Chapter 23

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Phil had grabbed my hand, leading me through the forest with his wings brushing against me every other moment while slightly wrapped around me for warmth. I could see my breath in the air as the temperature had dropped quite a bit as I walked hand in hand with him back home in uncomfortable silence.

It was odd how every time I would catch a glance of his wings in the corner of my eyes it would surprise me just as much as the first time. But that didn't seem to be the only thing that changed on our walk home, everything around me had seemingly changed, small splotches of color and even different materials at places where they didn't belong.

I yawned loudly as I dragged my feet against the ground with each step. "Tired?" Phil asked with the same soft tone and a chuckle as I nodded. Phil then picked me up with ease and I rested my head against his shoulder as he held me comfortably. "Try and get some rest, Y/N." I did not complain at his request as I simply closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was sound asleep, Phil bringing a comforting warmth.

Once I woke up I was now laying on the bed in my room, snuggled up in a blanket as I stretched out with a low groan, I must have been sleeping quite heavily. I rub my eyes as I take a deep breath through my nose, only for the faint smell of coffee and smoke to fill my nose. In surprise, I open my eyes and see something laying on the small table beside my bed.

It was the coat Wilbur had given me ages ago. There was a note laying folded together on top of it with a larger box laying underneath it all. I get out of bed and slowly fold open the note and read it out quietly. "You seemed to like the coat a whole bunch, so I dug through some old stuff and decided to give some of it to you. I hope you like them, Y/N." Eager, I placed the note beside me before quickly picking up the brown coat I had practically lived in these past days. It had small brown hair strands which I just knew belonged to Wilbur as well as what looked like something blue, but I paid it no mind.

I threw on the coat that smelled strongly of Wilbur with a faint hint of chocolate. Now was time for the mysterious box placed in front of me as I was facing it. I lifted the top of the box to be met with a whole bunch of stuff. My eyes first landed on the pair of darker brown boots with fur on the inside, underneath them was a larger black (or any other colored) hoodie. As I dug more through the stuff, I ended up finding a beanie, a pair of fingerless gloves, a blue rose necklace, and a beautiful lighter.

"I see that you have woken up! And found my little gift." I recognized his voice and chuckle within seconds, and looked up to see a smirking Wilbur. But this time he had faint tints of blue in his hair, and it was a bit messier. "Yeah! Thank you, Wilbur." I could hear a small huff, and see how he ironically rolled his eyes at me. "I know right! I am just so great!" He laughed as he closed the door behind him before he sat down on my bed next to me. "Wilbur! My savior!" We both laughed while I lightly shook his arm.

It was nice being back home, but I noticed how Wilbur's glance lingered on my hands. Despite him not saying anything about it, I knew that something was on his mind. "Anyways, uhm-! Why don't we get you something to eat?" I crossed my arms and pretended to be thinking. "Well... race you downstairs!" and just like that, I darted downstairs giggling like a maniac with Wilbur running right behind me while he was both yelling about how I was cheating and him just laughing.

"I am winning, Wilbur! Better hurry up!" I continued to laugh while sprinting away still laughing, hearing how Wilbur was closing in behind me as he had far longer legs than me. But just as I take the corner towards the kitchen I crash into the chest of someone and stumble backward before the person I crashed into grabs holds of my arm. "Holy-" Once I steady myself and look up to whoever I crashed into I did not even need to try and figure out who, considering the pink hair and clothing style gave it straight away. "Sorry, Techno! I and Wilbur were racing and-" 

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Wilbur rushed over and looked me up and down while Techno just looked at us both while holding in laughter. While getting a better look at Techno I noticed that the only real difference was his Piglin like appearance. "Y/N?" I get snapped back to reality as Wilbur waves his hand in front of my face. "Gah! Sorry, I spaced out!" Wilbur let out a mocking sigh while Techno laughed.

"We noticed." That was all Techno said before Wilbur pushed me lightly and took off running while yelling "Better hurry! Y/N!" continuing our little race into the kitchen, him reaching it before me as he got a head start after my little crash. "Ha, ha! You Suck, Y/N!" Wilbur laughed while casually walking over to the fridge. "You cheated!" Wilbur wagged a finger in my direction, still digging around in the fridge. "Bold! Coming from the person that cheated first!" I take a seat on a chair and rest my head on my arms on the table with a sigh. "I was WOUNDED!" I over exaggerate which caused Wilbur to burst out laughing.

"Cry me a river, Y/N." Wilbur chuckled as he tossed me a drink and started making me a sandwich. I silently sipped on my drink as I watched Wilbur hum and make a sandwich. When he was done he quickly put back everything in its rightful place and tossed me the smaller meal of sorts that he had made me. "Thank you, Wilbur." I took a bite of the savory bread, Wilbur laughing a bit. "What...?" I stopped eating and waiting for a reply. "Behind you."


Another chapter! :D

I don't know if you guys would like to see any specific SMP member get introduced but if so then let me know :]


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