Chapter 29

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"A what?" I ask before looking back in the mirror and removing any feathers that were still in my hair. "A mimic." Techno repeated before closing the book and holding it under his arm. "It pretty much means that you are able to mimic certain things from hybrids that you have had physical contact with. In this case, when you got scared, your body kicked to protect you and tried to mimic Phil's wings."

Phil hummed, confirming Techno's words. "And the more physical contact you have with a specific hybrid, the better you can mimic them." Phil said before looking at Techno. "Thank you, Techno, you can go clean up now." He calmly said, and Techno walked to the bathroom to clean off the blood splatter. "How do I know if I can mimic someone?" I ask, finally taking my eyes off the mirror as all signs of elytrian had disappeared. 

"The only thing you can do is try, you should spend time with other hybrids and eventually learn to control it so that you can mimic them whenever." It was all a lot to take in, but I nodded as if I understood and sat on my bed next to Wilbur. "You should try and get some sleep." Wilbur got up with a whine before waddling out my bedroom door, Phil only saying goodnight before he also left, closing the door behind him. I lay down on my bed and stretch, picking up a small feather before blowing it away and after a moment of breathing and shifting, I fall asleep.

I groan a bit as I rub my eyes, waking up and glancing at the clock. Not only that, but I had only managed to sleep for an hour. I sat up, yawning before heading over to my desk and sitting at the chair, glancing towards the mirror. For a moment I thought about if I could possibly try and grow the feathers back again. Then it hit me, the perfect idea. I'd sneak out into the forest, there is plenty of place there.

Excited, I got up and changed into some comfortable clothes before sneaking out of my room and looking at everyone's bedroom door to make sure they were shut before sneaking down the stairs. I pick up my shoes and hang the brown coat Wilbur gave me on my arm as I sneak out the front door, closing it behind me before sitting down on the front step to put on my shoes properly, then throwing on my coat and running into the forest. 

A smile makes its way onto my face as I push through the bushes and branches, eventually reaching a pretty open area with tall thick trees and stones. "Okay, Techno said it got triggered when I was scared. And something about control." I mumble to myself before wandering around, tying to figure something out. 

I sit on a nearby stone and try and really focus on the feathers and Phil's wings, but nothing happened. "Maybe if..." I look at a larger rock to my right and carefully start climbing it. I stand near the edge and look down, it wasn't far, so a fall from here wouldn't hurt too much. I then take a deep breath before steadying myself and leaping forward, which only ended in a loud thud and a groan as I slammed against the ground.

"Fucking hell." I groan as I sit up and pull out some dirt out my hair. My eyes then land on a nearby shorter tree, and figured that if I were to climb up on and try and jump down, maybe something would trigger it. "Break a leg." I joke to myself before nervously laughing and climbing up the thicker branches. My legs shaking underneath me and my hands slightly shaking as well.

I was probably about 3 meters above the ground now and just like last time I tried to steady myself as I climbed further out on the thick branch. That was when I decided that I regretted my choice, but I stepped wrong and fell, once again hitting the ground with a thud and a louder groan than before.

"This is stupid!" I push myself so that I sat up properly and ran a hand through my hair. That was when I felt the smaller feathers in my hair and saw a few smaller ones scattered on the ground. "I did it!" I smiled as I stood up proudly looking at my progress. I ran my hand through my hair again, this time feeling even bigger feathers and the sides of my head feeling slightly fuzzy.

Seeing that it was actually working I decided to try again but at a slightly higher height, following the same thing I did before I once more fall flat on the ground but less clumsy this time, I quickly start feeling through my hair and look on my back for any sign of wings. And to my surprise, small wings had grown on my back and larger weathers were scattered about. "YES!" 

I jump around happily, extremely proud of myself. I sit down on the ground again, exhausted and my body aching. Breathing out while playing with a larger feather in my hand. "Are you done face planting now?" Someone said behind me with a laugh, catching me off guard, causing me to scurry away, my wings growing ever so slightly from the surprise.

"Phil! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Phil laughs as he walks closer, kneeling down next to me. "I see you made some progress, tho." He said with a soft, genuine smile before grabbing my hand and pulling me up as he stands up. I proudly grin and spread the small set of wings before allowing them to disappear. "I did! But the process sucks. It's difficult!"

"I'll strike you a deal, we go back home, patch you up a bit, then you get some rest, and I'll help you train a bit once you got proper sleep." I look down at my hands and knees, seeing small cuts. I sigh before I nod and yawn, only now realizing how tired I was. "Yeah, okay." I said between a yawn as we start walking.

"Hey, Phil? How did you even know I was out here?" I said as I shift most of my weight onto his arm as I walk. "Elytrians have better hearing than you may think, besides, Techno saw you running off." I scoff and yawn once more. This caused Phil to scoop me up and hold me bridal style, bringing me in closer before spreading out his wings and taking off, back home.

The sound of the leaves swaying in the trees and the flapping of his wings was enough for me to comfortable fall asleep, snuggled up against him for warmth.

another chapter!!! 

hopefully i can get another one out soon <3

ily sm :]

also @randompotato843 is now my new bestie <3 /p /nf

words: 1155

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