Wooloo is baby but we already knew this

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own where pretty carefree he'd say, with how you talked and acted. You were never once afraid, you took charge, you did whatever you wanted with no consequence. You just were rude and reckless, in the about month he knew you, weak was not in your dictionary. 

At least, it wasn't until now. Hop wasn't sure what to make of it, you never seemed so scared, what had happened to you before moving here? He wanted to find out, but you ran off too quickly before he could find out. You seemed to be having some sort of flashback, or just a weird episode of types. You snapped yourself out of it pretty quick, though.

He thought you living with your aunt was kind of strange, but he thought it might be because you wanted to move here, but your parents couldn't afford it, so you went with your aunt or something along those lines, but you seemed to not want to be here, like, literally ever. 

In fact, you never seemed to want to interact with people in general. He hardly ever saw you unless it was in the tall grass, so what the hell happened to you? He was probably standing there lost in thought for a while before wooloo poked him and snapped him back to reality. 

"Sorry, wooloo, lost in thought, I guess." He told his little sheep friend, they only stared at him blankly, then walked away. He'd just got his wooloo a few days ago from Lee, he technically caught it because he threw the Pokeball, but Lee was the one who lowered their health. A team effort technically.  

Hop wasn't sure what to do about this, about  you.  A lot of times, he'd rush straight into things, but every time he'd done that with you, it never worked out. So he decided he'd wait until then all he could really do is hope you'd be okay, with whatever that breakdown was a minute ago. 

You woke up in your own bed,  this is the first time I've slept in here since I moved in, that's kind of sad.  You thought to yourself as you opened your eyes to see your Pokemon was on your bed with you. It was nice, you believed your aunt wasn't here still, checking the time you saw it was eight at night,  seems I fucked up my sleep schedule again. 

You felt somewhat at peace though, you felt warm and feeling your pokemon breathing next to you was relaxing, you might have fallen asleep again if you weren't in your house. But speaking of your home, you decided it would probably be a bad thing if you stayed here, you slept all day long, and you wanted to see if anyone needed help again.

Stealing yourself, you nudged your Pokemon lightly to wake them up; they all stirred awake slowly, "C'mon everyone, I know you don't wanna get up, but I'd rather you all didn't starve." You told them in a soft voice as you started to get out of bed. 

You moved up, and the unease you were used to feeling came back, probably because of how dark it was, you shook the feeling off, it didn't work, but it did wake you up some. You went to the kitchen and turned the light on, you closed your eyes quickly from the sudden brightness, but your eyes adjusted to it. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now