Chapter 4

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I wake up to talking outside, i look at my phone to check the time, its nearly 11pm. i sit up on the bed and try and listen in on their conversation, just barely able to make out some of the words. "Tomorrow, early in the morning." It is Phil that's talking. "So we are just gonna keep the kid?" the other voice is... Techno? "I dont know, that takes a lot of responsibility..." I hear phil respond as i get up from my bed about to get closer to my door in order to hear what they are talking about, but i decide against it and go to the desk instead,

I take a seat at the chair and plug in my earbuds to my phone and put my playlist on shuffle. one of the songs i only recently found starts playing in my ears, The Squid Song by... Wilbur soot? "Wilbur?" i softly mumble out, the music continues to play as i shake the thought away.

I open the drawer once again and reach for the notebook, it had a hard cover with fairly nice writing on it, i open and start flipping through the pages, they are littered with what looks like song lyrics and chords. as i continue to flip i find song titles and some doodles and a soft grin makes its way onto my face.

i flip to an empty page, take the pen from the drawer and start doodling on the page, anything from small animal drawings to flowers to anything that comes to mind, i even draw a little doodle of my friend tubbo. As i continue to doodle and listen to music i forget about the time, only when i look at all my doodles do i realise ive done this for a while and glance at my phone clock. 

2 am, i get up from the desk, close the notebook and open the door to the room and carefully creep down the hall and down the stairs. my throat was dry and i wanted water, so i head into the kitchen and take one of the water bottles standing on the counter. i unscrew the lid and take a small sip before closing it up again and sitting down on a chair.

"Wilbur huh..." i say, thinking back to the song. "What about him?" a monotone voice says behind me, making me jump and look around to see Techno. "I- ...Techno? what are you doing up now?" he steps closer, looking at the bottle in my hand. "insomnia. and i could ask you the same thing." i shrug at him. "I woke up a bit ago, then uh, got distracted, oh and then i wanted some water." i raise the watter bottle in my hand as to show what i mean.

Techno takes a seat next to me. "i've been thinking... what were you gonna say earlier today?" i perk up at this. "Oh! i uhm... i just wanted to thank you, for taking me in and stuff, for helping me." Techno nods and opens his mouth to speak but is hesitant, i look him in the eyes giving him my full attention. "Ive been meaning to ask you something, Y/N." he turns to face me. "oh? what is it?" i mutter out while putting the water bottle away. 

"You are Schlatts kid... yet you dont look anything like him, nor have any horns or anything, how come?" i stop dead in my tracks, 'now that he said it like that it made me think, why dont i?' i shrug. "i actually dont know, he never said much about anyone but himself. he only ever told me im special, but other than that it was all just about him and money." I look at my reflection in the nearest window, 'he was right, i looked nothing like the man i used to call my dad.' "you see, Techno, i was rather uhm... sheltered, back then. i dont even know if i have any other family or not. let alone if he is my real dad." Techno nodded and gives me an understanding look.

"I get what it's like. Not knowing your family and stuff. Philza pretty much took care of me my whole life, he even took care of Wilbur and Tommy for most of theirs." i smile a bit to myself and Techno leans back in his seat. "Yeah now that i think about it, it makes sense." i say with a low and almost sad tone towards the end. "What is bothering you?" Techno was talking, more than ive ever heard before, but it was nice. "I never really had people to call family, or a place to call home... tell me Techno... is it nice?" i stutter out and try and keep up a soft smile.

"It is." Technos last words were before the room falls silent and we sit there in silence, not the awkward kind, but a nice one, just enjoying each others company, but it only lasts for a little bit before another familiar voice is heard. "What are you guys doing up now? it's like 3am!" Tommy half whispers, followed by Wilburs yawn. "Yeah, you guys woke us up with your talking." Wilbur says with a light chuckle.

"Whats with all the noise? its 3 in the morning kids! why are you guys up?" Phil was talking now, we must have woken him up. "oh sorry! i-" I start defending the two of us but Techno cuts me off. "I wanted to ask Y/N about something so i woke them up, then they got thirsty so we went to go and get some water, i woke up Wilbur and Tommy with my talking." well, it is somewhat true what Techno said, but i didn't want him to get all the blame, so i open my mouth to speak but Techno nudges me showing that he got this.

"Very well. Now all four of you go back to bed!" Phil says and points towards the direction of the stairs. "Phil. Can we uhm, talk?" Techno says recieving a nod and signals for me to go. i dont know what will happen next as i walk back to my room and lay down on my bed. The things Techno had said running around in my head, 'why don't i look like Schlatt if he is my dad? maybe i was adopted... maybe im not old enough to get horns yet?' the thoughts started to make my head hurt.

maybe i should just try and get some rest, it has been a long day. i crawl under the sheets that was laying on the bed and take a deep breath before i start to feel drowsy and eventually close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Today was a good day.


HEYYY so! 2 chapters pretty close to each other as i felt bad for the lack off upload.


1152 words

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