Chapter 17

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"wait! Wilbur" I say not nearly loud enough to be heard while I pushed through the thick bushes following the distant rustling and the growing scent of smoke. that's when I spot the tall man and a cloud of smoke slowly disappearing the higher the smoke rises. "Wilbur!" I try to get him to look at me but I only receive a small huff in response. 

"Wil! what has gotten into you lately?!" I grab the sleeve of his coat and we lock eyes. "Y/N sorry- you just don't get it! you wouldn't understand." I take a righter grip of his sleeve. "but I can try and understand!"

he sighs, leaning towards a nearby tree. "I am just so damn tired of being treated like this. Dad has such high expectations of me and just because I happen to be "gifted" suddenly i'm supposed to be able to do everything perfectly, no failures allowed." I stood silent processing every word he said. "Wil..? why was dream and those other two guys beating you up the other day..."

he lightly gasped, most likely caught off guard by the question. "well uh... we used to be good friends before they found out that I was bisexual and got scared that I would start liking them, which is fucking stupid." I frown. "yeah that is stupid... I'm sorry to hear that happened to you." I looked Wilbur in the eyes as he softly chuckles. "Y/N that was not the only reason they started treating me like trash." he sat down as I mimic his motion before he carries on.

"you see, some of us are what we call hybrids. which means we are part human, part something else. take our family as example! I'm a sheep hybrid of sorts, Techno is a piglin hybrid, Dad is a sort of bird hybrid, I think a crow one to be exact... and Tommy is also a form of bird hybrid!" his frown was now replaced by a sweet smile. 

"Wil, does that mean that um... Schlatt is a hybrid? because he has horns and stuff..." I avoid using the word "father" or "dad" which he picked up on as he pat me on the head before putting his arm around me for either comfort or warmth. "yeah, I think so. most people I have met are some sort of hybrid." I snuggled closer to him. "but then why would Dream want to be mean to you if it is so common?"

the tall brunette shrugged. "the world is complicated Y/N, and so are people. everyone will always have their own weird ideas of what is acceptable and not and there is not much to be done about people like that other than to ignore them the best you can." we then sit in silence, not an awkward one but rather a comforting and soothing one, snuggled together against the tall tree as I yawn.

"somebody's tired, we should probably get back soon, Techno might be worried." Wilbur removes his arm from around me but I protest. "just a little bit longer? please?" I feel his arm wrap back around me and before I knew it the sound of his heartbeat and warmth was enough to get me to drift into sleep.

I wake up to a lacking warmth next to me as well as the lacking smell of smoke. I open my eyes and as I suspected Wilbur was not there, i yawn as I stand up. "Wilbur...?" I start walking deeper into the forest in hopes of finding him and just as I start walking past some trees I see his lighter laying on the ground. I quickly pick it up and put it in my pocket and just as i'm doing that I hear Wilbur's voice and pick up my pace. 

there I am met with Wilbur arguing with an extremely tall yet skinny guy with brownish hair with locks of a golden blonde, bright green eyes, a pair of black converse, black jeans and a hoodie that looked like a yellow shark. (trying to mix his irl appearance and mc skin) "that is fucking ridiculous, Foolish! now stay away from me and my family." 

"Wil...? who is that?" I won't realise now how stupid my choice to speak up is but I sure will soon as who I assume to be Foolish grips Wilbur's wrist and yanks him closer to him. "I could ask the same thing, do you know that child Wilby?" "don't call me that." Was all the man I called my brother said.

I look back at the ridiculously tall man as we make eye contact and the look on his face made it seem like something clicked in his head. "you are Mr. Jschlatt's child!" Wilbur's face turned from anger to worry as he began to struggle. oh wow Foolish sure was strong. but Wilbur manages to kick his leg making him let go. "come on Y/N. let's go."

They both take a last glance at each other before we walk our separate ways. based on what just happened I decide not to ask any questions for now, but rather same them for later. I do however lightly grip his coat as we walk back through the forest and into the house. "We are home!" Wil shouts out as we both throw off shoes and coats before walking to the living room where Techno is sat reading in a thick book with a pair of glasses that looked like they were about to fall off his face. 

"Welcome back."


a bit of a shorter chapter! but I hope its still enjoyable :]

anyways ty for reading, ily <3


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