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The wild area is what you expected it to be, and yet it wasn't at the same time. There were a few key changes in your typical day to day schedule with the wild area and wild pokemon in general, one being that you are wearing a dress right now.

To be fair, you do want to wear this dress, you just didn't want to wear it publicly, even though Hop and your pokemon were really supportive you were just embarrassed about it. The dress itself was pretty, though.

It had a base of f/c, and where the dress puffed out a bit at the end had an extra layer of sparkles on it that complemented the base color nicely, you really liked the dress even with the slight embarrassment that came with it.

Nobody was really staring thankfully, but you knew you got a few glances here and there, though you weren't sure if it was because of the dress you wore or that you were wearing the dress. You sighed, nobody even really knew you here, why would they make fun of you? Sometimes your anxiety gets out of hand, you'll admit.

Even if someone makes fun of you, you'll just fight them, and then their attention would be brought to the fact that there's a fist in their face and not the dress that you're wearing. You weren't paying attention to how much you were spacing out until you almost fell down, thankfully Hop and nobody else noticed, but it did bring your attention to the sight in front of you.

You saw the wild area in all its glory, You already saw a bunch of pokemon out and about, Hop looked back at you then smiled, "I see someones happy." He said, and you halfheartedly punched his shoulder, "Shut up, Hopscotch, I was dragged into a clothing store before coming here." You replied, and hop only snickered, "Hopscotch?" Was all he asked as it dawned on you what you just said.

You wanted to apologize, but your pride wouldn't let you, so instead, you replied with a blush gracing your face, "Well, add this to the pile of nicknames, I guess." As Hop snorted at the comment, you had just made, "I should have a nickname for you, y/n." Hop stated as your blush only grew more when he said that.

Nobody had ever given you a nickname before, that seemed a little much for you, even if it was just a nickname. "Why do you say that, bunny boy?" You asked and cursed at yourself for using another one of Hop's nicknames in front of him, for god's sake you were just proving his point more!

Hop took out his phone suddenly and started typing something in it, "Pretty boy?" You asked, looking at him with a questioning stare, after a minute of staring at his phone he finally looked at you and smiled, "I got a nickname for you, y/n!" He exclaimed, "Oh?" Was all you replied with before Hop said, "U'ila!" And it took you a few seconds before you realized where that word came from.

You then blushed bright red again! And your blush had just faded as well from before, but whatever. U'ila means beautiful in the Alolan language, so Hop was trying to nickname you beautiful.

"Hop!" You shouted, punching him on the arm, he only laughed, "What? Are you embarrassed or something U'ila?" He teased, and you just smacked his head as Sylveon and Umbreon chuckled, "You two are so cute!" Umbreon gushed, "Shut it, Umbreon!" You shouted back, and Hop just chuckled again.

"Fuck this, I'm not taking this attack on me." You said, walking away, and maybe pouting a little. But Hop only called out for you to wait, you didn't. He soon caught up to you anyways, He was still smiling, "You're lucky I like you, bunny boy." As Hop laughed again, you said, "No offense or anything, U'lia, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake." Hop teased, and you just glared at him when you saw a pond in the distance.

You gave him a mischievous smirk, Hop realizing he made some kind of mistake tried to run, he failed in his attempt to flee, "I'll show you who's a fucking cupcake." You said, dragging the purple-haired boy along to the pond, Hop, realizing the pond getting closer and closer started struggling more, "Y/n, No! I have already been shoved in freezing water by you once before!"

You only smirked more as you made it to the pond before looking back at the pale-faced male, "Make it twice." You said before dunking his ass in the water. You heard his girlish scream once again, As you laughed at him and Umbreon only shook her head with Sylveon giggling behind them. You think you even heard Mimi chuckle from your shoulder.

Hop was above water again and started splashing water at you; you only laughed harder and between giggles muttered out, "Pretty boy! I just got this dress!" Hop seemed to be thoughtful for a moment before taking your opportunity and splashed water in his face.

You laughed again as playboy got you back by splashing water all over you, "Y/n! You little shit!" He exclaimed as you laughed more, backing away from the pond so he couldn't hit you anymore. Hop quickly got out of the probably cold pond, "Great, now I'm cold and wet. Thanks, y/n." Hop said sarcastically.

"Your welcome Hopscotch~" You replied back teasingly, Hop only rolled his eyes and took off his shirt, which made you blush, he was by no means athletic, but he also wasn't not athletic if that makes sense. You figured it was because he was always running around from the gym challenge.

"What the hell are you doing, pretty boy?" You asked, and Hop then looked over at you, "What? You're the one who pushed me into a pond, U'ila, what did you honestly expect? I don't want to be cold." As Umbreon snorted, he admitted, and Sylveon giggled, "What did you expect, Y/n?" Umbreon asked, you only barked back, "Shut the hell up, Umbreon!" You swore you heard Hop giggle as well.

"Well, have fun being cold, pretty boy." You said, walking away, "Hey, where are you going!?" Hop yelled as you didn't look behind you because pretty boy was still shirtless, and you didn't want him to see the blush across your face.

"I'm going to help out some pokemon, Hopscotch. You should probably change into some dry clothes, too." Was all you said, walking farther away, and you know you heard Umbreon sigh, "Oh." Was all Hop replied with, you heard a hint of disappointment in his voice before it went back to cheerful, "Well, I'll catch you later, U'ila!"

"Don't call me U'ila!" You shouted back, "Okay, U'ila." Hop teased, and you cursed him out, Hop only laughed before you got out of earshot of the fucker. "You can't keep running away from your feelings, Y/n," Umbreon said in a calm voice.

"Watch me." You said as Umbreon smacked your leg with her tail, "Y/n. I'm being serious." She said, and you looked down and sighed as you fell face-first into the grass. "I don't know what to do other than that, Umbreon!" You said as your voice broke and was muffled by the ground.

Umbreon only laid next to you as you felt like crying, you weren't sure how to deal with emotions, and now you were about to cry because you didn't know what to do like a fucking toddler, great! Isn't this just fuckin' peachy!? You thought to yourself.

As you sat up, Umbreon and Sylveon, and Even Mimi, nuzzled against you, and the urge to cry subsided a little, "Thanks, you three." You said petting them, "It'll be okay, y/n. But you need to talk to him about your feelings at some point." Umbreon said as Sylveon agreed.

You sighed, ruffling up Sylveon's fur, "I know." Was all you said, "I know." You repeated looking over at the abundant lakes and rivers in front of you that surrounded the wild area. You sighed, then smiled, even if Hopscotch abandons you, at least you have Sylveon, Umbreon, and Mimi. And you know they'd never leave you. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now