Chapter 13

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I let out a groan as I stretch out on the mattress and eventually open my eyes and scream at the sight of someone looming over me and staring at me, startled they also lets out a scream as they stumbles backwards. "WHAT THE FUCK?" I manage to yell before calming down my hasty breathing. I look at the person standing a few steps away from me. "Charlie?!" 

there he stood in a pair of black jeans and a oversized white t-shirt covered in what seemed to be  green stains. "what on earth is that green stuff." I mutter under my breath before rubbing my eyes and getting out of bed. "oh! it's from the paintball game." he looked at his own shirt not seeming to mind it much.

"anyways, have you seen Quackity? he is my ticket home." I say in a joking tone of voice before throwing off my current hoodie leaving me with my white T-shirt as I leave the hoodie on the bed before I start searching through nearest wardrobe and settle on a darker hoodie with a duck print of sorts plastered across the upper left of it.

I take my own and tie it around my waist and look back up at the boy with the glasses. "he might be out working?" Charlie says as he looks at me, clearly taking note that I just took a hoodie out of someones wardrobe but decided to ignore it. "any clue when he will be home?"

"nope" Charlie says in an overly happy tone before he walks over to the computer setup. "looks like his computer is still on tho, he must have been in a hurry..." he slowly looks at me with a smug expression. "want to play Minecraft?" I laugh and nod. "YES! okay, you take Quackitys set up and ill go to my room and set up Minecraft there, ill also call you on Discord, my username should be Slimecicle. got all that?" I take a seat in the gaming chair and boot up both discord and Minecraft. "I think so."

Charlie then took off running towards the other room and soon enough the iconic ringing started and I picked up. "can you hear me?" "yes, geez you're loud!" we both laugh before he guides me on how to join the Dream SMP not knowing what other server to play on. I spawn in and look around at what I assume is spawn and within just a few minutes I see a jumping character sprinting towards me. its scary how similar it was to Charlie in person. "let me give you a tour, starting at spawn of course."

the tour continued on, he showed me all sorts of beautiful builds until I spotted another person in the distance. "who is that?" Charlies character crouches as he lets out a long hum. "Oh! it's Sapnap! let's prank him! just pretend to be Quackity!" I gasp. "how on earth am I supposed to do that! I have no clue how he acts!" "here he comes! just play it cool!" I see the chat move as a message pops up. "Yooo! Quackity!"

I hover my hands over the keyboard thinking of something to write back and decide on a simple "Ayyy! Sapnap man!" "that was perfect!" Charlie screams into the microphone, making me temporarily deaf. I glance down at the chat once more to see it move with another message from Sapnap. "Have you seen Karl anywhere? he was supposed to help me build something"

this time Charlie takes over and starts typing back and fourth with Sapnap

Slimecicle: nope, but he might not be home yet

Sapnap: of course

Sapnap: Do you guys want to help me until he gets online?

Slimecicle: yeah sure

Sapnap: cool, call me on disc

I audibly gasp as I read the messages displayed in the chat, and before I know it I hear a jingle signalling that he had joined our call as I'm quick to mute my mic. "hey Charlie! why is Quackity muted?" I take off my headphones, get out of the chair and walk over to Charlies room with anxious steps. I creek open the door and signal for him to mute.

"One second, Sapnap. What's up?" I walk into the room and up so that im next to him. "Charlie is this really a good idea? what if it does not work out like we planned?" to which Charlie simply leaned back in his chair before. "Charlie? who is that? oooo! is it your girlfriend?" We both jump startled and look at his screen to see he never muted. I take off Charlies headset and put it on my own head and lean towards the microphone. "see you later Sapnap!" I leave the call and walk back to my room to do the same. leaving poor Sapnap alone and confused.

"i'm.. um. gonna go and see If my phone is still working- CYA!" I rush out his room before he can say anything and head back to the room I was currently staying in. I walk up to the bed and lay down on the soft bed sheets as I exhale then dig into my pocket for my most priced possession. the cracking piece of technology called my phone.

I bring out my dying phone, and look at the cracked screen to see unread messages on both Discord and something else that is blocked by the crack. I carefully slide my finger across the screen trying to unlock it without getting hurt again. a soft click sound erupts as I successfully open my phone and head to discord where I am met with countless messages from Tubbo and someone with the username 'TommyInnit'. I assume it's Tommy and I open the chat.

TommyInnit: Y/N? where the fuck did you go?

TommyInnit: HEELLLOO???

TommyInnit: hey asshole reply!

TommyInnit: Are you okay?

TommyInnit: Y/N?

I crack a smile staring at the screen watching his messages go from aggressive to soft, I start typing out a message.

Y/UN(username): Hi Tommy, I'm alright, don't worry. I'm with Charlie at the moment. waiting for Quackity to get back so he can take me home.

'sounds good enough.' I think to myself as I press the send button and open Tubbos chat instead. only to be met with very similar messages.

Y/UN: Hey Tubbo, I'm with Charlie right now, I'm fine do-

before I can even finish the message i hear the front door open, I put away my phone without finishing the message and head downstairs thinking it would be Quackity. well, thinking it would be ONLY I reach the bottom of the stair case I see Quackitys back turned towards me  and a long man in front of him, yelling about what sounds like... me? but that voice, oh was it familiar until it hit me.

there he stood, tall in all his so called glory. as he was taking a swig of a bottle he held in his left hand. "Would you stop yelling! there are other people living here you know?" Quackity had snapped receiving a slap across his face. that's when he locked eyes with me, Quackitys gaze filled with fear and regret, knowing damn well I should not be here right now.

"what the FUCK? I thought I told them to kill you!" was all Schlatt seemed to be able to say before Quackity took off running towards me dragging me up the stairs and into the same room I was just in.

At this point we were both breathing heavy and tears were starting to build up in my eyes as Quackity was frantically making a call. "Yes, hello- you do? but how? ok, yeah. bye." it all went by  so fast as Quackity was opening the window and helping me climb down to stable ground. within a matter of seconds a car pulled up, and Wilbur was driving it. I didn't ask much just thanked them both and hopped in. the last think I see as Wilbur starts driving away is Schlatt opening the front door with Tubbo behind him.


APOLOGY FOR THE WAIR AND FOR THE RUSHED CHAPTER, college has been an ass as well as my whack sleeping schedule!

alas, ty for reading, drink, eat sleep, ily guys ok ty <3333

words: 1381

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