Chapter 16

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!!TW: contains mentions of smoking, drinking, arguing, swearing and fighting!!

I exit my brothers room and make my way towards my own when I hear a sound coming from the room I had just passed. I pause and look at the wood block letters displayed across the door, they read 'Wilbur' in mostly yellow and brown tones. I put my ear up to his door listening in to the noises despite knowing its none of my business. the sound of intense coughing was heard on the other side of the door and a slight stench that I was far to familiar with filled my nose. cigarettes. 

I stumble away from the door disgusted by the smell and let out a cough and it suddenly goes quiet in his room before I hear some rushed sounds of the window opening. panicking I rush into my own room and close the door behind me before I let out a sigh of relief. I walk over to my bed and take a seat on it before taking a glance towards the nearest clock. "it's getting late.. I might as well sleep." I mumble out to nobody but myself before yawning and laying down on my bed, not bothering to take off any clothes or get under the actual covers. and before I knew is i hear my own soft snores as I slowly fall asleep.

"Y/N! Come on Y/N! wake up!" my eyes flutter open at the sight of a energetic Tommy and next to him is... Ranboo? "wha.. huh-" Tommy takes hold of me and shakes me once more. "Y/NNNN! Wake up!" I let out a groan before I rub my eyes and sit up. "i'm awake! i'm awake!" I run my fingers through my hair and let out a long yawn. Tommy takes a step back allowing me to get out of bed. I stand up and look up at Ranboo before I give him a friendly wave receiving one back from the tall masked guy. "Phil is going to take me and Ranboo to the arcade after my appointment and we wanted to ask if you want to tag along!" I look down on my clothes and figured it would do for now. "but wait, was I not supposed to stay home with Wilbur?" I say confused as I look back at the blonde I called my brother.

"you are! but if you want to come along we will just pick you up after i'm done with my appointment!" i nod before speaking again. "but what about you, Ranboo?" Ranboo starts talking only for Tommy to cut him off. "he is going to wait over at Tubbos place!" I smile and nod understanding fully. "yeah sure ill tag along, just send me a message before you guys arrive." Tommy and Ranboo both throw up their hands in celebration.

"sounds like a plan! me and Ranboo are going now, we will see you later!" Tommy rushes out my room while Ranboo simple walks out giving me a last wave as he disappears. I shrug it of as their ordinary behaviour and move on with my day. I start by fixing up my hair, make my bed and continue on downstairs and into the kitchen. there I am met with an oddly upset Wilbur holding onto a coffee mug with intense force not even giving me a glance. 

"morning, Wilbur" i say trying to be polite but also to break the silence with no avail. I open the fridge and take out a drink before heading over to where the bread is and pick up a piece that doesn't look stale. "when does Techno come home?" I try once again, this time getting his attention before he looks at the clock with an odd look. "he should be back any minute now." his voice was no longer soft and sweet but rather stern and cold.

he must have seen that I was a bit taken aback. "fuck- sorry, I just need some fresh air." and just like that he let go of the mug and stood up from his seat. "oh okay... do you want me to make you something to eat?" he look at me and softens. "yeah, sure." before disappearing out the front door. I take a seat where he was just sat and take a bite of the soft bread soon followed by taking a sip of the drink in my hand.

"oh shoot! I forgot to ask Wilbur what he wants to eat!" I place the drink on the counter before stuffing the bread into my mouth and rushing to the front door opening it quickly only to see Wilbur sitting on the stairs just barely dodging the light rain as he quickly snapped his head back at me. 

"So you were smoking last night..." Wilburs expression shifts to a harsher one as he stands up,  inhaling once more and straightens his coat. "so what? its not that bad." he tosses it on the ground and stomps on it until its flat and dead before bringing out another on and his lighter. "Wilbur! it is unhealthy!" I reply as I snatch the box out of his hands. "give it back!" he yells taking a step towards me. this feels familiar.


"I said give them to me, you little shit!" he said gripping my wrist harshly and yanking me towards his face. I was holding a pack of cigarettes in my other hand, or was before he violently took them away. he scoffs and pushed me back, now towering over me.,the only notable feature being the ram horns that he was so proud of.

when I get back to reality im met with with a pissed of Wilbur, towering over me as im laying on the ground. "y-you pushed me!" he pinches his nose before looking back at me. "I didn't mean to! just- ugh, give me the pack!" I get back up on my feet and before I can step back he snatches them from me before storming off into the woods.

the last I see is his coat lightly flowing after him as the trees and bushes swallow him whole.


HELLO!! sorry for the wait!! school has been a lot recently as I am practically failing it-

but I hope you enjoyed! I have some cool plans for future chapters!

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