Chapter 38

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"WILBY! STOP IT! YOU DICKHEAD!" was the first thing I heard through the walls as I slowly wake up. I groan at the loud yelling, sitting up on the edge of my bed like so many times before. Next up, I could hear Wilbur's iconic cackle and Phil, as well as Techno's softer laughs. I let out a long yawn while I stretch out my arms before getting up and glancing at myself in the mirror.

"I should probably put on some new clothes... take a shower or something." I mumble to myself while making my way over to the wardrobe. I quickly snatched out a plain hoodie, a pair of sweatpants and together with that whatever else I found necessary. After that, I throw everything on my arm and walk over to the bathroom. Walking past the loud ones I was stuck living with.

I take a quick shower before throwing on the clothes I had brought with me and step outside the small room. I hear Wilbur start laughing once more and decide to investigate. Since Phil's room was the closest, I carefully knocked on the door. I hear him shifting around before calling out. "Come in!"

I peek inside and see him sitting in front of his pc setup. It had a microphone situated in front of him as well as a camera near his pc. Along with that was of course his keyboard, mouse, screen and the pc itself. 

"What are you doing?" I say, still hanging by the door, as I curiously glance at his screen which had a game open and a spot where his face cam was situated. Phil glanced back at his computer for a moment and clicked around before facing me again. "Tommy decided that we should play some Minecraft together. Then Wilbur suggested streaming it, and so we are!" 

I had heard a lot about streaming and stuff before, but never actually watched any of it, let alone seen anyone do it. "Explains why Tommy is yelling at the top of his lungs again." I say, crossing my arms as Phil chuckles. "Do you want to say hi to chat?" He moves his chair aside and motions towards his screen, where I see a frantic spamming square of text.

He clicks around a few times before he brings the microphone closer to his face. "Okay, Chat. We have a guest right now. Be nice to them." He laughs as he moves the mic away from his face and glances at me. I walk forward until I'm stood almost next to him, but avoid showing my face just yet. I give a wave before speaking up. "Hello, Chat!" 

The spamming goes even more frantic, and I watch it in awe, while Phil just laughs and tells the chat to calm down. "Actually, you should go say hi to the other chats as well if you feel like it. I'm sure they would love to meet you!" Phil said while opening Minecraft back up and continuing his mining. 

"Yeah, I'll go do that. Bye Phil's Chat!" I throw in one last wave before I sneak out of the room and quietly close the door. My next target would be Techno, and I quietly open the door, which caught his attention as he clicked around on his computer before looking at me. "Oh, hey Y/N." I step inside and walk up closer. "Are you playing with the others?" He nods before opening back up the game, running around and killing mobs.

"Are you also streaming?" I wonder while resting my head on top of his. "No, But Wil and Tom are." I nod as I stand back up, lingering to watch him play for a moment before I decide it was time to move to the next chat. "Well, I'll talk to you later, have fun, Techno!" He mutters out a goodbye, too focused on the game, as I step out his room and make my way over to Wilbur's. 

I stop in front of his door, hearing him laugh inside, and take a deep breath. This felt like a whole quest running around like this. I smile to myself before I loudly bang on his door and swing it open, causing him to yell and practically jump out of his seat before scurrying to mute himself in the call. "What the fuck, Y/N?!" I break out laughing at how scared he got.

I glance at his computer and see that his also was streaming, his chat going bat shit crazy with questions. He looks over at his own screen and then stares seriously at the camera. "Don't clip that!". But of course, him saying that just caused everyone to do so. "Hello, Wil's Chat!" I happily say while walking closer to be able to read the chat, still somewhat out of sight, but you could definitely see more of me now than in Phil's.

"Can't you bother Tommy instead?" Wilbur asked, slightly grumpy but still smiling, flicking his finger on my arm. "He's the last one." I say with a smirk, and Wilbur quickly mutes himself on stream as well and faces me with a grin. "You should sneak up on him or something! I'll ever come along." I widely smile at his idea as he spins back to his screen and unmutes so that the chat could hear him. "I'll be right back, Chat."

Wilbur got out of his seat and followed me out of the room before we quietly made our way over to Tommy's room. Inside, we could hear him yelling about creepers and whining to Phil that he needs food. Wilbur quietly opened the door making sure to not make a sound and I sneak in after him, making our way up behind Tommy. He faces him and mouths "3,2,1." And as the counting reaches zero, we jump up to the blonde boy, shaking him, causing him to shriek and toss off his headphones.

Wilbur bursts out laughing and so do I while Tommy just hurries to pick up his headphones and cuss at us. I glance at his screen, which he changed from a screen of his face cam and Minecraft, to just his face cam with his Chat going wild in the corner. Wilbur turns around and tells Tommy's chat to clip it before walking away and back to his own room.

I on the other side stick around, apologizing a few times before Tommy seems satisfied enough to continue. "You can take a seat if you want." He mutters, still somewhat embarrassed, but not as upset. I snatch the extra chair he had in his room and take a seat, now fully in view of the camera, and look at myself on the screen while trying to read chat.

"Man, I look good." I say out loud while starting to mess around with my hair while looking at the screen. "You are just like Wilbur." Tommy says while leaning over to read chat. "Chat! Stop saying that I sounded like a little girl! I am a big man! A huge man!" I cross my arms as I shake my head. "Move your big head, Toms! I want to read some stuff!"

Tommy then motions towards the donations that I could also read and moved aside. "Wait - my head isn't big!" I roll my eyes before I start reading a donation out loud. "Hey Tommy! 7 months pog? I love your videos, and you always make me feel better. Also, who is that person next to you?" I lean back in my chair as Tommy takes over once more. "Thank you! And this Idiot here is just some rat child we snatched up from the bins." He chuckles and I giggle.

I sit there with Tommy for the rest of the time he decides to stream. Reading chat, laughing, annoying him and of course moving all of his stuff around. And for once, I felt like I had found a place where I could just be me.

A new chapter after ages of waiting!

You are all so nice, and you mean the world to me <3

Anyway! Hopefully I will be posting a lot more on this story and by all means if there is anyone you would want to see in this story or just see more of do tell me and I will try and bring them in!

Any ideas for future stories are also appreciated if there is anything specific you want to read (other fandoms, AUs, stuff like that) 

I love you all <3



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