Chapter 20

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"Hey! Watch the camera!" Tommy shouted while trying to avoid Quackity. now they were both flailing around. I look over at Ranboo and Karl, they seemed to be joking around considering they were both laughing. meanwhile, Fundy was just standing next to me laughing hysterically as Tommy was swearing and Quackity, talking in Spanish.

"Ranboo! how long is it until it is our turn on laser tag?" I almost shouted to make sure I was heard over the two guys fighting loudly. I watched as Ranboo started leaning to the side and squinted his eyes. "Uhm, probably like 20 minutes at most?" I gave him a thumbs up and looked back at the others fighting, now about fame and intelligence. I roll my eyes and turn to face Quackity and nudged his shoulder. 

"Why don't you guys settle things with a round of Dance Dance Revolution? You are standing on the machine after all!" there was no need for more arguing as they both practically flew onto the machines still shit-talking each other. Quackity was rolling up his sleeves and looking through the song list while Tommy made sure we all were filming the whole thing. "Alright! get ready to lose, bitch!" Tommy stated with a cocky tone as he gave a grin.

After roughly 10 minutes of intense stomping, Tommy ended up winning and laughing at Quackity as he started to pretend to wail over his defeat. there were now 10 minutes left until our turn in the laser tag area. I meet eyes with Ranboo and see him holding up all 10 fingers and pointing towards the clock, I smile and give a wave to show that I understand. "I'm going to go drink some water, ill meet you guys outside the laser tag entrance," I spoke out loud enough for all of them to hear, tho I doubt all of them were listening.

Fundy pats me on my shoulder before walking over to Karl and Ranboo, meanwhile, I walked down the halls lit with LED lights, the bright walls, and your typical arcade pattern on the floor. I spot the typical bathroom signs through a glass wall on a couple of doors just down to the right and hurry up my steps, knowing there is always a water fountain nearby.

As I near the bathroom doors I spot a familiar figure drinking out of the water fountain I was looking for. "Jack?" The guy swiftly turned around, and sure enough, it was Jack! "Y/N! what are you doing here?" I smiled at the familiar face. "I'm here with Tommy and Ranboo! We are just about to play laser tag! now, what are you doing here?" I walked to the fountain and began drinking as he started to talk. "I was supposed to go here with Niki and one of her friends but they had other stuff to do. so now I'm tagging along with Fundy and the others!"

"oh yeah, I was with them just a bit ago over by the DDR machines before I went to get some water." I dried off my mouth with my hand and looked at Jack smiling. "we are going to play laser tag in a couple of minutes, you should join us! I and Ranboo are going to gang up on Tommy and ruin his little vlog!" Jack let out a loud cackle before eagerly agreeing and following my lead over to the crowd outside the laser tag entrance.

"Oh! Jack Manifold!" Fundy said as they both waved at one another. "Tommy! Jack will be joining us for the laser tag!" Tommy looked up from his chatting to the camera and smiled. "oh thank god! none of the others wanted to join us." the blonde shot a glance at Fundy, Karl, and Quackity, all three of them taunting him in some form whether it be flipping him off, laughing at him, or just a classic sticking their tongue out.

Tommy starts hysterically cackling before he mumbles under his breath something about them being assholes. A loud announcement booms through the speakers, stating how our time at the laser tag is about to start. We all say goodbyes of sorts to Fundy, Karl, and Quackity as we walk into the equipment station. "We will be cheering you guys on!" Karl yelled loud enough to be heard over the music that played throughout while pointing at the larger scoreboard hanging idle above the entrance. 

Tommy starts yapping to his vlog and I take this opportunity to get Jack and Ranboo caught up on the plan. "so the plan is simple." I huddle up with them but not noticeably enough to catch Tommy's attention as I continue to whisper. "we will try and play it off as if we are really bad, get his hopes up. Then when he gets cocky we will gang up on him and score a bunch of points!" I whisper yelled as they both nodded at me.

we all grabbed a gun each as well as the other equipment before scattering out across the arena. a timer starts ticking on the wall, reading 30 minutes in big bold red letters. the game went on like that, ever so often hearing a small ding, groans, cheers, and yelling. I took another glance at the wide clock shining brightly upon the wall, now it read 6 minutes, and ticking down fast. it was time to set our plan into full motion and score points.

"NOW!" I scream which Tommy replied with "WHAT?" now knowing his vague location, all three of us start running towards the blonde teen which Jack found him first. "Tommy! get back here!"  Jack's words echoed a bit but Tommys yelling was louder. Throughout hectic yelling and running, we managed to score a lot of points while either shooting Tommy or accidentally hitting one another.

A loud buzz echoed throughout the room, covering up any yelling or laughing as the timer was up. Tommy was first to get out of there while I, Ranboo, and Jack were hysterically laughing as we left the equipment in its rightful place. Once we got outside I saw Quackity hysterically laughing at Tommy, as to get back at him being cocky for winning the DDR competition they had. Meanwhile, Fundy and Karl both stood sipping their sodas while giggling quietly to themselves.

"Y/N! you won!" Jack was the one yelling and sure enough, I had managed to score the most points, Ranboo in second, Tommy in third, and Jack, last. I cheer loudly and the others tag along to my gleeful jumping. "as the winner! I am now happy to announce that Ranboo is the new cameraman!" The look of defeat on Tommy's face was enough to make us all crack up. 

But our fun was cut short as we saw Phil and surprisingly Techno rush over to us with worried expressions. "Y/N, Tommy, we need to leave now. It's Wilbur." I could tell by Phil's stern voice that this was serious, I also noticed Techno being more fidgety than normally. something was wrong.


AAAAA sorry for the wait!!! school has been a whole mess lately and ive kinda ruined my sleep as well! but ill try and be a bit more consistent! <3


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