What if's

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Authors note: Hey sorry this took so long to get out guys, I meant for this to come out sooner but I wasn't sure how to continue the story in a satisfying way (to me at least) But I finally figured it out so we are back baby! Anyways I hope you enjoy, reader and Hop both realize your gray area of a toxic relationship ;)

As you left the room through the window with tears in your eyes, Hop felt a wave of guilt overflowing in him; he hadn't meant it like that! Hop bit his fingernails anxiously as he looked down to see a very upset Umbreon and Sylveon.

Sylveon quickly ran after you, trying to catch up as Umbreon stayed, her face shifting from angry to worried. Umbreon suddenly turned around, the same worried look on her face. "Hop? Are you okay?" She then muttered to herself, "he can't hear you, idiot, he's not y/n..."

But to Hop and Umbreons shock, Hop could hear them, "Wait- no, I can understand you!" Hop blurted out without thinking, as Umbreon's face turned to shock. "You can?" Was all she asked simply as Hop nodded his head meekly.

Umbreon then shook her head quickly, seemingly trying to get some kind of thoughts out of her head before returning her gaze to Hop. "Are you okay?" She asked in a sweet voice, Hop laughed in an upset tone, "Me? I just royally fucked everything up with y/n, and you're worried about me?" Hop asks.

Umbreon's face only turns from worried to very worried. "Yes, hun." She started as she moved closer to Hop, "I know you feel like you have to always be there for them and never say the wrong thing, but it still happens sometimes, kind of like right now." Umbreon told him.

"Yeah, but-" Hop started before Umbreon interrupted him, "Nuh-uh Hop, look at me." Umbreon instructed, and Hop obliged, "This is not your fault. You shouldn't feel the need to walk on eggshells when you're around y/n." She said honestly, and as much as Umbreon loved you, she has to admit you are very sensitive once you open up to someone, and almost toxic.

Umbreon looked down after that; she really does hope you'll let Leon take you to therapy; not only do you need it, but it could help Hop out too, so he isn't always on edge around you. "I-" Hop starts but stops there, not sure of what to say; he never thought of it like that, maybe he should stop being friends with you?

But the other part of his mind is screaming how he could never do that to you, he was your friend, and you were his, right? You might not have been precisely friendly at first, but you're the only one that has paid attention to him, besides Lee, of course.

Hop looked back to Umbreon, desperation in his eyes, he honestly had no clue on what to do, and he couldn't talk to anyone else; Lee has a bias against you, and Sylveon probably wouldn't even know anything about it; Mimi doesn't speak, and his family hardly pays attention to him so they wouldn't even listen to him. The only person or pokemon for that matter that can help is right in front of him.

"What do you think I should do, Umbreon?" Hop finally asked, and Umbreon sighed, looking down to the floor, "I don't know, Hop." She started, "Part of me wants to say continue trying to be there for y/n, but the other part wants the best for you; and as much as it pains me to say it, y/n is a little toxic, and I don't want to push that on you." Umbreon looked back up to Hop, "Ultimately, the decision is yours, Hop, but promise me you won't hurt them, please, they've been through more than enough." Umbreon finished and walked to the window to jump out of it and try to find you as well, leaving Hop alone in the room.

Hop felt tears starting to form, and he wanted to sob, why was this so confusing!? Hop fell to the floor with a thud, he closed his eyes as he fell and stayed on the floor, eyes closed and tears threatening to spill at any given moment.

After a few moments, he groaned and sat up, opening his eyes. He thinks he has an idea of what to do, but he'd have to find you and see if you'd explode because of it. Hop sighed. Maybe he made you out to be a better friend than you where? Perhaps he should just leave this possibly unhealthy friendship?

Hop then shook his head as if to shake the thoughts from his head. He can't do that to you, not unless you make him, anyways. Hop swore right then and there to stick up for himself, even if it meant losing you.

Hop stood up and wiped the few tears he had in his eyes away and took a deep breath. He was going to find you; he just hoped he wouldn't lose you in the process.

After eating with Pangro, you were still drowning in sorrow, but then quickly got out of the thoughts; if Hop didn't want you, then fine! You didn't want him either!

Yet there was a part of your brain that didn't agree with that statement. Was it really Hop's fault for just speaking his mind? Now that you thought it over, were you actually the bad guy? You backed up as if you could back away from yourself, Oh God, how bad were you?

"Kid?" Pangro asked upon seeing your face pale; you looked up to him, "Um, y-yes?" You responded, "Are you okay? your face looks a little pale." He asked again, and you nodded, "I just... Realized something..." You answered, trailing off.

Pangro raised an eyebrow, "Well, what did you realize?" He asked, and you mumbled something, but he couldn't hear it, so he sat down beside you again. "Kid? I couldn't-" You, however, interrupted him, "I'm the bad guy!" You shouted, then quickly covered your mouth, "Sorry! I didn't mean to yell." You quickly apologized.

Pangro only hummed, "Well, what are you gonna do about it, Kid?" Pangro asked once again, and you opened your mouth to respond, but no words came out; what were you going to do about it? "I..." You said but didn't get farther than that; what could you do about it?

You didn't get much longer to think about it because you saw three familiar figures calling out your name not far away from you. But one stood out the most, "Hop?" 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now