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Sonia was in her lab; she was looking at the book you had given her, she was worried, what you said just couldn't be right, right? It was hours later, and she finally made it back to the lab, she sighed and grabbed the book from her bag. 

It was the first time she looked at the book; it was notably glorifying pokeballs, probably why you had asked her to look up how to reveal invisible ink. 

She wondered how you even figured this out, assuming it wasn't a prank, anyways. She opened the book and skimmed through it quickly, pretty standard stuff, really bland and annoying though. 

But she finally got around to see if it really did have a hidden message, it did. 

The more she read, the more worried she got, talks of bribes, threats, and the like. But she got to the last page, that's when the reality hit her, this wasn't a prank, this wasn't fake, she'd seen bits and pieces of this pointing to this conclusion before but turned a blind eye like everyone else assuming it was nothing. 

"Shit." She said, leaning back in her chair with her hands on her head, "I have to do something about this." 

You walked in the big ass stadium and took some random seat, Mimi was on your shoulder as per usual, Sylveon was under your seat, you never knew why but he seemed to like it under there so who were you to say anything, and Umbreon was on your lap. 

You saw playboy enter the field and apparently to a crowd that was unheard of because they went fucking wild, this is why you didn't like stadiums really, too loud. 

Hop and the green buff dude were talking, but they were way too far away to hear, especially with all the people screaming. 

"I'm betting 2000¥ that Hop will win." You said to your pokemon, knowing full well they couldn't pay you back. 

"He should; I heard some people talking and saying this is the easiest gym leader, only two pokemon." Umbreon said, "Plus, Scorebunny has a type advantage on them." She added, you and Sylveon hummed in response. 

They both backed up from each other and sent out there first pokemon, playboy sent out wooloo, and the green buff dude sent out gossifleur, a pokemon that wasn't in alola. 

You'd never seen one of them before besides in the wild area, but still, it was more glances than anything. 

The buff dude took the lead and hit them with rapid spin, raising its speed in the process, not that they needed it. 

Wooloo almost missed the attack, but it still hit them, unfortunately, "Yikes." You said, but since gossifleur was so close Wooloo got a good amount of damage in by using tackle, Hop didn't have to say anything for them to do it though, they did it on there own, unlike buff dudes pokemon. 

"Hmm…" Was all you said to yourself as the fight continued, gossifleur tried to hit them with rapid spin again but missed this time, you saw Hop say something to the buff dude, but once again, you couldn't fucking hear. 

Wooloo used tackle again, and gossifleur just stood there and took it, and they seemed to stay still in one place while Hop's pokemon was pacing around the rest of the field. 

gossifleur used tackle this time themselves which Wooloo moved just in time for, Wooloo seems to be better at doing than dealing damage. You thought to yourself, Interesting. 

The fight went on like that for a few more minutes until Wooloo won, you cringed at the damage they took, but they'd be okay later, you reasoned with yourself. 

The buff dude said something before sending out his second pokemon. It sent the crowd in a frenzy. 

Hop switched out his pokemon and sent out scorebunny, smart playboy. You thought The buff dude dynamaxed his pokemon and holy shit. You'd heard of dynamaxing, but seeing it close up was like a spiritual awakening. 

"Never seen you awestruck before, y/n." Umbreon teased, you playfully hit her, "Shut up." You said. 

Playboy seemed to have the same idea though, as he dynamaxed scorebunny, you saw both special moves for the dynamaxed pokemon. 

But either way sooner than later the match ended and Hop won, you cheered a little for playboys little victory. 

You exited the stadium to find playboy not there; you couldn't blame him; it probably took longer to change and shit. 

"That was fun!" Sylveon exclaimed from behind you, "Yeah, seeing Hop's pokemon kick that buffs dude ass was fun." You replied, "We're going to watch his other matches, too, right?" He asked. 

"Eh, I don't see why not." You replied to get a "yay!" From Sylveon, "Hey, y/n!" You heard someone call from behind you, "Heya playboy." You said, turning around, "Did you watch the match?" He asked you, nodded, "Yeah, seeing you kick a buff dudes ass was fun." You replied to which Hop rolled his eyes, "shut up." He said, which you responded to with a giggle. 

"Anyways, I noticed some things in your match playboy, but it's still too early to tell if it was just a one-time thing or not." You told him he got a serious look on his face, "Yeah, so did I, as well as with matches with other trainers, here, we should talk in the hotel room." He said, walking away and motioning for you to follow him, "Lead the way, playboy." You replied, following him. 


"Sonia? What's wrong? You sound distressed."

"Something is wrong; I need you to meet me at…" 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now