Pretty boy

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Hop and you were back in the hotel room after the fail that was tonight's mission. You groaned, "Great, now we have to break into rose's house!" You complained, and hop looked at you in shock, "Wait, what?" He asked, and you gave him a questioning look, "Well, what else are we going to do?" You asked, and Hop looked nervous, "I don't know I just- it's chairmen roses house. If we get caught its over, there's gotta be a better plan." He said.

You adopted a questioning look, "Well, playboy, what do you got?" You asked, and his nervous look didn't go away, "I dunno yet, but I'm sure we can come up with something." You rolled your eyes and flopped back down on your bed. "Well, if you think of something, tell me." You said, putting a pillow on your face, maybe then you could see the point of this conversation.

"C'mon, don't be like that, Y/n! Besides, we have time!" He exclaimed, nudging you slightly, you just groaned again as Hop tried to get the pillow off your head, "C'mon, we should do something! Because you and I both know you won't sleep tonight." He said, and you turned your head away at that because fuck he was right.

"What exactly do you suggest, playboy?" You asked, and he grinned, saying, "Follow me!" As he took your hand, leading you somewhere.

He took you out of the hotel and led you to the streets of motostroke. You honestly had no idea where you were going, Hop was moving too fast, and if he hadn't been holding your hand, you'd have lost him in an instant. You two kept moving around sharp corners and climbing up walls to get to where this mysterious place is.

You'll be honest, with all the twists and turns you were starting to get dizzy. "C'mon, Y/n! It's right up here!" He said, climbing the ladder on the side of a building, you hardly knew how but you were on the tallest building in motostroke, and you could see everything. And let it be known Motostroke was not dark at night.

The lights of buildings and billboards lit up the dark sky like the prettiest nightlight in the world, you'd never seen a city or even town this beautiful at night. Sure, you'd seen lights travel across the night sky in the wild areas but never like this.

You couldn't help it, you were awestruck. You couldn't seem to focus on anything other than the night sky and the pretty lights. "So... Do you like it?" Hop asked after a while, you turned back to him as you were lying on the ground, "Hop... This is amazing." You said with a slight blush on your face.

Despite the darkness, you could see Hop smile too; to be perfectly honest, you were a little scared showing any vulnerability to Hop, but you trusted him, so all you could do was smile back and look back to the streets in awe.

"How... Did you even find this? Don't you live in postwick?" You questioned, Hoop just rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, sometimes Lee'll take us to places like motostroke when he can, and I kind of like to explore, so I ended up finding this place..." He answered, and you hummed in acknowledgment.

"Wouldn't your family wonder where you are, though?" You asked again, looking at him. You saw Hop look away, as to not meet your gaze, he looked... Sad...

"Hop?" You asked, and he put on a fake smile, "Sorry, it's nothing. And I told them where I was so they wouldn't worry." He told you, and you frowned; maybe you weren't fantastic at reading people, but you could tell he was hiding something.

"Hop." You said, and his eyes met yours again, "What's wrong?" You asked, and he quickly looked back at the floor, pretending it was the most essential thing in the world. "N-nothing's wrong, Y/n! I just... am tired..." He said, faking a yawn and lying down.

"Ha, I think I might just sleep here!" He exclaimed, and you yelled out a "Playboy!" and he looked at you with worry as you sighed, "I may not be your best friend, fuck I'm probably not even a good friend, but, I can tell somethings wrong and I- I just want to help." You said, and Hop said nothing, looking at the floor for the millionth time.

You looked away for a minute and bit your lip before looking back at Hop and saying, "Hey, we're a team now... And I already revealed my tragic backstory, so, what's another one, right?" You joked, and you actually got Hop to snicker, which made you smile. His laugh was cute.

"Okay, but I'm probably just being whiney." He said, sitting up and looking you in your e/c eyes. "It's just when Lee became champion, everyone kind of stopped paying attention to me... It was always about Lee and how great he is."

"It- it's like everyone forgot about me, I didn't have any friends, and any adults who were nice to me were only nice because that's the champions little brother." He spat.

"For a while I resented Lee, I thought for the longest time that he just soaked up all the attention and never visited us because he was doing more important things, but I soon realized I was just projecting my anger onto him, he did love us, he loved me, but it feels like my accomplishments were nothing to anybody besides Lee."

"He was like, the only one who cared about what I did, I dunno it just kind of, hurt, I guess? I don't know I'm probably just being whiney like I said..." Hop finished; by the end, you could see tears start to well in his eyes as he finished. You didn't know what to do, so you did the first thing that came to mind.

You hugged him, "H-huh?" Was all Hop managed to stutter out as you only hugged him tighter, "I'm sorry, Hop. I have no idea how that feels, and, ugh god, I suck at comforting people but, if- if it makes you feel any better, I care about what you do..." You said, and you heard Hop start to sob as he hugged you back, you didn't know if you fucked up and that's why he's crying, but he's hugging you, so you decided not to let go until he did.

After a while of Hop crying on you, you both let go, and you looked to him and said, "Y'know, I think I need to update your name, I'd say you're more of a pretty boy now than a playboy." You said, smiling slightly, and you might have just been seeing things, but you could swear you saw his face light up when you said that. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now