Chapter 33

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I softly rub my eyes and groan as I stretch in my bed, laying still for a moment before opening my eyes, adjusting them to the light before sitting up. The first thing I noticed was that my door was slightly ajar and next to my bed was a larger box wrapped carefully in F/C wrapping with a plain card on top of it. 

Curious, I lifted the card and tried to adjust my eyes enough to see what was written on it as I open the card up.  The card read in a larger, thick, yet clean handwriting and I read it out loud to myself as I lifted the box into my lap. "Hello, Y/N! I have noticed that you have been wearing that torn coat I gave you for quite a while now, and since you seemed to like it, I decided to give you some more stuff you might have a use for. P.S, could you drop by the library when you wake up? Tommy and I left already, and we want to show you something."

The card was signed by Wilbur, together a rushed smiley drawn in red crayon and a big T, next to his name in the corner. I smiled to myself as I eagerly removed the wrapping and opened up the box, which smelled like crayons, leather, and coffee, with a faint hint of shampoo. My eyes quickly darted around, carefully taking out everything from the box and placing it on my bed. I lay down the wrapping and box on the floor as I look back at the stuff I had been given.

The gift consisted of a larger, brown hoodie with "Wilbur" spelled out on it in coloured embroidery, two bracelets, a couple of rings, a black beanie and a white t-shirt, that it was obvious that Tommy, Wilbur and Techno all had drawn on. I smiled once more before I looked at the clock and realized I was asked to go to the library. 

I quickly grabbed the beanie, hoodie and the first ring and bracelet I could get my hands on before rushing to my wardrobe, taking out some clothes to complete the outfit before rushing out of my room and into the bathroom. In there, I took a quick shower before getting dressed, making sure I looked decent and then darted downstairs.

"Morning, Y/N! Heading to the library?" I head Phil ask from behind me as I rushed past him and to the front door, tossing on my shoes. "Yeah, don't want to make them wait!" Phil laughed as he appeared around the corner. "Y/N, they left like 10 minutes ago, relax! Besides, me and Techno are going to the mall anyway, so we can drive you there in roughly 20 minutes." I sighed in relief as I slowly took off my shoes and nodded at him. "Now, how about you eat some breakfast while I go get ready to leave?

I had simply nodded at him before walking into the kitchen, seeing Techno stuffing his face in a book with his glasses lazily on his face. "Morning, Techno!" I greeted as I walked to the fridge, taking out (Fav drink) and turning it in my hands, so I could read the back. That was when I had realized just how foggy my vision still was since waking up. But giving it the benefit of doubt, I ignored it as being tired.

"Hey, Techno? Heard you are going to the mall with Phil. Going to the book store today again?" I spoke softly as I poured some in a glass, putting the rest back before I sat down, taking sips of the drink I had picked out. He hummed as he nodded his head, seemingly finishing up the page before looking at me. "I hope that I am able to find something interesting, maybe even get Wilbur something." Techno said with a smirk.

"Maybe drop by the kids store and get Tommy a colouring book." He added on before looking back at his book with a growing grin as I laughed. We sat like that, in a comfortable silence occasionally broken by a joke or two as I finished up getting some fuel for the day and Techno finished up his book.

"Aight, kids! Time to go!" Phil appeared once again around the corner, waving his keys around, before he disappeared to put on a pair of shoes. I and Techno soon did the same as we left the kitchen and met at the front door, putting on shoes and what not before rushing out and hopping into the car.

The way to the library was fun, I was in charge of the music and made sure to take advantage of the opportunity, all while Phil asked about the things I was wearing and Techno joked about him being old and forgetting about how he himself helped put the gift together. "Ain't no way he for real said I forgor-" I started, but soon burst into laughter, which both Phil and Techno soon also did.

After a long moment of us joking around and me blasting the worst songs I could think of, we arrived at the library where they dropped me off, only waving bye before they left once more. I turned around facing the larger building, hiding my hands in the front pocket on the hoodie as I walked towards the entrance, only getting as far as stepping inside before I heard the faint whisper yelling of Wilbur and the laughter of Tommy.

Wilbur was first to spot me and whisper yelled my name before waving me over. He smiled widely as I approached them, and Tommy only greeted me briefly before going on to complaining to me about how bored he was.

The older brunette rolled his eyes before complimenting my clothes with a proud grin. "HEY! That's the bracelet I made you!" Tommy chimed in as Wilbur put away the books on the table they had just been waiting at. "Okay, gremlin child, can you shut up now?" Wilbur said, messing with his hair as he walked past, causing Tommy to complain lowly to himself as we went outside.

Wilbur took a deep breath before he turned to me. "Okay! So, the plan is simple, we figured we would drop by the café Niki works at and there we are going to meet up with a couple of people, sound good?" I simply nodded and agreed to their plans, which caused Wilbur to smile and Tommy to excitedly spread out his golden tinted wings.

After we had started walking and getting quite far, we could see the café in the distance and Wilbur jokingly skipped forward while Tommy flew small distances while telling Wilbur how stupid he looked. Tommy was first to reach the entrance, and eagerly opened the door to smell the wonderful flavours in the air, greeting a bunch of people while Wilbur stepped in, who waved at Niki the same time I stepped inside.

"Oh, hello Y/N!" Niki greeted with a soft smile as she cleaned the counter. Wilbur walked up to her, making small talk, while I take a look at the smaller group of people all together with Tommy. From where I was standing their faces blurred together awfully a lot, was my vision getting worse?

I stepped closer and started recognizing the people as Fundy, Quackity, Slimecicle, or Charlie and Eret. I tensed up ever so slightly upon seeing Eret and I received a faint smirk and multiple greetings that started to blur together just as my vision was.

Wilbur was quick to rush over to me, noticing something was up, and put his hand on my back and doing small circles on my back as a form of comfort as he smiled at the smaller group. "Hey, Guys!"

aaaa!!! another chapted because i know this book died for a hot moment there, life was crazy for a moment smhsmh


words: 1323

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