Chapter 30

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I open my eyes, waking up at the sound of Tommy yelling my name, looming over me with a smile as he was shaking my tired body. "Y/N! Wake up!" I whine in response as I rub my eyes and sit up with the help of Tommy. "What do you want, Tommy." I drag out my words in another whine before I start waking up.

"School is about to start!" But before I could respond, Phil appeared in the door frame. "Oh Tommy! There you are! Y/N and I got some plans today, so you just get ready to leave, aight?" Tommy nodded, dashing past Phil, who entered my room and smiled at me. "You try and get some more sleep, ill drop off your brothers, and then we can train some once I get back, sound good?" He spoke in a soft yet low tone.

I weakly give a thumbs up before falling back onto my bed, stretching out my whole body with a small whine. When I looked back at the door, it was closed, smiling at the faint yelling and chattering that I recognized as Wilbur and Tommy arguing while Phil tried to get them to calm down. "BYE, Y/N!" I heard Tommy and Wilbur yell from downstairs before the slam of the front door.

My legs were restless, so I got out of bed and quickly tossed on some fresh clothes. A big black hoodie, a pair of grey sweatpants and a pair of white socks. I glance at myself in the mirror, winking at myself before exiting my room. I don't bother closing my door, figuring I'd just grab something to eat and bring it to my room. 

And I did just that, heading to the kitchen and digging around a bit before I settle on a cold bottle of water and two fruits. Walking back upstairs humming to myself, I push open the door to my room but being caught off guard by someone coughing and I knew exactly who.

Walking towards the older's room, I open the door, peeking inside, clinging onto the door. There laid Techno on his bed, scrolling on his phone before looking at me, not bothering to move much. "Shouldn't you be on your way to school?" I say before letting go of the door and sitting down next to Techno.

"I could ask you the same." He said while putting away his phone, grinning at me. I laid down, resting my head on his chest, facing the ceiling as he ruffles my hair. "Phil suggested we would do some training or something." I said, rolling my eyes and waving my hands around. "I just said I had a headache and Phil allowed me to stay home." 

Techno chuckled and I giggle at his excuse. "Why would you even want to stay home?" I snuggle closer to him, laying comfortably. "I may or may not have overheard Phil talking to someone on the phone about it." I blankly stare at the ceiling just listening to his words, humming in response. "Hey, Y/N?" 

He spoke in his usual monotone voice and I glance at him in wonder. "Want to start the training early?" I sit up, and soon Techno did the same. "I have lived with hybrids my whole life, and I used to be friends with a mimic... a while ago. Can't be that hard to try and teach some stuff, right?"

"You would be surprised." I said with a smile before dragging him out of bed. "Get ready, and I'll meet you in the backyard." I grin at my own reply before I leave him in the room to get dressed as I make my way into the backyard. It did not take long before Techno came stomping out in the backyard, dressed in a light grey shirt and dark grey sweatpants, topped with black socks and his iconic gold crown.

"Okay, so first off, is there anything you can mimic from the top of your head?" I scratch the back of my head before shaking my head. "I have not really gotten that far yet. I only managed to do so while face planting in the forest." He walked closer, taking my hands in his bigger hands. "Okay, do as I say. Take a deep breath until you are calm and try and really focus on that rush you felt last time you did it."

I did as told, taking a couple of deep breaths, trying to really focus on that sweet rush of serotonin from I felt last time, and sure enough soon I heard Techno gasp and cheer. Just like last time, I was able to run a hand through my hair and pick out small feathers. "Techno, look!" He laughed as I smiled like a dork.

We carried on with the training, the feathers getting bigger and stronger the more he helped me focus, and soon enough I had an impressive small pair of F/C (favourite colour) wings peeking out my back. I was even able to mimic Techno's tusks, as well as a few strands of my hair having a pink tint.

Techno cheered loudly, and I joined in jumping around excited while my small wings slightly flapping as I jumped around. Techno then came from behind me, placing his crown on my head and carried me up on his back, running around in circles while chanting "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS!" I laughed before joining in. "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS." 

That's who we were, the blood gods, an unstoppable duo, laughing and looking like idiots running around in the backyard. "Y/N! Look at you!" Phil yelled from the glass door while laughing at us as Techno carried me over to him before putting me down in front of him, pushing the crown so that it was placed neatly on my head.

"Phil, look! I did it! I managed to not only mimic your wings!" I said, proudly flapping the small wings. "But, look! I also mimicked Techno!" Phil picked up the crown, ruffling my hair before handing Techno his crown, which he put right back on my head, insisting I wear it.

"Well now that you have learnt how to mimic some things, let's work on teaching you how to smoothly switch between them and how to quickly remove the hybrid traits." Phil spoke, still proudly smiling as Techno put his hands on my shoulders, pretty much towering over me with how tall he was in comparison.

"Okay, yeah!" I smiled, placing my hands on top of Techno's hands, swaying slightly back and forth. "Just do the same thing you did last time, but instead of trying to turn INTO the hybrid, you are trying NOT to do that." Techno spoke, looking down at me, and I laugh at him. Just like last time, I try to focus on what he said while steadying my breath from the serotonin. 

After a long moment of silence and very intense focusing, my wings slowly turn into small feathers falling to the ground and I feel the tusks disappearing from my mouth. I was a natural at this.


This one may be pretty boring since it's very focused on the whole mimic thing, but it's important for future chapters <3

ily <3333


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