Chapter 43

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Tommy was frantically laughing on the floor at this point as he was pointing at Wilbur's somewhat annoyed face. "BAHAHA! YOU SCREAMED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!" Tommy yelled between laughs as Wilbur rolled his eyes and looked back at his screen, more specifically, the chat. "Chat. Don't you dare." He said into the mic as he stared up at the camera.

The chat was split between laughter or people saying hello back to me. I gave a faint smile as I waved one more time before resting my arms and head on top of Wilbur's. "So, what are you even doing?" I ask, trying to tune out Tommy's mocking and childlike behaviour just beside me. "Well, I was in the middle of a "you laugh, you lose" stream before you two barged in." 

Tommy was quick to get up on his feet as he proudly smiled with his hands on his sides. "HA, Y/N! I TOLD YOU HE DID NOT LAUGH AT ME!" The blonde removed a strand out of his face as he stepped closer. "Laugh at what? Your high-pitched little school girl screams? I hear them enough as it is." The tall brunette said with a smirk on his face as Tommy's face changed from proud to annoyed.

"HEY! YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU JERK!" He yelled like usual as he started throwing his hands around, making me and Wilbur laugh as his behaviour. Once the laughter calmed down and Tommy was done pouting about it, Wilbur turned back to his stream as I played with a strand of his curly hair.

"Wait what? When did I lose my last life? No video was playing!" The man said as he pushed up his round glasses as it hit him. He shook his head before smiling to himself. "Well, you guys knows what that means!" And without much of a warning besides a wave and a quick goodbye, he stopped the stream with a sigh of relief. 

Wilbur gently moved my hand away from his hair before standing up and stretching with a long groan. "Well, you guys are boring. I'm going to go chat with Techno for a bit!" The younger blonde said before leaving the room and disappearing down the hall. 

"I was thinking of going downstairs and getting something to eat after that chaotic stream. Wanna tag along?" Wilbur asked as he closed down everything on his computer and pushed his chair to his desk. I only responded by a nod, and Wilbur messed with my hair like he usually does before he started leaving his room. 

Loud thumps were heard as we loudly made our way down the hall and stairs. Shortly after we left we reached the kitchen, it wasn't far after all. Wilbur leaned against the counter as he waited for the coffee machine to do its thing. He was tapping away on his phone and I took a fruit from the bowl on the table and quietly took small bites between looking around.

"Oh, hey kids!" was what broke the silence as none other than Phil entered the kitchen. I turned around to face him but didn't say hi as I had fruit in my mouth still, but I gave a smile. "Wilbur, I think your coffee is done by now." the older blonde elytrian said jokingly as Wilbur snapped out of his focus on his phone and realized the beeping from the machine.

"Oh, sorry." He stuffed his phone into his pocket and took the cup, the warm liquid warming up his hands nicely and the somewhat bittersweet smell to finish it up. "No need to apologize, mate!" Phil pat his shoulder gently as to not make him spill his hot drink. "Hey, Phil? Is it cool if I sleep at my friend's place tonight?" Wilbur said between small sips.

"Of course! Just keep your phone charged so that I can reach you if I need to, or if you need me." The father figure of this house said kindly. "I'll go pack my stuff then." Wilbur replied before finishing up the rest of his coffee and walking away back upstairs. 

"What are we going to eat for dinner?" I said as I finished up the fruit in my hand, making some conversation. "I was thinking we could probably order some pizza, it's been a pretty long day and all. Sound like a plan?" Phil was quick to respond as he was tidying up the counter after Wilbur. And I gave a thumbs up as I moved some of the books on the table, which were most definitely Techno's, in a stack and set them aside.

Phil was done in the kitchen and had gone back upstairs, so I was sitting at the table alone in a comfortable silence. I was reading some of the descriptions on the books that were on the table. And yeah, it was absolutely Techno's. The one that caught my attention the most was one about flowers. He had put little sticky notes on a few of the pages with scribbles that I couldn't read, but the ones with the most notes on them were roses, lilacs and lilies of the valley.

"Since when do you read my books on flowers?" I lowered the book and saw a smiling Techno in the doorway. "What? Flowers are pretty, am I not allowed to like them?" I responded with a smile as I close the book and put it with the rest. "You do you." the pink haired hybrid said as he moved some of his hair out of his face. 

"Oh, I wanted to give you a heads-up that Tommy invited over some friends. So I will most likely be in my room if you need anything." The piglin walked over to me, and picked up the book stack and gave me back the flower book. "You can hold on to that. Oh, and thank you for tidying up my books." he thanked with a small smile before heading back to his room.

I looked at the book in my hands with a small sigh before getting out of the seat I was in. I got some water and downed it in one go before leaving the kitchen. That was when the doorbell rang and Tommy yelling "Y/N! CAN YOU GET THAT?" was heard across the entire house. Without asking much, I opened the front door and was greeted by three very familiar faces and one face I wasn't as familiar with.

"Hey, Y/N!" Jack was the first one to greet me as he walked into the house. Next up was a very excited Tubbo who hugged me as he entered the house. "Y/N! Long time no see!" I chuckled as I hugged him back, as it didn't seem that long ago since I saw him last. After that was the scarily large ender man hybrid himself, he was staring at the ground or to his sides for the most part as I knew he disliked eye contact for longer periods of time.

"Hello, Ranboo! Lovely seeing you again." I said with a welcoming smile as I noticed him get less tense. The last person walking up towards the door was dressed in more of an alternative style, wearing a black and red-ish shirt and a pair of black pants, finished with some jewellery and a headband. His hair was dark, and his eyes were brown. "Yo, you can call me Billzo or Bill." 

"Hello, Bill! It is nice meeting you." I greeted, allowing everyone to enter before closing the door behind them. "I'll get Tommy for you guys, make yourselves at home!" Holding the book under my arm, I dashed up the stairs, and before I even reached the top, I started yelling at Tommy. "Tom! Your friends are here now!" I heard a faint, "I KNOW! GIVE ME A MOMENT!" That was in fact not at all faint. And Tommy rushed past me, meanwhile I headed to my room to leave the book there.


HEYY!!! Another chapter!

Okay, on a more serious note about this whole story, I'm considering eventually wrapping it up and starting on a new one. But then comes the next point, I'm curious, is there anything specific any of you would like to have in this story before I wrap it up?

Any specific characters, events, you name it! :]

With that said!! I hope you are all doing okay and that Halloween was alright for all of you! (Late Happy Halloween!)

I love you all! Remember to eat and drink something, I'm proud of you! <3


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