Chapter 35

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"Besides! If you are a freak, so are all of us! We are all some type of hybrid, after all." Wilbur said proudly with a stupid grin, leaning back in his seat with a long exhale, closing his eyes. I slowly ran my finger along the edge of one of my wings with a growing smile while I glance around at everyone joking and eating.

And sure enough, Wilbur, Tommy, Fundy, Niki, Quackity and Charlie all had some form of hybrid trait. Wilbur and Tommy were both ones I already know. But Fundy was a fox hybrid with a big bushy orange and white tail swaying around and two fluffy ears resting under his hat. Niki had a faint hint of pink in her hair and what looked like small scales around her ears and on the sides of her throat.

Quackity on the other hand had a medium-sized pair of golden-yellow wings and a larger scar across one of his eyes, while Charlie was just a lot more goopy and green. And me? Well, I had just about any trait if I put in enough effort and spent enough time with someone. "Hey, Y/N? You can mimic things, right?"

It was Charlie who had asked with a curious smile on his face. "Yeah, kind of, why?" I could see his smile grow into a somewhat sinister smirk. "Best impression of Tommy?" I laugh a bit at the request before stepping away from the group by a couple of steps and focusing on mimicking his golden wings and hair with golden highlights that had more volume than my headphones when I blast music.

After a rather short moment of focusing, my own wings had grown a bit bigger and more like Tommy's, slightly torn and messy and faint bits of gold in my hair. I take a deep breath before I cross my arms and get ready for my top tier performance.

"HELLO?!" is the first thing I say, and everyone cracks up ever so slightly. "Wilby- Wilbur! YOU DICKHEAD!" I continue my little act as I start rambling about women, video games, and how much of a loser Wilbur is for writing songs about women that never love him back.

Soon enough, I cackle up myself and give up on my little act running my hands through my hair messing it up to help the gold disappear sooner, then doing the same with the wings but making them disappear fully now. "Holy shit, Y/N! That was spot on!" Quackity laughed together with the rest of them, all while trying not to run out of air in his lungs.

We sat around laughing and joking till Wilbur got a phone call and left to answer. Niki had brought out some treats that we munched on as Tommy played games on Fundy's phone, Quackity and Charlie joked about school and I just observed trying to take in as much as possible to better expand my ability to mimic.

I was quietly nibbling on a cookie that Niki had given me, occasionally chirping in with my own jokes as I hear the entrance open and Wilbur poked his head inside, causing us all to turn and look at him. "Y/N, Toms, Techno just called, we have to get home." Wilbur spoke, not bothering to step inside properly and instead looming by the door. 

The rest of the room erupts in awes and farewells as Tommy gets out of his seat, snatching another cookie before he rushes off, with Wilbur right behind him, I follow soon after carrying Wilbur's bag idle on my shoulder. As we all step outside, I feel the chilly wind hit my face and the silence, and lack of people cackling around me was calming and relaxing even.

And just like that the three of us started walking back home, Tommy ranting about Quackity's funny jokes while slightly soaring around with his wings, almost skipping through the air. Wilbur was calmly walking alongside us, and since he is pretty tall and lanky, his steps got him far enough to not fall behind.

I on the other side was stuck in thought, still caught up in what Eret had said. I know I shouldn't pay it any mind, but I couldn't shake the feeling that the intension maybe was deeper than it seemed. I lightly place my hand on my shoulder, the same one that Eret had gripped so forcefully at the library and made a disgusted frown at the thought of it. 

"Hey, slowpoke!" Tommy shouted from a distance as he tossed a pebble my way. "Hurry up! Don't make me have to carry you!" I let go of my shoulder and threw my hands around dramatically with a mocking tone as I spoke back to the blonde. "Oh, Tommy! Could a strong man like you perhaps carry me? For I am exhausted!" I smirk at him.

"Are you really going to challenge me? I am THE Tommy!" He said proudly crossing his arms as he proudly grinned. "Then why don't you do me a favour and carry this bag full of books and whatever junk Wilbur has in it?" I could feel Wilbur roll his eyes and grin as Tommy snatched the bag and threw it over his shoulder.

"Easy! Watch me!" I stretch out my arms thankful for the lacking weight and we all continue walking down the empty cold path. Maybe halfway home Tommy had already started whining to Wilbur about the bag and Wilbur and I spent the rest of the walk home teasing Tommy and him being all grumpy.

But when we all could see our home in the distance our moods lifted up as we picked up our pace and soon enough reached the front yard. I especially picked up my pace happy to be home and I could hear quiet bickering and pushing behind me as I walk up the steps leading to the front door and soon enough place my hand on the cold handle.

I press down on the handle and push up the door with ease. "We are home!" I yell out before realising how dark it was inside, was nobody else home? I toss off my shoes and Tommy as well as Wilbur do the same as we all get inside. I turn around the corner leading towards the living room and peak my head around the corner as the light shot on and everyone yelled out "SURPRISE!".

HOLLLYY okok i know i have not posted in AGES but i had stuff going on like every other person does

but im back! and with more motivation to write so i hope i can post more chapters in the future <3

alsoalso just gonna mention again that you can follow my twitter @SoIarEgo, i mostly post art of different youtubers and sometimes art of my friends :]

you can also add me on discord Solar#2043 if you ever wanna chat or wanna ask about the book!

thank you, ily <3


Things Will Get Better [Reader + SBI Adoption AU]Where stories live. Discover now