I dub thee oof

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You didn't get any sleep that night, but it was hardly the first time, so you were okay. The remainder of the night consisted of walking around the hotel at ungodly hours with Umbreon, and after realizing pretty boy would wake up soon, going back to the room you two slept in then playing some games on your phone.

It was about seven in the morning, you could see the sun peeking out from behind the closed curtains. It was a welcome sight, you'll admit. But it was then that your phone started ringing, "Shit!" you yelled in a whisper after be9ing startled by the phone ringtone that was really high up for some reason.

You quickly turned the volume down and looked at the caller. It was Sonia. The hell does she want at seven in the morning? You thought to yourself, getting up from the bed and out into the hallway. You pressed the answer button, "Hello...?" You asked slowly, what can you say, you were sort of tired.

"Remember how we were supposed to get that book from Chairman Rose?" Sonia asked you could hear her shuffling around on her side, "Uh... Yeah?" You confirmed, but it was more of a question. "Well, good news and bad news." She said, and you groaned, this was pretty simple! Find the book, take it, and leave without them knowing, how did they fuck this up?!

"Bad news first." You said, "Well, we didn't get the book." Sonia states to which you groan loudly, "How." Was all you said; it wasn't even a question; it was a statement. "Look, Y/n, we're not masters here, I mean with Leon being, well, Leon, I doubt he's ever stolen once in his life before," Sonia says, and you just huffed, she had a point, but you still didn't like it.

"And the good news?" You asked, as Sonia answered, "We got the key to the book." And you had to do a double-take, there was a key to the book? What was it? A diary? Well... You didn't see the book, so it very well could be a diary but still!

"How do you know it's to the book?" Was what you asked, and you could hear Sonia pick up the key, "There's a paper taped on it." Sonia said simply before adding, "It says 'to the pokemon book,.'"

You just sighed at the information; while it was likely it was for the book you guys were looking for, it didn't mean it was for the book you guys were looking for, either. You decided not to call Sonia out for this, "Since your our brains behind the operation, what do you suggest?" She asked to which you sighed.

"I don't know yet," You admitted, "But give me some time, I'm sure I'll think of something." You said, ideas already forming in your mind. Sonia only hummed in acknowledgment, and you told her, "Bye." Simply before hanging up. You walked back into the hotel room and flopped down onto your bed and groaned.

You saw Pretty boy stir in his sleep, you guessed you accidentally woke him up, "Morning sleeping beauty." You teased as Hop started waking up, "Mmm, what time is it?" He asked groggily as you looked at the clock, "About 7:24 in the morning bunny boy." You replied as Hop just hummed and sat up.

Hop started to stretch, and your pokemon slowly started waking up, too. "Did you just talk to someone?" Hop asked, and you nodded, "Yeah, It was Sonia, she didn't get the book." You told him as Hop cursed under his breath.

"But," You started gaining Pretty boy's attention, "They did find a key that might go to the book." You explained, and Hop had a small smile on his face, "Well, at least there's that, right?" He said, and you found yourself smiling back, "Yeah, at least there's that." You repeated.

"Anyways, I was thinking of training my pokemon to take on Kabu in the wild area." Hop said, "Wanna join?" He asked as you nodded, and you both got out of bed, and Hop got his day clothes.

You heard Kabu was the first roadblock in the gym challenge, so you didn't blame pretty boy for going to train, Besides you could help some pokemon along the way. "Hey, Y/n?" Hop started as you turned to him, "Yeah?"

"Why do you sleep in your day clothes?" He asked, and you chuckled, "Heh, well, I don't really have that many clothes..." You admitted, which apparently was the wrong answer because Hop shouted out, "What!?" Sort of loudly while you squashed him, people were still sleeping.

"After I change, we're going to the Boutique to get you some clothes, Y/n." To which you stuttered out, "Wh-what?" Umbreon heard you while they were still getting up and chuckled, "You do need more clothes, Y/n." Umbreon pointed out, "B-but I don't have much money!" You protested as Hop just brushed you off.

"I can ask Leon for some, I know he doesn't like you, but you need clothes, I'm sure he'll understand," Hop said, and you just stood there with a blank look on your face, you blinked a few times before blushing, Pretty boy was too nice to you, you swear.

"You don't have to do that! I'm fine with just a few clothes!" You said in an attempt to stop him, It didn't work. "I insist, mate." He, well, insisted. You kept pushing, "Weren't you going to train your pokemon, Pretty boy?" You asked, and Hop, again, brushed your protests off.

"We can go later, Y/n, c'mon just let me do this for you!" He said, and you felt your blush increase as he turned around and smiling brightly at you as he said that, and fuck man, were you weak for his smile.

"O-okay..." You stuttered out as Sylveon said you had those old rags for too long, anyways. Hop then went into the bathroom to change, you swear you were weak for this boy, he was going to be the death of you, you swear. 

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now