Chapter 27

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"What is this? A shitty romcom?" Techno huffed before looking back at the book and clearing his throat. "Shut up!" I stare at him and cross my arms. "You jerk." I pout my lips before leaning back, comfortable against him. He did not respond, only rolled his eyes and continued his reading. I eagerly listened to every word he spoke before I decided I've had enough, bored with his rambling, I sit up and stretch out my arms in front of me. I could feel Techno's eyes on me, but I ignored it while standing up. "I'm bored." I mumble to nobody but myself. Techno huffed before closing the book and placing it beside my bed.

He took a glance at the clock and stood up next to me. "Tommy should be home soon, figure out something for you two to do." Techno suggested, and I thought about it for a moment. "What about you?" to which he stood thinking before replying with. "I've got some stuff to do, I probably won't be home until later tonight." I nod and follow him outside my room, him entering his own and me going down the stairs. To my surprise I could hear talking from the other room and being as curious as I am, I decided to check it out.

As I neared the other room, I recognized one of the voices as Wilbur's, which was odd because I didn't hear him coming home. Without thinking twice, I open the door as casually as possible. "Wil- OH." there sat Wilbur holding a guitar with four other guys sat around him. They all looked at me with confused looks, and Wilbur just smiled and waved.

"Oh hi, Y/N! I didn't know you were home?" I gave him a confused glance before tilting my head, wanting answers as for the 4 strangers in our home. "Oh right! Y/N, these are my friends. Joe, Mark, Ash and James. Guys, this is Y/N!" Wilbur spoke, pointing to each of us while saying our names. The room erupted in "Hello!", besides from Ash, who just waved, as I stood behind Wilbur, who was sitting on a couch. I rest my head on top of his as I look at them all, studying their outfits.

First I looked at Joe, he was wearing a pair of jeans and a black button up, a pair of smaller white-gray wings on each side. Next was Mark, he was wearing a white t-shirt and a thin black jacket, topped with a pair of black sweatpants and two smaller dog ears somewhat hidden in his hair. Ash was wearing a pair of glasses, a black beanie with a black hoodie and black sweatpants, two small cat ears barely noticeable. And last of all, James. He was dressed in a white hoodie and a pair of black jeans. I couldn't see any sign of him being a hybrid, though. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys, I heard about you from Phil and Techno." I mumble, still resting my head on Wilbur. Joe cleared his throat before looking at me. "You too, Wilbur has told us all about you." Wilbur perked up at this and stopped the soft strumming on the guitar. "What is that supposed to mean?" Mark laughed before he also decided to join in on the teasing. "Y/N, He just WON'T shut up about you!" Ash was quietly laughing to himself before nodding. "Hey! I do not!"

I stand up properly and mess up Wilbur's hair. "No need to be so embarrassed, I'm amazing, it's hard to resist talking about me." I laugh with a dramatic pose. Wilbur begins throwing his hands around towards me as if to swat me away. "You are all assholes!" I took hold of his hand  and put them down, then taking a seat beside him, leaning comfortably back. Wilbur took a glance at me trying to look mad but when I made a face towards him, he burst into giggles.

I spotted Techno in the corner of my eye, opening the front door, and yelled out after him. "Bye, Techno!" Techno turned around to spot me giving a wave before he leaves. I let out a sigh as I sit there listening to them talk about instruments and chords. Each of them was holding an instrument of some sort or was writing notes." I stretch my legs out and whine. "Wilbur!" He quickly looks at me before laughing at me for practically laying on the floor at this point. "Y/N!" I slide further down, now on the floor with my back against the couch, as I lean my head against his leg.

Everyone else was busy talking and trying out some strumming, so they didn't pay me any mind. "I'm bored." He puts the guitar to his side before moving me so that I was in front of him, and he pats me on the head before leaning a bit closer so that he could look me in the eyes as he talked. "Tell you what, you go pick out a film from the shelf in my room, and we can watch it with everyone once we are done." I smile at him before I nod and practically jump up from the floor.

I walked past the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water, before I walked towards Wilbur's room. Once I got up the stairs, Techno's door to his room was open, so I decided to go close it, but before I could, I caught a glance of the inside. It was a mess, papers scattered everywhere, which was odd. But I tried to ignore it as I just closed the door, dashed to Wilbur's room and started browsing through the films he had.

The only one that caught my attention was a horror film, so I picked it up and walked back downstairs and rushed to show Wilbur. But when I entered the room, Wilbur wasn't there, only the rest of them. "Wilbur is in the kitchen." James said calmly before looking back down at his phone. "Thank you." I said while I turned the corner and went to find Wilbur. "Wilbur! I picked one out." I showed it to him with a smirk on my face. "A horror film? James is a baby, he won't be able to handle it."

Wilbur just finished up making some snacks and carried them with him to the other room, placing them on the table before taking a seat in the same spot as before. Everyone put away their phones and instruments while looking up at Wilbur and me. Wilbur helped me get everything set up and at the sight of stormy weather and a title screen spelling out the title of the film it was clear it was a horror one. "A horror film? Do we have to?" James asked while I took a seat next to Wilbur. "Don't me such a scaredy-cat, James." Wilbur said with a chuckle as the film continued. "I just don't think horror is good!" James said as he pulled back up his phone. "Oh yeah? You gonna cry?" I said while grinning, which seemed to make everyone laugh.

"Whatever." James mumbled as he put away his phone. We just sat watching the film, snacking and complaining whenever someone asked us to pause. But now we were reaching the good part of the film, it was clearly building up for a jump scare and just as the jump scare happened someone swung open the front door causing Wilbur and James to yell. "I AM HOME!" Tommy yelled from the other room and everyone burst out in laughter besides James and Ash, who were just smiling like idiots.


another chapter :D 

i saw that someone asked for more technoblade and dw you will get plenty in future chapters im just building up for it :] <3


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