Chapter 15

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I carefully open my eyes to no longer see Schlatt, but Quackity standing above me, he was breathing heavily and was holding what looked like a piece of scrap metal, my gaze travels to the ground as I lay my eyes upon the sight of Jschlatt, on the ground. "I-is he dead...?" Quackity kneels down beside the man and tilts his head, listening closely for breathing. "he is breathing." he said, clearly unbothered by the alcohol stench, the both of us get up from the cold ground and Quackity tosses away the scrap metal he just used to whack his boss across the head.

I take a look at Quackity, he was clearly freaking out, if not physically then at least mentally. "let's get out of here." he grabs me gently by the wrist and leads me out the alleyway and towards the place I currently call my home. when we arrive outside the doorstep he lets go of me. "I'll see you around, Y/N" we both wave our goodbyes and I carefully step inside. the house is awfully silent as Im taking off my shoes and step into the kitchen. nothing, not even the sound of Tommy screaming or Wilbur playing guitar.

!!TW: violence(extreme bullying), blood, homophobia(+ the f slur)!!

then suddenly I heard it, a loud sound of glass shattering in the backyard which makes me jump. I then carefully make my way towards the backyard and look out. there was Tommy and Wilbur as well as the Dream Team. Tommy was being held back by Sapnap and George while yelling his lungs out and trying to get out of their grip. meanwhile Dream was kneeling down to a beaten up, dirty and bloody Wilbur.

Dream grabs hold of Wilbur's shirt and lifts him up closer to his face, "you know, Wilbur." Dream dries of some blood from his own nosebleed and smears it onto Wilbur's face and laughs. "you punch pretty good. for being a fag." he slams Wilbur into the ground and gets up, spitting on him. "but not nearly good enough." Sapnap and George let go of Tommy and Sapnap joins Dream in laughing, ignoring Tommys threats and screaming as Tommy helps Wilbur up. 

"Tommy." Dream starts as he makes his way over to the teen, not laughing anymore. "you talk so much shit. but the truth is Tommy." Dream pushes Tommy over, ready for round two of beating people up. "Stop!" I yell out as I rush towards him, not thinking before I act. I land punch to Dreams face as I realise what I am doing.

His nose starts to bleed once again and he dries most of it off on his sleeve while leaving a large smudge across his left cheek. he curses under his breathe before nodding towards the who other boys he had with him before glancing back at me. he was just about to say something when his expression changed to a panicked one as he shouts to the two boys to get out of here.

Behind me I hear an audible gasp and fast foot steps and turn around just in time to see Techno and Phil run past me to help the blonde boy get the brunette off the ground and inside the house. The old man helps Techno support the older boy and look at me and Tommy for answers.

"Dream and his friends..." I reply in a sad tone as I step towards the rest. listening to Tommy rant about how much they suck as we help Wilbur down on the cough and Techno rushes for the first aid kit. Phil lets out a sigh as he cleans off some dirt and blood from the poor boys face before Wilbur takes over himself while stating how he isn't a little kid and can take care of himself.

Phil lets out an exhausted sigh and hangs his head low before sitting up straight again, he glances at Wilbur and they exchange nods showing that it was alright and that there was no bad injuries.

After that everyone just kinda took off to their own rooms, Tommy asking me to help Wilbur to his room as Techno and Phil went to the kitchen to assumably make something to eat. it was weird how it was almost as if nothing had happened. I glance at Tommy looking for answers but he just shakes his head from side to side lightly and mouths to word "wait." I decide to listen to what I said and carry on moving Wilbur to his room.

as we arrive at his room I shift Wilbur onto Tommy as I go and open the door along with moving some stuff to lay him down to rest. he quietly thanked the both of us before he laid down and we left his room. Tommy then grabs my hand and nods to his room and I comply. I take a seat on his gaming chair as he closed the door and fell onto his bed.

"this is the second time this week, and I can see how its effecting Wilbur. he-he's.. y'know, changing. for the worse I think." Tommy spoke in a low concerned tone as he looked in my direction. he sat up and pushed his hair out of his face. "he has been a lot more distant and... y'know what. I am sure its fine. just- please keep an eye out for him when the rest of us can't?" I mimic Tommys movement and push some hair away from my face as well.

"um, yeah ill try my best." he gave a pleased smiles. "oh, speaking of which. tomorrow he is all yours, me and Phil are going to an appointment and Techno will be studying so..." he gave out a nervous chuckle and I just smile. "I got this, don't worry about it." he smiles "thank you" I get out of his chair and walk out of his room, gently closing the door behind me.



anyways hi ily ok ty <3 :]


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