is the only drawing is what I'm trying to say." You explained.

Sonia's face didn't budge, she just started thinking harder, "That's... actually not a bad point." she said, "But to my knowledge, there aren't anymore besides this one here." You just shrugged, "I don't know Sonia, I'm just your soundboard, I've got my own mystery I'm trying to solve." You said, her face quickly changed into happiness, "Oh, that's right! You're trying to figure out about pokeballs, right? How's that going, by the way?" She asked maybe a bit too loud for your liking.

You looked around to see a lot of people around, you looked up to Sonia and grabbed her wrist, "Not here." Was all you said before quickly finding an isolated corner away from the crowd. "What's wrong? Is it something bad?" She asked to which you violently shushed her, "Keep your voice down!" You whisper shouted.

"What the hell is wrong?!" She asked, to which you faced her again with worry apparent on your face, she kneeled down, going from angry and confused to worried as well quickly, "Y/n? Are you okay?" She asked as she held her hand out, you smacked it away.

"Fuck off, I'm fine. It's just that the Pokeball company is a lying cheating shit that silenced hundreds for there own personal gain." You said, looking down angrily, you didn't like people helping you, Sylveon felt your anger and wrapped one of there ribbons around your hand, it grounded you and pushed you out of your upsetting thoughts.

"What." Sonia asked, it was tough and sounded more like a statement, you rummaged through your bag and took out the book and forced it into her hands, "Huh-" Sonia started, but you cut her off, "Look up how to reveal invisible ink and read the book, you can figure out the rest." You said as you took off, "Y/n-" Sonia started, but you didn't stay long to hear; you really really hated people helping you like that.

"Well, I guess we gotta see Hop then, huh, gang?" You asked as everyone cheered in delight as you made your way to the stadium. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now