Chapter 39

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"MOVE! You are IN my WAY!" I yell as I push Tommy's shoulder with my arm trying to read the donations, really getting the hang of how things worked after a bit of teaching, of course. I glance over at one of the donations and spot one that catches my eyes, which I read out loud. "Hey! Can you say happy birthday, Lucie?" I lean back in my seat and nod with a smile, "of course! Happy birthday, Lucie!" 

I then look over at Tommy, who looked absolutely exhausted and only kept a weak smile on his face as he typed away on the other monitor. I nudge his shoulder, getting his attention. "Hey, Toms. Maybe we should end the stream, you look horrible." He nods before getting really close to the microphone and mumbling a goodbye into it. The chat starts flooding with goodbyes and hearts as he clicked around a few times.

Just like that, the stream was over, and he waddles over to his bed and lays down. "I think I'm going to have a nap." He talks into his pillow, but I got what he was saying and left the room, quietly closing the door. I let out a sigh and when I turn away from the wooden door I see Phil's door standing open and decide to investigate.

And sure enough, there sat Phil at his desk typing away. "What are you up to?" I ask lowly as to not disturb. "Oh, hey Y/N! I'm just writing on some stuff. Did you need anything?" I shake my head and blink a few times. "No, just checking." He gets out of his chair and walks up to me. Messing with my hair, "That's very nice of you, Y/N." he says with a grin before walking past me. "Techno and Wilbur are waiting for you in the backyard!" he shouts as he makes his way down the stairs and towards the living room. 

"Okay, thanks!" I shout back. I go back to my own room to put on a new shirt, wanting to freshen up and spot my phone. Soon after, I walk over to the small table it laid on and pick it up, realizing I had not touched in a while. And to my surprise, I had all kinds of notifications. Everything from missed calls, unread messages and a few things from other apps, as well as my phone crying to be charged.

I quickly plug it into a charger and huff before making my way to Techno and Wilbur. Once I turned the corner down the stairs and walk into the next room, I can hear Wilbur and Techno yelling at one another. I make my way out into the backyard to see what was going on, and I am quickly met with smiles and Wilbur being annoying and resting his arm on my head.

"You two were waiting for me?" I question ignoring the two babying me. "Right! Y/N, we are planning on making a spot for us to hang out! Like a... treehouse or something in the backyard! We already checked with Phil, and he said we can do whatever as long as he isn't dragged into it." I nod, showing I'm picking up what he was putting down.

"Yeah, Wilbur thinks it would be a good idea to make some stupid clubhouse, while I suggested a treehouse in that large oak tree over there." Techno says as he points at a large oak tree stood a bit further away. "Wait - Isn't a treehouse pretty much a clubhouse, but just... in a tree?" I ask confused, to which they both nodded and Wilbur whined. "But then I have to climb a tree!"

"Wilbur, stop being such a baby." Techno scoffs, crossing his arms. "I am NOT a baby! I just do not wanna potentially fall and die!" He continues to whine as he shifts all his weight on me while dramatically shaking me. "I vote for treehouse, And I can assure you Tommy is on my side." Techno tries to argue back, to which Wilbur scoffs, standing up. "Tommy is always on your side! It's not fair!"

"I also vote for treehouse." I say with a grin, to which Wilbur dramatically gasps. "The betrayal!" I giggle softly and Techno just scoffs once more before making his way over to the tree. He is quick to start making his way up the tree by pushing himself up branches. "That looks like a good spot." He says to himself while he makes his way to a large branch which left a large open space with enough branches around to help the structure.

"Y/N! What do you say?" He strikes a dramatic pose and I and Wilbur both just stare, not saying much before I open my mouth. "Good stuff." I give a thumbs up after, which makes Wilbur burst out laughing. I roll my eyes and ignore the brunette, crossing my arms, pretending to be overly upset.

"Y/N! Don't be mad!" Wilbur says while standing up straight once more after having had his laughing fit. I scoff and turn my head to the side. "Y/N! Speak to me!" Wilbur says as he starts shaking my shoulders. I simply continue to ignore him, but I smile a bit more this time. "Y/N! Please! Forgive me!" Wilbur continues his act, only slightly cracking into a laugh before he shakes me even more, bringing me into a close hug.

He had a strong scent of coffee, chocolate and smoke coming from him as he held me close. "You smell weird." I say with a laugh, and he laughs too as he lifts me up. "Take it back, you meanie!" He puts me back down but holds me close, and there isn't much I can do. "Never!" I begin to struggle in his grip, but he is surprisingly strong.

"If you guys are done being idiots, I found a good spot and I think we can get started right away." Techno buds in ruining our fun as Wilbur let's go of me and his bittersweet scent dying down as he steps away. Techno walks up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, a faint scent of nature, dirt, and paper hitting my nose. "Y/N, could you go into the forest and get any good branches you find? I have a good idea." I agree to my new mission and wave goodbye to the two boys as I rush into the forest, easily making my way around trees and bushes.

The wind peacefully makes the leafs flutter as I hum to myself while walking around, picking up any large branches I can carry. "I think this should be enough." I speak as I count the amount of branches out loud. That was when I heard a click behind me and felt something nudging against my back, sending a pair of shivers down my spine. "Lovely seeing you here." I knew exactly who's voice that was, and the faint shadowy figure with a set of horns on each side only answered my question.

I turn around and sure enough, there he was. He was horribly beaten up and looked like he was on his last limb. "Do you have ANY clue how much shit you have got me into? How much trouble you have caused me...?" I didn't say anything and simply gripped hold of the branches as I stared at the man I once was stuck with. "Everything was PERFECT!" He lowered the weapon he held in his left hand. "It's about time things go back to that." 

"What...?" I mutter out as I felt a pair of hands from behind, a low "Sorry..." In a familiar voice being the last thing I heard before a faint stinging sensation as things went fuzzy, talking blurring together into mumbling as I passed out.

Hello!! Sorry if things took a weird turn, I have big things planned! And also! Like always, sorry for the wait!

I have been thinking about starting another story based on an idea I got in a comment by one of you, but if I am to start another story that means even slower updates, so I don't know if maybe I should just wait with that until I'm done with this one!

I have no idea, but like always, I love you all! Take care <3


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