Chapter 2

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August 13th, 2015, Thursday. Roughly 2 months after my first failed attempt at escaping this hellhole. The second time I almost got away though, I had managed to open the door and rush down the street, but I didn't get far enough as Schlatt caught up to me and dragged me all the way back. Tho lucky for me he didn't punish me in anyway, so I was able to quickly start planning for another escape which would be today, and hopefully my last one.

I have finally figured it out, I will execute the plan in the middle of the day, when there are people around. I'll try and sneak out at roughly 1pm and then make a run for it, there is no use backing out now. The plan is fool proof.

I look at the clock hanging above my desk in my room its low ticking could be heard in the whole room, it reads 12:49, meaning it was just about time to start getting ready. And so, I did, I pick up my bag and fill it with anything I might need.

Clothes, food and water that I sneaked in from the kitchen the other night and a lighter. With that I throw my bag over my shoulder and pick up the bow I had placed near my bed, a bow I got around 3 years ago, slightly torn and littered with marks after Ive used it pretty much daily since I first got it. I'm ready to go, it's now or never.

As the clock hits 12:58 I take a deep breath and open the door, making sure to be as careful as possible and then down the stairs and when I see the exit, I make a run for it, at this point I didn't care about making noise any longer. I yank down the handle and open the door, i did it I was outside. now all I can do is run; I hear schlatt swearing behind me as I'm making my way down the path.

In the middle of my frantic running, I bump into someone, and I land on the ground on my arm opening a somewhat fresh wound, making it bleed. In a haste I get up and take a step back and look up only to meet eyes with the same pink haired man that visited us 2 months ago. there is no time to spare, he is my only hope.

"I need your help! Please I need you to hide me!" I say between deep breaths and franticly glancing around. "heh?" was all he said, clearly taken aback from what was happening. I look him in the eyes once again "Please!" I say as I turn to look at the direction I came from. Then suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder as I'm pushed aside, or rather behind him, accompanied soft fabric against my skin.

"Techno!" It was Schlatt, he is breathing heavily and sounds mad, which is understandable. "Johnathan. is everything okay? " Techno replies in the same monotone voice. "Have you seen my kid around?" schlatt says with a soft laugh at the end trying to seem friendly. "No, I haven't." Techno is the one speaking once again, and with that Schlatt thanks him and thankfully leaves.

After schlatt has left, I peak around technos shoulder before exhaling in relief. "Thank you!" I let out a small giggle and smile at him. "I should get going now, I need to find somewhere to stay..." I said the last part a bit lower but still loud enough for him to apparently hear it. "Should I bring her with me chat...?" he whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear.

After about a minute of silence he eventually sighs and turns to face me properly. "Look, kid. That wound looks bad, we have supplies to patch it up if you'd like." 'We?' I think to myself 'So, there would be more people. it seems a bit risky but I don't have the supplies needed to clean it myself so I might as well.' I nod at him, and he nods back, showing that he understood that I agreed to his offer and starts walking.

the walk is not too long and rather relaxing, and now we have arrived, and I'm met with a lone house standing tall in front of me. The man now known as Techno, walks up to the door before looking back making sure that I'm ready. I give him a reassuring nod before he opens the door, inviting me inside. I walk in and admire the walls and then the floor, but my admiring was cut short as it was cut off by a loud yell "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

I flinch hard at the high pitched yell and out of instinct hide behind the tall pink haired man. "what's going on?? ...Techno?" it was another man's voice this time "what's going on?" he asks once again before being cut off by yet another voice "what's with all the yelling??" 'How many people are there?' I think to myself.

Techno nudges me a bit, so I peek out from behind him giving a faint wave with my arm that isn't wounded. I take this opportunity to look at the 3 other people standing before me. One of them looks to be a few years older than me, he is tall and blonde with blue eyes. He was wearing a white and red t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

he must have noticed I was staring as he huffs. The other person standing next to him is somewhat tall, he looks to be the oldest one of them all, he is blonde and is wearing mostly green and a bucket hat. The last one is a tall brunette with a beanie, glasses and a yellow sweater.

"Who the fuck are you!?" the young blonde yells making me flinch. "Tommy!" the man in green says with a sigh before carrying on. "Hello there, the name is Philza, Philza Minecraft." the man in green says with a smile which I return with a faint smile and a nod. "My name is Wilbur." the brunette replies in a low tone as he was scanning me up and down.

"My name is Y/N..." I say before moving closer to Techno, him being the only one I trust so far. It wasn't first now that I realise that my arm was bleeding as badly as it was and I wince as I touch the wound, catching the attention of the brunette, Wilbur. "That looks pretty bad." he says with a concerned look. "I'll help you patch it up, if you'd like." Philza cuts in, talking in a soft and comforting tone. after a good minute of hesitating, i give in. "Yes please." I say and he smiles. 


ayo bit of an early update today as i meant to keep the updates to the weekends, i know this one is rather short but ive got some good plans for the upcoming chapters so dw :]

anyways, dont forget to drink and eat <3 :D

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