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"Are you sure?" The words slipped out sooner than she realised it. She needed confirmation about it. Desperate confirmation. There had to be a mistake.

"Sorry, ma'am. It's true. We checked it time and again before calling you to inform you. We have him on be wanted list. We would inform you of any developments and watch out." The line went dead after that.

Watch out?

The hell?

She turned around and his eyes caught her. Her breath hitched as she realised that he had been in the room all this while. 

"Uhm.." she cleared her throat, "Shall we continue?"

"Is everything alright?" He asked instead. His intense eyes still at her.

She nodded.

He nodded at the file and she explained it. Every detail she went over, fearing that she would be soon fired it she didn't.

He looked convinced but at the end of it and she felt the relief flooding inside her.

Taking the file with her, she left.

Her meet with Arman had gone well.

Mandeep waved her bye when she was closing the lift which she returned. She walked to her office feeling groaned of energy and dependent on the door to her office and doing someone sitting in her chair.

"Wh..." Her mouth opened to ask but didn't close when she recognised the person.

"Hello there," Anuj sat in her chair, looking uncomfortable but leaned back a little with his ankle kept on his knee. "How are you fairing?"

"Failing?" Alia scrunched her nose.

"F-A-I-R-I-N-G." He spelt it out for her with a smile. "What an incompetent employee you are." He taunted with mirth dancing in her eyes.

Alia took the challenge headfirst. "Funny. I just met with the boss and he said I did a pretty good job for someone who has just the experience of 3 years."

The man tsked, basically sneered at her. "That's for now. You know what the report said when you attended the meeting this morning but what makes you think that the next time is going to have the same opinion?"

She smiled at him and pleased the files down with a bang on the table. "because these files were made by you and if these files are wrong that means you are at fault." She pointed her finger at her, "So you are the one getting fired for it." She told him cheekily.

Anuj did not like her. Mainly because she had taken his position and he was not happy about that. Also he was never shy to tell her about that.

He simply stood up and walked out with an 'oomph and Alia took her chair.

She sighed and leaned back on it. There were chances that her father could start a new life but at the end of the day, he was a vengeful person and he was probably out there to kill her.

She could just hope that jail had him mend his ways and see life with a new perceptive.

Which, she did not think was possible.

So, she just sighed and closed her eyes. Shaan was safe and out of the country. Their father could never travel outside with a jail stamp on it and a wanted sign.

She had a dog, a German shepherd, who she had gotten professionally trained so she was safe too. . . To some extent.

She went back to work and collected the field when she realised something.

The file that needed to be given to Arman was still with her.

Shit, as the boss he had to given the six-monthly report of the company.

She had to go back . . . Or maybe she could give it Mandeep.

She stood up and walked out of her cabin to the lift. Arman had known about her inexistent period of what could be worse than this?

The doors to the lift opened and she walked to the turn in the hall to the reception but did not see Mandeep. Then her eyes fell on be clock above her desk.

Of course, it was lunch break.

She sighed loudly.

She had half a mind of keeping it here and walking out. But then won't they consider it be rude?

She sighed and just placed it here. There were post-it notes next to the pens so she wrote a message and tired back around.

She waited for the life to come up but stilled when they opened up.

Two people looked at her.


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