Chapter 47

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"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU BURN THE MILK?" It was Phil that yelled back between laughs at Tom while we all laughed at Tommy's dumb move. He had walked down into the kitchen when he heard us all laughing like maniacs. "I DIDN'T KNOW MILK COULD GET BURNT!" Tommy defended as he watched how Ranboo poured up some hot chocolate in a cup of their own.

I was standing to the side, giving room for the others who were moving around like loose animals. I saw the door open in the corner of my eye and without having to think much I noticed the pink hair and knew exactly who it was. Smiling softly, I waved at the book nerd, walking over to greet him by the door. "Hey, good to see you again!" I said as he took off his shoes and held on tight to the books in his arms.

He smiled as he nodded, as a form of hello, walking with me to see what the chattering chaos was all about. "Techno! Hey mate!" Phil said smiling with a small sigh. The rest of the loud people in the room were pretty quiet now, just putting on toppings on their drinks. "I got you that book." Techno said, grabbing one of the books he held and reaching it out towards the older blonde.

"Thanks, mate!" Phil said before carefully grabbing the book, reading the cover to himself with a grin before stuffing it under his arm. My gaze lingers on the copy neatly tucked under Phil's arm for a moment. The fine details in a shining gold and glorious deep red complimenting the old and torn look of the paper work's cover. 

"You know, Y/N. You can just ask to see it, mate!" Phil said in a lower voice, but it was enough to snap me out of my staring that he clearly had noticed. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to stare." I mumbled out a bit embarrassed by being called out like that. "No need to apologize." was all the old man said before handing me the book, allowing me to adore the cover and flip though the pages. 

Like most old books the pages had a hint of vanilla to them, which was a pleasant addition to the rest of the book's appearance. The writing was a bit messy and was hard to understand, and since it had no pictures I mostly just adored the vintage work. After having scanned the messy writing and inhaled half of the vanilla scent the paper held I closed it and handed it back to Phil. He didn't say much more than a quick "Thank you." as he grabbed and stuffed it back under his arm.

Most of Tommy and his friends were done with their drinks by now and had gone back to the living room to continue whatever game they were playing. "I think I'm gonna head back up to my room." I said out loud to anyone that was listening, but mostly towards Techno. Nobody seemed to bat an eye, so I simply head up to my room.

Walking past the yelling and laughing coming from the living room and heading upstairs. Focusing on each step, paying attention to every noise I made from the kitchen all the way to my room. I excused it as a force of habit as I opened the door to my room, closing it quietly before letting out an exhausted groan. 

I turned on the lamp that is situated on my desk making my room light up in a cosy, and very dim lighting. Taking a quick glance at the clock barely visible in the dim room, before I plop down on the cold bedsheets. Sinking into the soft mattress, the feeling of fabric wrapping around me. I reach for my phone, aimlessly waving my hand around a bit before finding the device and bringing it to my face.

I quickly lowered the brightness on the screen, keeping my eyes on the device, scrolling around as I stretch out my legs and shift to a slightly more comfortable position but not moving much. That's when I heard a noise on the other end of my room. I feel myself tense up before sitting up and trying to adjust my eyes to the darker room. I blink a few times, removing the blurriness from my eyes.

"Tommy...? What are you doing in my room?" The blonde noticeably jump when I speak up. "I was just, y'know... looking for something." He spoke up, stumbling over his words as he shoved something from my desk into his pocket and started fidgeting with his fingers. "I'll uh, let you sleep now." he mumbled under his breath, his figure leaving out my door, swiftly yet quietly.

I stay in the same position for a moment, trying to process what had just happened before throwing my legs off my bed and getting up. I walk over to where Tommy had just been standing and glance over my desk, trying to figure out what he was looking for. Either way, I decide to shrug it off, I'd just ask him about it in the morning. 

Maybe twenty or so minutes after Tommy left my room I was still wide awake. There was something so unnerving about him sneaking around my room instead of just knocking or waiting until the morning. Something about it all just felt wrong. I was back on my bed, phone in hand as I searched for Wilbur's contact. 

"Ugh... come on... where is his stupid contact when I need it!" I let out a frustrated sigh before getting out of bed, sneaking down the hall towards Techno's door. Knowing him, he would be wide awake by now. I quietly knock on the wooden door, admiring the detailed wooden work as I listen for any sign of answer.

A minute or so later the door opens up, Techno leaning against the door frame slightly as he holds the door open with his hand. His hair was messy and he looked exhausted. "Oh, hey! Sorry if I was disturbing you! I just figured you would be awake, and I kinda wanted to check if you could hand me Wilbur's contact...?"

The piglin tilts his head as he looks at me with a suspicious glance before letting me step inside his room. I head inside, watching him quietly close the door behind me as I take a seat on his bed. "May I ask why...?" Techno asks as he yawns. "This might sound weird but..." I pause, thinking of the best way to phrase it. "Tommy was sneaking around my room when I was sleeping."

OH MY GOD HELLO!! I am so so so sorry for not updating this much, I know I have said it a billion times before, but my mental health was taking a little dip and I had NO motivation. My half brother is also getting married soon!! And my birthday is now the 19th of may!! :]

Either way! Thank you so much for reading, I saw this story had NUMBER ONE IN "BADBOYHALO" WHAT? THAT'S INSANE!! :]



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