Chapter 6

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,"come on Y/N! it will be funny!" Tommy have just dragged me around most of school showing me the classrooms and other important places between classes and right now while waiting for our last class to start we are standing in the hallway where Wilbur has his classes, speaking of Wilbur, we have spotted him sitting and reading by himself.

"Tommy i am not going to do that!" Tommy is whining like a child while trying to convince me that his idea was good, he had asked me to walk up and take Wilburs stuff, then make a run for it.

"ugh, guess i have to do everything around here." he crosses his arms with a huff but quickly bursts out in laughter replacing his serious face with a soft smile. Tommy calms down and starts sneaking towards where Wilbur is seen sitting and reading. The tall blond boy turns and faces me with a smirk. "we dont even need to be quiet, he has earbuds in."

i walk so that i stand next to Tommy and glance over at Wilbur, sure enough, he was listening to music. "watch this." the blond says in a cocky way before walking up behind where Wilbur is sitting and ever so carefully pulls away his bag laying next to him, trying not to get caught. after a nervous minute of Tommy tugging at Wilburs bag he finally got it and takes 3 slow steps backwards before he jogs over to me laughing.

"i got it! look! hes got all kinds of things!" i roll my eyes and anxiously look at Wilbur before facing Tommy again. "he is going to realise any second now." "come on! there is no way he noticed-" "TOMMY!" the both of us snap our heads towards the somewhat strong british accent. "GIVE ME MY SHIT BACK!"

i raise both my hands and take a step back "it was Tommy!" "YOU BASTARD Y/N!" foot steps are heard coming from Wilburs direction and Tommy lets out a shriek and takes off running "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" now i am the one bursting out in laughter.

once i calm down from my laughter, only then do i realise the amount of stares we were getting from the other students. i look back at Tommy and Wilbur who are now playing ring around the rosie around the table Wilbur sat at before. "guys! please-"

"Tommy give him his stuff back." a monotone voice is heard from behind me and i quickly spin around only to be met with a tall man with pink hair, Technoblade. "BUT-" "Tommy." Tommy handed the brunette his stuff back. "ugh you are no fun."

i smile at the pink haired man and giggle. "Techno! its good to see you!" "you too Y/N." Wilbur audibly gasps "YO! FURRY! OVER HERE!" he starts waving like a maniac as two guys and a girl come walking towards us. "Wilbur! i told you to stop calling me that!" "so how is my favorite furry doing today?" "Wilbur! stop it!"

i watch the two older boys as wilbur laughs at the other before my eyes land at the shorter male with a beanie and the girl standing slightly behind him, the shorter must have seen me staring as he walks up to me, or rather, up to techno. "Ayyy! Techno!" Techno responds with a scoff and a roll of his eyes.

his glance shifts from Techno over to me. "And you are?" i lightly flinch as Tommy suffenly puts his hands on both my shoulders. "This is Y/N! Y/N, the guy over there, talking with Wilby, is Fundy, that girl right there, thats Niki and this guy is big Q, or uhm, Quackity."

"thats a lot of people." i think to myself, or rather say out loud with out meaning to and Quackity laughs. "this is nowhere near everyone! fuck, the dream team isnt even here!" "the dream team...?" Tommy scoffs from behind me before walking into view "its a small group of people in this school that is pretty famous."

"speaking of which..." i look in the same direction as Quackity just had to see a couple of guys walk in out direction "you got Dream, the guy with the mask, George, the guy in blue, Sapnap, the guy in white, Bad, the taller in red, Antfrost, the second furry and Karl- wait, Karl?!"

Karls faint talking could be heard "I'll call you on Discord!" "sounds good! see ya!" followed by faint footsteps getting louder as the brown haired guy got closer. "What was that about? why were you hanging with the dream team!" Karl looks taken aback by Quackitys sudden outburst but quickly props himself up again.

"Sapnap asked if i wanted to join them later, in minecraft, on the server." Quackity dramatically gasps right as the bell rings. "we will talk about this later." i roll my eyes 'so much drama' then i turn my gaze to Tommy and wave at him "Hey Tommy! we have to go now!" i gives me a thumbs up, laughs, playfully punches Fundys shoulder, then messes up Wilburs hair before he takes off running towards me.

"i'll see you guys later!" i wave at Techno then the others before i take off running down the halls with Tommy, in a rush as to not get late. maybe school was pretty alright afterall.


yoooo! ok so once again this chapter was a bit rushed and a bit shorter, i have my last couple of school days now before summer break, BUT AFTER THAT ILL BE ABLE TO POST MORE :D

and i have some pretty cool ideas so :D

but yeah! i hope you have a good rest of this day, ok ty :]

935 words

Things Will Get Better [Reader + SBI Adoption AU]Where stories live. Discover now