Chapter 25

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I steadied myself with another deep breath, silently sniffling a bit as I looked at Punz. Wilbur was still holding my shoulder and without me noticing Techno had also moved closer as if checking if I was alright. Then the classical school bell started ringing, telling everyone that class was about to start as the students scattered while chattering, Punz walking away with Bad.

"You okay, Y/N?" It was Techno speaking, kneeling slightly to be at eye level with me, his pink hair messy falling off his shoulders. I slowly nodded with a deep exhale. "Yeah, I'm um... I'm good now, don't worry." I said as I looked in his eyes that now were a much darker red shade, I gave a reassuring smile and Techno nodded as he stood back up properly. "You ready for class, Y/N?" Wilbur chirped in, talking in a happier tone of voice, lifting the mood. "Yeah, let's go." 

Techno walked towards his class meanwhile Wilbur followed me, to my first class, his reasoning being he wanted to check in on my classmates while he could. And after walking for roughly 2 minutes we reached the classroom, with a few students chattering inside and standing around. I hugged Wilbur before I rushed inside the classroom taking a seat next to Tommy, putting my bag on the floor next to me, and resting my head on the desk.

"Y/N! You look like shit!" Tommy said, leaning on his desk while looking at me. "Tommy! They don't look that bad!" I recognized the voice as Tubbo and I sat up properly looking at first Tommy, flipping him off with a smirk and then facing Tubbo, only then noticing Ranboo and Jack.

Ranboo had a more defined half white and half black appearance, his eyes each glowing a brighter red and green, two medium-sized horns and a tail similar to Tubbo's swaying around lightly in the air. Jack on the other side looked pretty much identical to before, the only difference being small orange spots barely noticeably scattered across his skin.

"Y/N! been a while huh?" Jack spoke with a smile as he leaned back in his chair looking relaxed. "Yeah, how have you been?" I say while yawning, mildly exhausted as I stretch my arms out in front of me with a small whine. Jack shrugged, losing balance for a moment and quickly gripping the desk and trying to pull himself forward in a panic, making Tommy burst out in laughs and me chuckle. 

"Shut up! Stop laughing!" Jack yells hysterically while darting his eyes around the room trying not to catch someone else's attention. But our yelling and laughing were cut short by someone stepping into the classroom, in other words, the teacher. Which meant it was time to quiet down and start listening. "Listen up, everyone! I will start this class by saying we have two new students!" 

Everyone perked up at this, eagerly listening and darting their eyes towards the door. The teacher nodded, signaling for the two to step in. In stepped a smaller person followed by a somewhat taller guy. My eyes first landed on the shorter, they had brown eyes and hair and were wearing a white and blue striped t-shirt, a pair of blue shorts, black shoes, a green backpack, and a bunny hat. "Um, hi! My name is, Aimsey."

Next was the other stranger with dark brown hair, I then noticed that one of their eyes was red and the other a grayish color. They were wearing an all-black outfit with a hood and a black headband. Two smaller red horns also perked out between strands of hair. Aimsey lightly nudged their shoulder as they spoke up. "Oh- um, hello! I'm Eryn." 

The class erupted into greetings and small chattering as the teacher told them both where to sit, which luckily enough was next to Jack and behind him. The class went on like normal, boring talk about whatever while we all were quietly whispering amongst ourselves. Then finally, the bell rings as we practically fly out of our seats.

Things Will Get Better [Reader + SBI Adoption AU]Where stories live. Discover now