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The male threw out another pokemon, A froslass, and told it to attack you, of fucking course, he’d use his pokemon for his own bidding, even in a fistfight. 

Your eyes adjusted to block out everything but the enemy in front of you, he told froslass to use Blizzard and then vulpix to use ember, he was trying to fucking freezer-burn you. 

Mimi took the blizzard, and it did no damage because of they're disguise ability, but you had to take the burn, you hissed in pain but set your eyes on the prize, the pokeballs. 

You didn't see Vulpix's Pokeball but froslasses were in the fucker's hand. You looked to Mimi and nodded, Mimi finally jumped from your shoulder to fight the froslass, it is a higher level, while you were focused on the guy while trying to avoid vulpix. 

You felt your adrenaline working against you; you were shaking violently and trying to break shit while shaking didn't help. You got closer to the dude, and he stepped back, coward you thought, but you were on the defense with being attacked by vulpix and Mimi fighting off froslass. 

You decided now was the time to run at the guy and jump on him so you just kind of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Was your battle cry as you ran full speed at him as he flinched back and told his pokemon to attack you. 

They were again commanding Froslass to use Blizzard and Vulpix to use ember. It hit this time. You growled in pain this time, it only hit your arm, but that didn't make it hurt less, unfortunately for him, this didn't stop you because you had been in fights before. 

You got close enough to punch him, and he stuttered out a very audible "Ow!" Like a fucking loser-

Either way now, as he was touching his cheek where you punched him, you took the opportunity and crushed the Pokeball for froslass right in his hand, which he responded to with a small hiss of pain from how much strength you used. 

"Get the fuck off me!" He yelled as he pushed you off him, this bitch might be a coward, but he's a strong coward. You jumped at him again, and he dogged by an inch, but you hit him back with a quick right hook and were about to drop on him and hopefully find Vulpix's Pokeball when the pokemon in question jumped on you, knocking you back. 

He told them to use ember again to which you shouted in pain from, Mimi was able to get Vulpix off, "It's in his bag!" You heard there froslass say and quickly looking at the guy you found a small bag hanging on his side, score. You thought. 

As Vulpix was preoccupied with Mimi and froslass as well as the trainer being momentarily distracted with froslass not following his directions, you took the opportunity to snatch his bag, which earned a " Hey!" From the man in question. 

You went on the defense, trying to find Vulpix's Pokeball while being chased by some random asshole, not a fun time. 

You finally found it after a minute of searching and running, but you were slowly running out of stamina, you did have a lot but maybe trying to search for something was wearing you down as well? You didn't know. 

What you did know was how the man used your whole two seconds of break time to come up and punch you in the jaw, you stumbled back a bit, holding it before you quickly dogged punch after punch. 

You were lucky this guy didn't often fight because his aim was kind of bad, you got around to finally kicking him in the balls, and while he was in excruciating pain, you broke Vulpix's Pokeball, getting them out of there trance-like state. 

You sat above the man, rain still pouring down on you as your adrenaline was still pumping. He looked up in fear, realizing he had no pokemon to do his bidding left, and all you uttered out was a "run." And he did. 

It was only until after he was out of sight did you allow yourself to crumble to the ground, breathing heavily. 

You looked over to your arm, it hurt like a bitch and would definitely need some kind of medical attention, but you would live, after all, you'd been through worse. 

It had been a few minutes of catching your breath and letting your adrenaline run out when you realized you were getting close to blacking out. 

Shit not now! You thought as you looked over to see if Mimi was alright, she was, along with the guy's other pokemon. Currently, they were surrounding you, worry evident on there face. 

"H-hey, I'll be okay." You told them as you reached your hand out to pet them, froslass leaned into the touch but still looked worried, you didn't blame them. 

You somehow made it under a tree, you knew you were going to blackout soon, and you didn't want to be in the middle of the wild area, so you went back under your tree. 

Mimi stood guard around you proactively as froslass, and Vulpix stood next to you, vulpix trying to raise its body temperature to warm you up when you heard him. 

"Y/n!?" You looked over to the voice to see playboy out in the rain, looking at you in shook, you could only give a weak smile and chuckle as you said: "Funny m-meeting you here…" You stuttered from the cold and pain. 

Hop ran up to you, asking what happened, but you couldn't respond as you blacked out with bunny boy calling out your name. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now